Revolver (SWE) : The Unholy Mother of Fuck

Stoner / Sweden
(2001 - Music For Nations)
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She's the waking up in a pool of sweat and the crying out in vain.
She's the death that live's inside of us all and she's fucking you insane,
The appetite for destruction and all the times you run out of luck,
The craving for "just a li'l more" and the unholy mother of fuck.

Fake a smile
Life's a bitch and she's givin' it to you with a two by four grit your teeth
Learn to accept this by bending over, just taking it all and eat
The broken glass.

She's the bitter sweet taste of blood
When truth decides to bite your tounge.
She's the bullet in your head
And the growing cancer in your lung,
The buzz of the rush, the big H in high that'll ride 'til you die.
She's all the time that slipped you by and every fucking lie.

Fake a smile
Life's a bitch

She's the waking up in a pool of sweat
And the crying out in vain.
She's the death that live's inside of us all
And she's fucking you insane,
The bitter sweet taste of blood
When truth decides to bite your tounge.
She's the bullet in our heads
And the fucking cancer in our lungs.

Fake a smile
Life's a bitch


Junior used to say:
We all know that it's better to burn
Than to fade to gray.
So he lit his fuse and we watched him burn,
He wouldn't have it any other way

Now Junior he was bullied all the way through school,
I mean everyone would kick his ass,
But then one day he showed up late for a class
Playing with matches and smelling of gas.

Junior used to say:
We all know that it's better to burn than to fade to gray.
So he lit his fuse and we watched him burn,
He wouldn't have it any other way.
Junior allways acted a bit crazy
So I guess that we should have known,
Sometimes, some things are far better of,
If left alone


I'd like to take all of your fake smiles
And all of your fradulent "cause"
And all that b.s psuedo-doku-soap-mentality,
It's make pretend!
Shove it up your ass

The neverwas turned into a wannabe soon became a hasbeen
Gone, forgotten, wanished, within a week
The neverwas turned into a wannabe soon became a hasbeen
It's to sad baby but you can't fake Rock'n'Roll.

All the facism, dictating fashion
And all your flavour of the weak.
And all your opiate for the feeble minded,
Fucking "trends"
I've really had it up to here

The neverwas turned into a wannabe soon became a hasbeen
Hey stupid! when your fifteen minutes of fame is over,
How far can you go? How far will you fucking bend?

So fucking tired of your canned laughter
And all your forcefed fake applause

The neverwas turned into a wannabe soon became a hasbeen


Eat, sleep, eat, shit, eat, fuck, eat, sleep, eat
And then you die!
Day in, day out,
It's the same old grind.
You're either to proud to beg or to dumb to steal,
While you're asleep at the wheel.

Morons come in all shapes and colours
Idiots are a dime a dussin
We live in a state of white noice and still
We let stupidity rule.

Eat, sleep, eat, shit, eat, fuck, eat, sleep, eat
And then you die!

Tic-toc as time slips away and
The more you try to change
The more you stay the same.
We're all members of the same freakshow:
Eat, sleep, eat, shit, eat, die!
Tic-toc as time slips away and,
The more you try to change
The more you stay the same.
We're all members of the same fucking show

We're all members of the freakshow,
We're idiots, we're fools
We live in a state of white noice and still
We let stupidity rule.

Tic-toc as time slips away and...

5. J-DAY

This is radio fear God,
Newsflash just in:
It's the second coming of Christ.
He's been sent to judge us all
Yeah the big "J" is back
To rip the fabrics of time.
Looks like this might be it folk's
The final drop of the ball.

Never in your life life did you fully understand
Now you'll know what it is to fear.
No point in turning to the heavens
Your God's no longer there
Never in your life life did you fully understand
Now you'll know what it is to fear.
No use to run, you brought this on yourself
Your judgment day is here.

More news: The devil want's to inform
All his demons and minions,
To tune into channel tripple 6
For more instuctions.
Well I guess that wraps it up,
What more can I say?
It's been fun! Good night good people,
I'll see you all in hell.

Never in your life


We're all instant idiots,
Just apply alchohol.
We're all blessed with the abilty to transform.
From man into a fucked up mess
Don't ask me how, I just know

There ain't nothing so fucked up you cannot make it right!
Yeah! Make it right!
And we all know:
If it ain't broken you should just leave it the fuck alone.
Yeah! Leave it alone!

I hold a black-belt
In the art of social suicide.
I'll be the first to confess:
I've made a fool of myself,
From time to time.
Yeah! And I'll do it again

There ain't nothing


Unable to show your feelings you gotta learn
So scared that you might get hurt you gotta learn
Fail to see, we're all in this together
But I guess some will never learn.

You're missing the point, you take it personally
You get nothing for nothing 'cuz nothing's for free.
You get a shitload of nothing and no guarantee
God Damn!

First mistake, last mistake:
Take respect for granted. (you gotta learn)
What goes around, comes around. (you gotta learn)
Every bridge crossed another bridge burned
But I guess some will never learn.

You're missing the point

Sucks to be you!


If you allways find yourself in the wrong place at the right time?
Then why did'nt you leave?
If you never ever ask yourself where it is you're heading.
Should you ask where you've been?
Long before you know it you lies get so entangled
You find you cannot breeth
But your allway up to something,
Allways out of time,
So scared that you'll fall behind.

And then you cut yourself
Just to see if it bleeds.

Do you allways find yourself in the same place at the same time?
Then why did you leave?
Do you ever find the time to do absolutely nothing?
Or would that be a crime?
Long before you know it you lies get so entangled,
You find you cannot breeth
But your allway up to something,
Allways out of time,
So scared that you'll fall behind.

And then you cut yourself
Just to see if it bleeds.

You've cut yourself so many times just to make sure your still alive
You've cut yourself so many times
But you still don't feel alive
If you allways find yourself in the wrong place at the right time?
Why bother to leave?
Do you ever find the time to do absolutely nothing?
Or would that be a crime?
Long before you know it you lies get so entangled
You find you cannot breeth

And then you cut yourself !


So here I am it's 4 A.M fuck I can't think!
Pop another caffeine pill and it's back to work! Back to work!
Creating under preassure and nothing will come out right
Pop another caffeine pill 'cuz there ain't got time for sleep.

It's one for the money and two for the show,
Three to get ready now go!
'Cuz when we get our shit toghether we explode!

Got four more songs to cut and I'm out of words,
Ain't no time to do it right, just get it done, get it done.
I need some lyrics quick, shit! I need another rhyme!
Since there ain't no time to do it right, just get it done!

It's one for the money and two for the show,
Three to get ready now GO!
'Cuz when we get our shit toghether we explode!

1, 2, 3, Go!


Maybe I'm crazy but I am a personalety,
While you're all as high as kites from poppin your vitamine P.
The shiny happy people, they're all around me, they're everywhere,
So far from the real life they fail to see:
All you have to fear is

Being dissapointed by the card that you've been delt,
I'll serve myself from the bottom of the deck.

I was taught, right from the start,
That no-one really gives a shit.
So I do what I want and I do as I please,
And I hope I get away with it!

So far, so good

While you run for cover but as you fall down to your knees,
Your hail mary's over and over turns into "pretty please"
And all the voices in your head keep saying:
No-one cares for those who fall.
So when all else has failed you turn on eachother it's like:
Fuck! Let's start a war

Being dissapointed

I was taught

I was taught
So far, so good, so fucking what?


Whatever happened to music?
NRJ? MTV? I mean what the fuck!
I wish someone would pull the plug.
You got so-called "artists"
Bitching about being slaves.
You should know it's all a fucking act.

So when the latest trend is over
And you wonder what to do.
You need a new angle 'cuz your record don't sell,
You should know when to call it quits,
But pop goes the weasel.
And so do you.

All you "whimp pissed kids"
Acting like "you're all that"
Get a life. Shut the fuck up!
Now it's all about the numbers,
It's all about the sell, sell, sell.
They're getting away with it 'cuz nobody cares anymore.

So when the latest trend is over

Whatever happened to music?
Is there no quality control? I mean what the fuck?
I wish someone would pull the plug.
'Cus no matter how you label it,
Three million copys of crap,
Still adds up the worlds biggst pile of shit!

So when the latest trend is over

12. 1987


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