Romero (USA-2) : The Awakening



We didn't come here to bow down
We came here to fight

We will wage this war
We will not back down
Lift your hands, to the sky
And know that you're not alone
You're not alone, do not be afraid
For God is with you, do not fear

So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight

Do not hesistate, do not waste what God has given
Do not hesistate, do not waste what God has given

So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
So tell me, what have you to do with peace?
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight
Take a stand and fight with me, take a stand and fight

And as death, reaches out
Take his hand and break it


Dear friend, for the sake of God beware
Kiss the rose, you have in hand
And wipe the dust from this face
And blessed, be the man who spares these bones
And cursed, be the man who moves these stones

Many like us have loved, many like us have cried
And many like us have left this life
In the blink of an eye

We took this world, through our courage
Our strength
Yet we couldn't take anything with us
Down to our grave
Yet we couldn't take anything with us
Down to our grave

So remember, as you pass us by
As you are now, so once was I
And as I am, so one day you'll be

Now prepair for death and follow me
For you will remain alive, in the dreams of the voiceless


Bow before the throne, of deception
Lift your hands up high to this mockery
False prophets singing praises
To a god, they do not know

Mortal lives singing praises
Unto, a darkened throne
Mortal lives singing praises
Unto, a darkened throne

Lacerations across this sky
Shed the tears of your god
Revealing his lies

Now is the time to destroy this plague
As their idols, lay broken at their feet

I will feast upon the flesh of your head table
And the hand of divenitey will reveal the absolution that you've mocked
You borth forth, this witness
Birthing poison from the womb

Jesus Christ, first born of the dead
To you alone the glory


In the morning hour
She was at his door
On valentines day
She became a whore
Up he rose to let her in
In an hour they had sinned


Never to breathe, never to leave
On that day she took his life away


You know that you're alive
But your heart is failing
For so long you've been asleep
But your eyes are open

As your soul clings to the ashes, of this life
Know that this is what it's like, to be alive
When you are living, to die

To your hands you fell
To your feet you stand
How long did you lie awake?
How long did your heart break?

Without you, this world held nothing x4

Yet I went without you
Help me recall
The way you etched love upon this heart
And forgiveness upon these arms
God..... God save me

You over took me, with who you are
Refine this heart by your love, your hands

Make in your image, a man who will be after your heart


Do not utter, a word from your lips
Keep your mouth shut, keep your mouth shut
Or I'll rip you apart

Now remove the mask that you've been wearing
and show this world, your decaying beauty

You have betrayed all, that matters to you
Do not lift your hand out, expecting me to lift you up
I have no sympathy, for traitors

America, how does it feel
To have the blood of your saviour
On your hands?

You are not the one with nail scarred hands

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