Sacrament (USA) : Presumed Dead

Thrash Metal / USA
(1989 - Self-Produced)
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Cleansing from this evil world of hate
Knowing that you don't share in the devil's fate
Discernment from believing all the devil's lies;
Why let him blind you when you know that there is Jesus Christ

Follow True strength; Satan has no power at all
Cancel evil; in Christ we never fall
Death will come thru the vicious wickedness of arrogance
The price of ignorance

Separation - from the worldly den of iniquity
Destroy - his evil legacy

Extinguish flames of a tormented damnation
Righteous denial in the face of evil
Made alive thru the blood of Christ / you receive eternal life

Separation - from the worldly den of iniquity
Destroy - his evil legacy

Cleansing from this evil world of hate
Knowing that you don't share in the devil's fate
Discernment from believing all the devil's lies
Why let him blind you when you know that there is Jesus Christ

Follow True strength; Satan has no power at all
Cancel evil; in Christ we never fall
Death will come thru the vicious wickedness of arrogance
The price of ignorance

Separation - the den of iniquity
Termination - of vicious Animosity
Reveal - all the devil's lies and blasphemy
Killing - his evil legacy


Now I lay me down to sleep
Pray to God your soul to keep
Save us from the evil one
The wicked serpent

Demonic host, impurity, spreads deceit and blasphemy
As predicted there will be
Doom to Satan
Possessive demons spawn of hell, rising as the souls fell
Conjuring their evil spells
Fire from Hell

Causing corrosion of the mind
Feeding on unfaithful, the weak and the blind
Satan; the beast, the unholy alliance
The dragon; false prophet
The eternal defiance

Serpent spits false prophesy, satanism sorcery
Spreads disease and leprosy
Into the world

In the end Christ conquers evil, Satan meets with demise
God sends a fiery assault from Heaven Satan dies


Deadly spider in disguise, spinning his web of Lies
Poisoning the weak minds
Lost souls will die

In the end Christ conquers evil, Satan meets with demise
God sends a fiery assault from Heaven
Satan dies

Pray to God this evil's ceased, slanderous unholy beast
Sacrilege of Satan's priests
Shall lay to waste
God Almighty maker of Heaven and of Earth
Gave us hope by Christ's birth
Save us Father


In the end Christ conquers evil, Satan meets with demise
By the Apocalyptic assault Satan will die



The lies of the one who has strayed from God
May blindly lead the upright along an evil path
Those who hate good, and entice the righteous
Will pay for evil when they fall into their own trap

Fools despise wisdom's discipline
Their feet will rush deathly into sin
If sinner entice you, don't give in
It will take away their lives

Beginning of knowledge is the fear of God
Gain the understanding and the wisdom of the Lord
He gives the gift of an eternal lifetime
He holds victory in store for the upright

God guards the course of the just
Protects the way from the lies of evil ones

The evil of one who defies the Lord
In wickedness ignores the Truth, the devil is inside
They know not why, it's an image of their world
Blinding their eyes in the darkness that hides the Light

Some despise God's discipline
They want for nothing more than to sin
The desire of the righteous ends in good
But the hope of the wicked only ends in wrath

The lies of the one who has strayed from God
May blindly lead the upright along an evil path
Those who hate good, and entice the righteous
Will pay for evil when they fall into their own trap

God guards the course of the just
Protects the way from the lies of evil ones


The Key to Salvation - lies in Jesus Christ
He overcame our death in sin - so He could give us life
He bridged the gap between God and us
When he suffered and died and gave his life on the cross
Christ - our final chance - God's free gift to all men
This is the reason that He died - for us to live

Your birth and life is to put all trust in Him
Accept Jesus and escape the perils of sin

Without Christ you're truly dead
Wake up! And see the truth before your eyes

The way is your salvation - lies in your own heart
Accept the truth and follow God, now it's time to start
Don't ignore the Light and be condemned to damnation
And give up the chance for life and salvation
Jesus said no man can enter the Kingdom of God
Unless he is born again

Without Christ, in sin you're dead

Wake up! And see the truth before your eyes
Face reality
Accept Jesus Christ!


So - you feel that you are dead - seeing all the endless struggle in the hearts of men who cannot find the Light of Christ and who will never see the fruits of Heaven - presumed dead

Caught in a snag you can't get free
Look to the Light and you shall see
Life lies in a change of heart
Heal the wounds that evil tore apart

Many die in sin and suffer because they didn't know the truth
Presumed dead
You didn't know that thru Christ you're forgiven for your sins

So - you think that you are dead - denial leads to endless torment in the Lake of fire where trapped eternity and cannot stop your flesh from burning higher!

Resist the devil and he will flee
Salvation lies in the power to see
In the end defiance leads to death
A lifeless soul that will never rest

Without Christ you're on death row living and just waiting to die
Many never know that through Christ you will gain eternal life

You're presumed dead

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