Sacriphyx : Lone Pine

Death Metal / Australia
(2007 - Nuclear War Now Productions)
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Grunting with exertion they pried up the log roof
Those hardened diggers who seemed somewhat aloof
Their snarling faces glared into the darkness below
Blackened figures hardly seen, swaying to and fro.

Curses uncounted and fighting unseen
In darkness they fought amidst uncanny screams
Inm pine covered trenches they night quickly came
An unlikely victory in a doomed campaign.

Twenty minutes of terror and they took the main trench
A prelude to four days fighting in a nauseating stench
But lone pine was for the keeping
A worthy victory at last
Though with two thousand casualties the cost, it seems so Vast.


The decision had been made
We must leave this fatal shore
But at what cost to the diggers
Three thousand, maybe four?

To leave dead cobbers behind
To go and fight in the real war
So many mixed emotions
For the australian, new zealand army corps
First steps had been taken
To deceive the now honoured turk
For him to think we'll be staying
To continue the siege work

From high ground the turks could see
A game of cricket of shell green
The running between wickets
Under shell fire 'what a scene!'

Diggers walking in circles
Carrying water for a laugh
The Turks spotted nothing unusual
Yet another classic bluff

Anzacs farewelled their fallen cobbers
For the time had finally come
To leave the place by boat
Kept warm by the nip of rum

Not a digger killed
The Turks were truly deceived
Rifles still fired on the ridges
Time delayed rifles, who would believe.

lyrics added by tbc85 - Modify this lyrics