Reign Of Terror (PAR) : Reinado del Terror

Death Metal / Paraguay
(2018 - Rot Records)
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Torned flesh, destroyed bones
Profaned grave with hated, ruthless terror
Death in his face, it's an awful hunger
Mythological abomination, he's a shadow in the night

Stench of death, a cadaverous pallor
The Seventh son is bearing the perpetual curse
Twisted metamorphosis, horrifying beast
Devouring the flesh of the dead and the soul of the living

Putrid pestilence infesting the graveyard
The storm rises in the night / when the Lycanthrope returns
He wallows over and eats the rotten corpses
The storm rises in the night / when the Lycantrope returns.. and rises as a monstrous wolf..

And rises as a monstrous wolf..

Wandering in the shadows
Claiming for his soul redemption
Looking for human beings
to turn them into fucking damned
He lives in the crossroad
In the paths of life and death
The seventh star of the Pleiades
Shines dark Over the cemetery sky


Modern history emerge from chaos
Political ideologies as religion it kills
Like the piper, they lead us to destruction
Cheating and raping, can you feel?

No left nor right
Fight for yourself and not for a side
No left nor right
Rip off their masks and stand against the lies

Media mass manipulation
Making war rather normal
Solding weapons, rising corruption
Funding warfare to stole the fucking oil

Faceless assassins
Freedom is lost
Inner corruption
Makers of war

Blinding us with sweet speeches
With false democracy and a liar revolution
Capital and communism, the same old shit
Giving us shows of mass mind raping
No left nor right
Fight for yourself and not for a side
No left nor right
Rip off their masks and stand against the lies


esde el norte caen explosiones, el suelo comienza a temblar
Un nuevo orden se yergue y su base es la sangre inocente
Primero manipularon las mentes, vidas controlaron desde atrás
Luego del vital líquido se apropiaron y lo acabaron con voracidad.

Reinado del terror
Sembrado de bombas, muerte, devastación
Reinado del terror
Dictadura irracional, caos, desolación

Cerebros ciegos por la venda mediática, plan perfecto
Y al caer la noche en el silencio mortal, el pan ya nadie masticó

Volvimos a matar.. hambre!
El instinto animal ante la razón
Desesperación, antropofagia, no morir y nada más

Obedecer a cambio de vivir, han asesinado a la libertad
Ciudades arrasadas, cuerpos desmembrados fueron el precio

El ser libre y pensante solo en los recuerdos estará
Porque la radiación ha destruido todo rastro de humanidad

Reinado del terror
Miseria y hambre, genocidio sin control
Reinado del Terror
Causante de la guerra, ataque nuclear


Psychotic deranged
Dead skin body and mind
Chemical addiction to survive
Born dead man will rise

Pleasure of torture

Female sexual slavery
Impaler phallus perversion
Piercer cunt massacrator
The aggressor won't regret

Pleasure of torture

“The greatest pleasures are born
of conquered repugnancies.”
(Marquis de Sade)

Rationalizing his behavior
Emotional satisfaction
Paraphilia, atracted by suffering
Reafirmation of his power

No mercy in his being
Taste of pain his pleasure
Morbid body desecrator
Blood desire he will please

Pleasure of torture


Being alive without living
piece of meat waiting for death
consuming my time through the tubes
Machines and cables, keeping me alive

Day and night for me are the same
Every minute, seems like a whole day
The concept of time is useless
Motionless desire to be dead

Throw away my corpse
I don't fucking care
Feed the worms with my flesh
No one will care
Six feet in a cold grave
Or till ashes cremated..
I will perish and perpetually rot

End the suffering - Pray for death
End this nightmare - Beg for death
Cut the tubes - Wait for death
Pull the plug - Wish of death


Weapons, divine path to salvation
Pray and the sky will reply with bombs
Quran blesses with wrath and destruction
Women are martyrs cursed from the womb

Their god means war!
Holy fire! Blaze of death
Hate and lie

Selfexplosion! Meaningless death for a cause
Outrage! Infidels and the innocents will die
Terrorists! They have nothing to lose
Ignorance! Fed by the of book of lies

Their god means war!
Holy fire! Flame of death
Hate and lie

Hunger. People will die in starvation
Freedom. Is a death sentenced blasphemy
Lambs. Obey and be leaded to the slaughter
Genocide. Bastards are killing for Allah

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