Revulsed : Infernal Atrocity

Brutal Death / Australia
(2015 - Permeated Records)
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Conceived and born
Of an infected womb
Into entropy and decay
Total devastation
Disease of consummate devouring
Paralysis, asphyxiation
Completely surrounded within

This infection has tainted everything
Escape, a vain endeavour

The cravings it causes
Deliver us to, insanity
As we devour
Gluttonous relentless orgy
Of sick depravity

We’ll slit each others throats and gorge
On this putrid filth, leaving, nothing

Rapacious engorgement

Blood and faeces stain our hands
Pungent stench of rancid filth
Ferocious clutching more and more
Forced regurgitation through
Over engorgement

There is no hope
Trying to save ourselves
Ravenous for more
Feasting on the diseased

Rapacious engorgement

Solitary alleviation
Ingest the flesh and blood of the innocent


Lucid dismissal
Rejection of absolution
Isolate into darkness
Confined by my own doing
Dwelling in transgression

Sick self inflicted sentence
Trapped in this cell
Installed, in my putrid defecation

Asphyxiating on the stench
Gasping for breath

Rejecting escape
Obsessing in my agony
Deserving more
Tearing at my eyes

Blinding myself
Ripping flesh
Revulsive infection

In my weakness I fall
And lay in excrement
Kicking and flaying the walls
In stupor
Constant rejection
Of light
And pardon

Wounds oozing, festering
Altercate infection
Excruciate, searing pain
Vomiting, no relent

Blunt knife tearing through
Internal organs
Continual rejection
Continual torture


Monstrosity from dormancy awakens
Habitation of atrophy
Churning in thought, of slaughter
Primed to strike, its victims

A warpath, a slaying, imminent
The provocation lingers
Beyond reasonable acceptance
Affliction, the beasts castigation method

Emerging from its haunt
Envisaged casualties in sight

Ready for emancipation
Relentless bane & cruciation
Abilities unique to its species

Projectile, regurgitation, perforates
Vascular and cranium
Premeditated, tactic to strike, from behind
Thrusting shanks in preys back

Cleaving spinal column, the crippled victim
All the while emitting an effluvium
Potentially lethal, to those who witness
This beast is bridled by no man

Both restless, mortiferous, Implacable savagery
Seemingly inexhaustible
Blow after blow
Of cruel malice, ubiquitous onslaught

Every subsequent strike
Utter criminal butchery

Pestilential articulation
Leaving a desolate void
Behind in its path of destruction

Cleaving spinal column, the crippled victim
All the while emitting an effluvium
Potentially lethal, to those who witness
This beast is bridled by no man

Only He, His omnipotence
Can tame this brutal savagery

Covering bloodshed
With bloodshed
Convalesce the inflictions caused


Dripping meat, in steel jaws ready
Moist crimson fresh

Easily pierced, fibres separate
Anatomical compromise

On the hunt
Take the aimless and

Acquire the scent
Desideratum engaged
Time to make them yours

Feed them on your
People’s opiate
Dazed, stupefied
Tongues are bound

Reply with only
Strabismic utterance
Abysmal torture

Time of drilling
Some lay still as
The cranial hole is carved

Resistance receive
Blunt force trauma
A lacerated
Fracture will do
Spraying blood red
Consciousness lost
Splintering shards
A delicate procedure

A mind so weak
Easy target
Cowardly act
Feeble retaliation

An opening to the brain
Is all thats required
Nailing the victims feet to the floor

Victim reassurance
It’s for their own good
Commencement of the cleansing

Poisonous penetration
Cranial interrogation
A necessary imposition
Cognitive reconstruction
Sacrificial sterilisation
Reflex of regurgitation

Imposed cognitive reconstruction

Oblivious to anything
But you and your words

Once were victims
Now are servants

Trained to do as you say
Not as you do
Released for the inquisition

Imposed cognitive reconstruction


Blade unsheathed
Incisions required

Perfectly filleted
Procedure with precision

Slicing straight through skin
Subcutaneous tissue

Penetration of skull
Procedure of craniotomy

Once the brain is exposed
Every detail laid bare
Each quadrant ready
For the surgeons masterpiece
Instruments of artistry
Sharpened to perfection
For an accurate incision
Anaesthesia preparation

Journeying to the mind
Extraction of decaying flesh

Fit for the furnace
Undertaking of necessity

Supreme knife wielder
Commences enucleation

Taking aim
Plasma eruption

Scalp is pulled and then it’s secure
All excess bleeding is controlled
Duramater separation

Intracranial pressure monitored

Decay and adulteration

Purging of decrepitude

Replacement of defilement
With salubrious constitution
A new transmutated form
A state of alteration
Incorruption administered
Appeal of the master surgeon
Continued abscission

Removal of infected tissue

To achieve a state
Of transcendence


Compelled toward the furnace
Nerves seizing with consternation
Inhaling flames burning inside
Jaws clamped with torturous pain

Violent convulsion
Abhorrent sufferance
Excruciating affliction
Congenial aftermath

Teeth grinding disintegration
Await the blessed agony

Torso drenched in diaphoresis
Bodily fluids pool at your feet

Inexorable anatomical baptism
Within, calefaction intensifies

Body broiling, corpulence dripping
Malodour of burning flesh

Utterly, consuming
Overpowered, conflagrant
Skin crackling, decorticating
Melting mass, nothing left

Archetypal cauterization

Flames lick at raw flesh
Bubbling frothing plasma

Meat charred through to the bone
Stench of burning

Glorious aromatic perfume
Becoming one with the Flame

Cauterized by all consuming - the all consuming Fire



Seductress, whore
Invitation to your filth

Unprotected, exposed
Infirmity will spread

Prostitution void of boundaries
A plague of adulteries
Spreading throughout the earth
Tentacles stretching writhing

Seizing the emaciated
Offering gorged mammaries
For counterfeit nourishment
A poisonous lactation

On the lust
Of the populous
Screw them and widen your purse

The blood of those
You’ve seduced
The blood of those
You’ve abused is on your hands

No guilt
A penchant
Seductress, whore
Destruction is your sentence

Divine intervention
Has cleaved your bloated abdomen

Witness of disembowelment

Exposing your viscera
Revealing what you truly are
Decrepit waste
Prostrate abomination

Witnessing your decomposition
Seeing internal putrefaction
Disintegration so foul

Had already begun

Enticement to
Carnivorous impoverishment


Measure of discernment quantified
By carnally unexplainable events
Seeing but unseeing
Potential distractions surround

Images, permanent retinal scourging
Seemingly impossible exposition
Familiar, close, yet strangely

Celestial, ethereal

Diversions evaporate


Momentary lapse of time

Displacement supernatural

Conscious forcefully propelled
Normality replaces the vision
Supraliminality reinstated
Chronological duration elapse

Occurance re-administered
Another has seen but not seen

True confirmation
Preposterous yet true
Undead vision

Dead but not


Pathetic murderous slime
Writhing twisted sickness

Masquerading as righteousness
Vomitous deluge of continual deceit

Countless amassment of dead
Entire iniquity accounted for

Inceptional misguided grandiloquence
Cause of celestial banishment
Eternal festering miscreant

Infernal atrocity

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