Sacrifycia : Northern Emblem

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Destruction on holy days
The day of the devil has already passed
Rampage soon makes its end
Arsons of the apocalypse may reign!

Denied is the cross, jesus and god - holy whore in refusal
Burn all wrong teachings - churches in pyre
The end of all life is achieved!

Minions of darkness, burn all the rotten flesh
Reject the prophet
The jew that proclaimed lies!

Destroy humankind to the last inch of skin!

Aflame are the thrones of the countries
Divided, defeated by terror
Unified in only one way that makes sense; Sphere in fire

Join the dark side! Kill all resistance
Kill yourself in the process
Destroy all landmarks, achievements and projects by this useless kind!

Minions of darkness, burn all the rotten flesh
Reject the prophet
The jew that proclaimed lies!

Destroy humankind to the last inch of skin!

Thou shalt never be born again
Never to see the light of day
Lies have called upon the apocalypse
Now religion, suffer! For your aeons of misleading!
Together, let's destroy... yes!
Wreak havoc on ourselves!


Damned cult for the weak!

Son of god, born of woman. Soon-to-be prophet
Brought up by men empowered by greed. Plotting to control the land
Raised in a sea of ignorance, deceit; it was time people found hope
As right were intentions, the outcome was wrong
Crowned king of lies!

Gathered adepts, fooled them with words. They became just as blind
Symbols he made to rise the faith, the church has manipulated
For no virgin can bear a child and claim she is pure
So from day one, we should rise. Christ's words are void!

Cult begun out of pity. Shameful are the facts
As the word was out by desperate cries; more came from afar
In a time which we humans need hope and stability
Many have strayed and chosen a path which is worth nothing!

Needing a haven, they raised fortunes but later that value was lost
Shelters now grand, castles so tall. All begging for gold
Priests preaching words unbelieved, profiting off the weak
As writings are false; post-corruption. Trading lies for wealth!

Wars of all kind for different beliefs, god's name is in support
Kill or be killed in his name; then what's so holy about christ?
Knights of the past and soldiers of today blindly chose a side
As conspiracies form; church in denial. Christianity is lies!

Our progenies are bait for all this false hope. They prey on the young
Pastors of rape, molesting children for their disgusting fetish
They deem all this right, causing horrible harm to all living beings
They call it heaven, that place after death. But there is only void!

Preaching theories of nonsense
For so many centuries
Neverending progress, we must stop this madness
Get rid of the disease: Christianity!



Obscured sky
Air: rarified
Is it day or night?
Blasted soil
Only death remains
Close your eyes!

Fight the world
War eternal
Kill for survival
Brave battles
Won is the land
Own your Kingdom!

Death, Doom, Chaos!
Darkness is unleashed!
Death, Doom, Chaos!
All the weak shall die!

The last principle of nature is at hand: Man killing Man
Awaiting death
Allow no equal
Superior over all!

Unleash hell
Soon all will die
Raise your blade up high!
Pagan pride
Scream to the sky
Centuries of powerful might!

Death, Doom, Chaos!
Darkness is unleashed!
Death, Doom, Chaos!
All the weak shall die!

5. Chaos Reigns: Inferno

Sphere engulfed in fire
Death reaping in flames
Chaos reigns: Inferno!

Erasing life
Burning all the lands
Nothing shall remain
Death be praised as we burn!
Never again will fools fight uselessly!
Unworthy beings die and rot
Getting rid of that reeking disease as we burn!

Ravage the lands and kill at will
Slay innocents
Nothing to regret
Death was meant to be!
Destroy! Obliterate... annihilate!
Leave your life for murder
Make them fall and shatter!
Fire is your master as we burn!
In hell!

Breathing is no longer vital as life is fading away. Last time for eyes to see. Blood merging with the flames -
Ignition of the sphere. Dying in a cluster of fire.
Ceasing to be!

Burn! Rotten world, bleed all you have!
Receiving the punishment for sins
Burn! In the flames and let chaos reign!
A cosmic Inferno!

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