Ridden : Ridden

Black Metal / USA
(2017 - Self-Released)
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Flying off into the moonlight
To stalk upon my prey
Watching and waiting for
The right time to strike on this day

Darkness cloaks my presence
The place where I find solace
Feeding time is here with the winter solstice

No protection to shield the pure blood
Fear of the black fields where I come from

My predator insticts take over my mind
Unstoppable beast is what the victim finds

Come now to me
Its supper time for me
In the hours of nocturn
I feel free

I am the preyer
Now say your prayers
Your flesh is mine
Now is your time
Where the moonlight shines
See the nightwalkers rise
On this very night
you die!

Leading the pack on the hunt for food
sending the hunted to inevitable doom

The struggle of survival is what drives us all
Taking control and stopping the fall

A full moon appears from the mist in the sky
Granting us strength for the meeklings to die

No one will be left behind
No survivors to find

Pure clean blood and flesh to eat
At the crack of dawn, retreat


The instinct of man lying within conflict
The struggle to wipe the oppositions existence

Amusment of power at the fall of a coward
When he begs to be sparred for more time
In a dying world

The blade makes contact with his dreadful human skin
Peeling the flesh from his arm where he sins

The blood rushes out where the knife has entered
I feel his soul flow through the blade to within me

His life dissappears from his carcass
Power is granted to my body

A cleansing feeling strikes my mind
A fog clears in my head

I feel at piece with myself and all around me
My mind feels free

His suffering is done
His death is shunned
The battle is won


Ripping my sword across the grasslands
A spill of blood with every strike
Quenching my thirst for the mortal man
On a full moon bloody night

Feeding time is here I need all
The freshest flesh I can take
Or I shall starve and my power drains out as
I meet a terrible fate

Time is of the essence
until the moon is set
this land will be a warfield
of screams and hasty death

Showing of power
Man pays the toll
I seek nourishment
Feeding on their souls

My immortality
powered by enemies
those who wish to see me
and my kind wiped away from sea to sea

Come to me my meekling prey
No prisoners for me, no one to stay
On your knees, just try to pray
It will be to late youll have
Your life taken away

I am the harvester
Bring me your soul
This is my quest
Now pay the toll

No more reigning blood
From a vampiric sky
All mortals shall perish
No souls left behind

Man for the taking
Not one life wasted
Something is burning
And it smells like hatred

I am the harvester
Bring me your soul
This is my quest
Now pay the toll

I have awakened from my tomb
Leading my children, sending man to his doom

No prisoners are needed
Soon your race will be defeated

From our graves we rose
To this world we have chose

Locked out of the nether regions
Stuck in human hunting season

Come to me my meekling prey
No prisoners for me, no one to stay
On your knees, just try to pray
It will be to late youll have
Yyour life taken away
Yet the theivery of life continues to run

Idolized I am
A new chapter to begin
A bold new face of strength from within

Brake down the boundaries of apathy
I once beheld
A new spirit has come form the fires of hell


Across the ocean of history
There lies tales of monstrosities
Fueled by animosity
The ignition of idiocy

The only way to reign supreme
In this world is to steal a life
Suffocate the peace between
Two forces and watch one die

Bloodshed across the field in hope
For the upper hand to be wield

Hells soldiers unearthed
reign of terror re birthed

Death and agony contaminates the air
Screams and cries of loss and despair

To fight for your life shows
A passion for mortality
Conquerors of death showing
Genocidal supremacy


Deep inside these walls
My queit domain
My safe haven
Your house of pain

I bid you welcome to my darkened chambers
Not a thing resides here but me
All is quiet, all is at peace

Resting in the shadows
Till the sun sets the day
My enemies can never get here
Theyll never find me

Planning my attack
Hitting hard and striking fast
Nourishing my strength
with my vampiric brothers

Hidden from the mortal scum
Here we all become one
One unstoppable immortal force
Shielded by impenetrable doors

Joined by unbreakable walls
Nothing can make them fall
I rest as much as I need to
In my Fortress of solitude

Deep in the cold dead forest
A gathering takes place
Not of mortal humans
But the nightwalkers race

A safe home for the vampyrian army
Rich findings of strength and glory
Resting in the suns hours
Every single day


Fields of Nihil
Land of nothing
void of darkness
Planes of oblivion

Isolated from every living creature
Is this where the tainted go
Banished in this endless prison
Tormenting their soul

I only want just to survive and
Make something of my life
My immortal flesh and blood
Locked me away from the rest of mankind

These fields have not one blade of grass
Growing upon them
this land has not one sign of
Living breathing life

This void is a realm of emptiness
These planes are abandoned with nothingness

How am i the only walking wretch standing on dust
My soul wrapped in chains only left to rust

I was already punished with never ending life
How did I get here, did i die?

My time can't be up yet
I must be flirting with death
I still must finish my quest
Until im put to rest


The sun falls under the earthly
Horizon when the first shade
Shade of black touches the sky
The moon becomes a clear beacon
In the void as the night walkers
Spread their wings to fly
Creatures of nocturn awake
From slumber and roam the darkened grounds

Scouting their homes and sacred lands
For any fresh blood to be found
I journey out of my tomb and
Into the crowd for my nightly
Affairs and deeds
Living by the shadows to cover
My skin from into who I will sink my teeth
Living out the rest of eternity
With this curse inside mortal skin
I inflict my agony on the free
Born scum for their wrongings and their sins

Father Dracula, I will continue what you started
May your legacy live on in shadows of darkness


Spiraling downward and downward
In a never-ending suspended
Nightmarish atrocity

I, a deformed grotesque specimen
Have been banished to this physical
Plain of existence to meet
My immortal exile and surpass
All other physical life

Freedom to suffer out my eternity
Shunned by my prey I walk the night alone
No direction but my own creation
Living out this new found sickness
In its infancy
The trail into the future is vague
And suffocated by a black fog
Hell envies my hatred and infamy
Under my cursed blessing
An odd urge and thirst is
Stirring inside me
The taste of their blood intrigues me

In this realm, I am all alone
Shall I fade into solitude or make it my own
Deep dead silence woods
Smothered in pitch black fog
I am lost
But in what way
I have accepted my envisioned fate
What more is there to take

All other supernatural forces have abandoned me
I have nothing left but myself to kill for
The sunlight is my only way out
Do I end my legacy by the suns burning rays?
Or continue to live out this
Wretched embodiment of what man calls evil?

In this realm, I am all alone
Shall I fade into solitude or make it my own
Deep dead silence woods
Smothered in pitch black fog
I, I am lost

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