Resurrected Divinity : It Appears Almost Normal

Brutal Death / USA
(2021 - Self-Released)
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It once was me and still is me, I see it everywhere
The greatest enemy to us yet very few beware
I see it in the actions of the everyday man
Trying to get by joyously
Reckless greed for ungranted things
Punished accordingly
It appears almost normal
And dwells everywhere
Whispering into our ears
It’s our primal desires
Our greatest dreams
Our misery and our fears
Flittering spirits
In the shadows
Fallen angels beckon us
To take and give rarely
To indulge without care
Take what is not given to us
Degrading, using, ruining
Beautiful lives for our gain
It seems almost normal for us
To inflict such levels of pain
Enticing us to satisfy ourselves
Determined to drag us to hell


Sorrow grips me
Looking at the world
Tormented souls
Souls that are doomed
I’ve felt just a bit of your glorious presence
God I cannot wait to walk right by you
Lord how I fantasize
Lord how I long
To leave this Earth
To leave what fell
Depart with me, and let’s flee to the kingdom he has put aside
Our destiny, as we flee what fell and leave this world behind
Lord how I weep
Lord how I suffer
Being so far, so far away
I am burdened by mischievous habits
I am burdened by living here
I am burdened by my own vices
I am burdened, it’s hell that I fear
But Lord I do know that every last bit of the love that I’ve felt
Of the warmth that I’ve felt
It all comes from you
You’ve always been there
The world isn’t my home
I will leave what fell
God let me leave what fell
Let me walk with you
Oh glorious God let me walk with you
Let what fell crumble in decay
Every perverted image that haunts my mind left behind
My earthly form died
You have granted me ultimate freedom
Eternally grateful, eternally I love

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics