Resurrected Divinity : Saint Isidore and Moses the Black

Brutal Death / USA
(2021 - Self-Released)
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There is no other truth but this one
All else is lies
There is no other God but this one
All else is idols

Yet the truth is
I would rather be labeled a radical
By the masses indulging in desire
I would rather be persecuted
Than subject to eternal fire
I would rather die discriminated
Than perish a godless man
So I strive to serve my God
With as much as I possibly can

I keep my mind on God in nearly everything I do
Praying that he'll hoist me up when I slip and fall

And death to the demons
As I watch them drag my loved ones down
They've made me suffer as they do them
I must remember my priority
To show them what they refuse to see

When I think deeply of the hate I felt
I'm overwhelmed with how cruel I was
Now I must love

I can't let them suffer
I can't let them rot
It is my priority to show them a better me
To let them come out of the cold


Abandoned a life of crime to walk close to God

Moses the Black
A former robber
A former thief
And now a saint
Bringing glory to God
Bringing glory to Christ
Gave up a life of sin and was baptized

Merciful Moses
An adventurous saint
Sparer of robbers
Converter of thieves
Lived in temptation
Lived in hate
Abandoned the evil
Was baptized at Scetes

Taking shame in his shortcomings
Isidore took Moses to the roof
As the new day dawned at the end of the blackness
This is what Isidore said

"Only slowly do the rays of the sun
Drive away the night and usher in a new day
And thus, only slowly does one become
A perfect contemplative."

So do not rush your walk with Christ
Refrain from worries
This is a lifestyle of growth

With one foot in front of the other

So they watched
As the light slowly chased out the black
A gradual process
A slow but beautiful cleansing

Growth and salvation
Is not achieved in a day

With one foot in front of the other
And not with giant leaps


Regularly batter me
Others can't
See the problems that I see
Lost control
Help me get a grip in life
Save my soul
Save me from the sinful strife

Enveloped in shame
Consumed by temptations
The images burned in my head

I'm not an animal
I'm a child of God
I won't let my soul go dead
For years sinking deep
In the tar of perversion
Hands slap the muck as I battle

Losing self control

But the chains now weaken
Demon fangs gnashing as the chains rattle
Now speaks the world
As it always speaks

Blackness coughed up
Their souls are weak

They try to convince
Tell me to give in
Laugh in my face
For hating the sins

This will not last forever
I'm here to fight a war

I hate when I succumb to
Spiteful and manipulative demons
They claw at me when I'm awake
And even when I'm dreaming

Enveloped in shame
For all my sins
I commit as soon as I confess
In my dark times
The vices get worse
I wish they made me suffer less


Living the life of a pessimist
Evil has consumed you
It's an evil you deny
All things are okay

For the worst outcome is always expected

You don't need God, so you claim
The devil has you in his chains
Constantly miserable, what will it take?
Downing pills to further ruin your brain
There is only suffering when there is no God
When you try to live by this world's laws
The world is your peer and you feel ashamed
Can't resist the pressure, you deny his name

Distractions made you too blind to see
He has a plan for you and me
The key to fulfillment is right in your face
Pharmaceuticals don't decide your fate

Every remedy of this Earth
Can't cure the distance you've made
Overcome your shame and give in to the good
If you truly want to be saved




He'll give you wealth
And take your dignity
He'll give you pleasures
And take your bliss
He'll take your soul
To quench your desires
Away your whole life you piss

For our whole lives he'll tempt you and me
Unholy bargains are his specialty
Writhing in torment on a throne in hell
To side with him is to kill yourself

It's not worth it
Though so it seems

The road to hell is lined
With the desires of the empty

Rotting in hell
In aching blackness
No bliss, no love, no hope
This is the final price
I have risen
And I have fell
We're not our own gods
So kill your worthless pride

No more tears
Seek true fulfillment through Christ

Kill your pride
Or die inside
Deny death
Embrace life

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics