Resurrected Divinity : Dead World

Brutal Death / USA
(2021 - The Bearded Dragon Productions)
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Conflict, struggles, strife, tribulation
Another phase of sorrow gripping hold of my life
The devil and his demons laugh as I endure great strife
But there’s one thing that I know
Through this cruel world he’ll guide me
Though it batters me on the daily
He has risen far above it all
For he has said to be of good cheer
Through my tribulations this world brings me suffering
But I shall not fear for he has conquered the world
For when there is darkness in my life
I can rest assured he’ll shed his light
All my problems will come to pass
I will soon be at peace at last
Laugh in the face of this evil-ran domain
Through every struggle, through all the pain
Praise to the savior who conquered this all
This world may be doomed but I won’t fall
Came forth from the Father
Conquered the world
Returned to the Father
But we’ll lament no more
The prince of this world now stands condemned
Time to face divine judgment
To stand with Christ is not to fall
For he has conquered it all


Recently crucified and descending into the underworld
The righteous await, await in the dark for their freedom
Three days in hell
The ultimate sacrifice has been made for all man
Endured the torment and descended
To raid and mock hell as planned
The dead righteous have waited
For their salvation
Praise Christ, King of Kings
Savior of all man
Most gracious Son of God
Savior of the repentant
Hell is left desolate
Mocked and robbed of souls
The righteous once tormented here
Lord Jesus Christ took home
To Christ be praise and dominion for ever and ever
If he had conquered the remorseless underworld
What is to ever stop him?
If I am on the side of the all-powerful
Who is to ever truly harm me?
The ultimate judge of all living and dead
All glory and praise to God


A force more powerful than everyone and everything
Yet even Christians underestimate you
I was numb before I knew you
I was dead before I knew you
I was cold before I knew you
I never thought I would know you
Now I feel you in everything
Now I seek you in everything
I thank you even when I'm down
And when my sins make me drown
I know that your kingdom is eternal
Could never fall or be invaded
I know that if the whole world hated you
I would stand against it all
In sacrifice you conquered the grave
Through you I am no demon’s slave
You gave me everything
When you died upon the cross
I am undeserving
Of everything that you gave
You have conquered everything
And I know you’re truly God
I thank you
For everything
Even when it seems I’m ungrateful


Living in denial like nothing will change
Like this comfortable life will always be the same
Armageddon a reality you refuse to accept
As the world plunges closer to its imminent death
When will we see the end of days?
When will this sinful world finally pay?
Re-arranged mountains
War and famine
Disease and persecution
Wormwood descends
And the trumpets they sound
The world dies all around
The sky a blackened haze
In the end of all days
Man’s vice will lead us to the brink of extinction
God’s wrath will leave most dead
Man spits in the face of a loving creator
Hanging over damnation by a thread
Mount of Olives split in two
As Christ at last returns
His kingdom established on Earth
The seventh trumpet sounds
Behold the son of man
The Lord himself has returned
A day of great shock for the masses that aren’t prepared
For the rampant self-centered sinners that frenzy in their vice
With promises of a new order of things as that which is old comes to pass
A new kingdom is established
That which is old has come to pass


Raised by the world
It’s parenting you
Misguided secular youth
The good kids are married but you're wasting away
Sex, drugs, and parties
Opiates your “savior”
Petty thrills are your peace
Addicted to depression, the attention it gives
Love is fornication
Bliss is prescription
This is the way the youth chooses to live
Secular and dwindling
Reject your peace
Secular and dwindling
Embrace suffering
Secular and dwindling
Reject the light
Secular and dwindling
Spoil in the shadows
When you're 50 and married you'll be looking to cheat
Choosing developed addictions over family
Undermine the abuse of your misguided past
Your life has wasted away so fast
Your vices murder you when you think you’re God
To true morality you’ve become at odds
Invisible friends pressure you into sin
You’re wondering why there is sorrow within
Your future just won’t matter because you choose to live in the now
Chasing dreams and fantasies glamorized by your gross fake idols
Misguided youth and they’ll do it again
Secular youth, they’ll live in sin again
Misguided by fortune and thrills
The blood of many souls will spill
With greed for thrills to be had in the now
An eventual eternity is rejected
Misguided youth and they’ll do it again
Secular youth, they’ll live in sin again

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