Sabbat (JAP) : American Harmageddon

Тексты песен


The mirror in pieces, and vanished all
Light come into the hellhouse
Singing of birds, Fragrance of earth
Regained all peace of mind

My soul was dissolved, and left only a few powers
The power is rag, but increase in only wrath
Nobody is aware, in the well of wrath, Kanashibari

Oh my head, Fuck ! My head flies into anger
Oh my power, Back ! Horrible revenge for you
I want evil ! Crush all. Blaspheme for you
Burning my soul ! Pointed fire black burns with anger
Already starting the massacre in my imagination
Evil world is infinite spreading in the deep well
Nobody is aware, in the well of wrath, Kanashibari

Bright lights and flowers, Playing children, Singing voice
The evil was sealed, Light returned to the sky
And shine on darkness

Increase in my evil power from the wrath
But not enough yet
More big, Further evil
Because I don't repeat the same thing again
Here is painful, Increase in wrath from pain
Nobody is aware, in the well of wrath, Kanashibari


The story is not finished yet, Here is the bloody underground
I was looking at all of you
And your ultimate art will become of mine now
Because I am a collector too, And that collectors death mask
I will invite you in my darknessanctuary now,
And talk to you about my story

I am a son of Blackfather
He was controling once on thirteen witches
Blackfather keeps on looking at your mother striping mask of corpse
And he had strange hobby

Blackfather strange hobby, It is appreciation of stripping figure
He goes to grave every night just like cursed
A later your mother is dead, And he felt new excitement
''Collectors death mask before my eyes... I want this !''

He strip the mask of your mother, And took home
And here is collections the room of Blackfathers
There is death mask of your mother here too

I was looking at all of you, I understood the feeling my father
This excitement and artistical melody was waved of my blood
Blackfathers ultimate art and my ultimate art
Two ultimates will become of mine now, All of mine

Another collector most excited and laughed in a loud voice
Two death masks before his eyes
One old born is muteness, One new death mask is lamently
He puts the death mask into coffin
And closed under the seal of hexagram, sealed by hexagram

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