Rue of A-Dam : Exhalation of Mass Graves

Pagan Black / Finland
(2012 - Self-Released)
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Descend from highest throne
And behold
The lion lies slaughtered
Heart impaled by teeth of knowledge
Eyes pecked by crow of wisdom
Might lost, aura of glory gone
Its blood stains the soil
For it is poison that detests the living
Robs their ways and kills the being
Oppressing code that has defiled bloodlines
Has come to an end through its demise

The carcass set a flame
Burning sun erase the thought
Vultures carry the bones
To all corners of existence
The lion bellows no more

Ascend to highest throne
And hearken
All is silent except the rumble
In meandering horizon
The veils of reality are torn
The age of Cosmos from the ashes born


Martyrdom, with eyes of the lost
A lone trod on the path of salvation
Confusion of mind and the denial
Of thoughts that are of Nature

Cast down by ideals
Suffocate on words of the mad

Drag the symbols of the righteous
Along barren roads of light
Chant the dogma in choir of vanities

Fumes pour from open jaws
It tells of decay of spirit
Fever eyes fail to comprehend
The essence and shapes of the world

Cast down by ideals
Suffocate them in Genocide.


Colossal stars pour down
Light of radiance searing the eyes
For only in darkness
The pure spirit can be found

A drift on arid lands
And the foul dust of centuries
In the ruins of religions

New breed in wombs of the essence
Not tainted by human seed
For it is Man who is sick
And in dying throes

Hammering stones from the sky
Rain down
Cosmic radiation and rotting light
Purify flesh

Sail the mystic sea
Beings that lurk in deep
Sow sinews of new breed


Mustan valon kantaja
Alati vaeltaa
Astuu sisään ja kumartaa
Sielun lupaa puhdistaa
Mielen haavoittaa

Mustan valon kantaja
Kerää satoaan
Marssii yli soiden
Talot tyhjentää
Hymyillen lähestyy

Elämän raunioilla
Valo loistaa pimeyttään
Hirsipuiden alla
Ruhot hukkuvat routaan

Kellojen soidessa
Rutto leviää
Pitkin hankia ja vesiä
Siemen saastuu

Mustan valon kantaja
Hymyillen hän lähestyy
Tomumajan vaihtuessa
Sielut vie pimeään
Harhakuvien sirpaleista
Hohtaa valo yli maan

Täällä ilmiöiden maailmassa
Sielujen joukkohaudassa
Ei tanssiaan tanssi varjotkaan
Kun valon kantajan kitara soi
Vain harva kutsua kuulla voi


Harlot with repel voice
Sings the discord
Fanatics' glory shine
The beacon of exile
Pallid sun fill the sky
Reign down fever, deteriorate

What was will never be
Sea of bodies, infinity
Cold gleam of stars
On surface of the dead
Onyx vermins crawl
The fetid piles of flesh
Ash reduced to ash
Eye torn for the eye

Desolate wind roam
Monuments of the past
Not religions
Or evolved thought
Were the saviour
From the one in rags
Solar flame fades away
Ghastly tomb floats the space
Ravenous light vaporize
Exhalation of mass graves

lyrics added by Niils - Modify this lyrics