Rota : Rota

Doom Black / USA
(2016 - Self-Released)
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1. III

A paralysis serpentine
Poach the soul of mountain blood
A time-made gravity crushes ancient tomes,
A new born sun crushed by cold.
The hemlock slaked suicide lips vomit fire in lock and step.
The birth and death, repetitive, of the mountain son, carved from stone.
Paralysis serpentine, poach the soul of mountain blood.
Hemlock slacked suicides, vomit fire for mountain blood.
Birth and death repetitive for the one carved from stone.
They steal the blood.

2. II

Synthesis from impact
A star with no gravity.
The unasked wish of day from night
Will burn plaster crowns from pathetic heads
A forged blade, strike and grow
With healed chasms, walk a new earth
Broken ground theology
Leave human bondage, sing the scars
Breathe in the cold, breathe in the burn.

3. I

Rising filth in the leeches gut, drains the starved for celebration.
The blood of swans, his opiate.
Step aside, celestial shield, i'll forego my fields, forego the name.
The maiden breaks, he honors you, that fattened thief, he honors you.
A restrained titan with the stolen dream, hears a taunting tone, and you coddle him.
That rotten cunt, teasing the lost, you're feeding him, you're hiding him.
From created steel, you're hiding sin.

Bring me the severed head of John the bastard.
Or its seventeen miles from a beautiful crime.
Bring me his severed head.

4. IV

The coiled shred intestinal
Orchestrated movements of sixty four
Corner and beg for blasphemy
And indignant charters for faith retrogressional
This is not the time
It's never the time.

Sow forth a sorrow's harvest
In the name of dark and light
Worship the never to exist
Throw time to uncaring moons
A privileged addict, a broken chronometer
Inevitable ignition is your fate.

lyrics added by Evisceror - Modify this lyrics