Rassischer Selbstmord : This Horrible Thing I Did

Doom Black / USA
(2023 - Self-Released)
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Why do I love niggers
Why do I love a niggers?
I married a nigger
And I want to die for it
I hate that I love a nigger
We had a mongrel baby
I procreated with that ale
I will never forgive that I married an ape
A stupid Nigger
This is the worst thing that I ever did
This Horrible thing I did


I will never forgive who I love
Wish I to die that I married a coon
A stupid retarded ape
I love her not that she is a stupid coon


What Have I Done
I still can't believe what I married
A lowly coon
Lord Take me now
This animal I call my wife
Never stops flapping her filthy black lips

I want off this earth
This thing I did
I married a coon
Forsook my heritage

Kill Me Lord
With Your Holy Sword
You won't let me in
So tonight is the night
I do the honor
Go into my room
Jump from the rooftops
Monkey family now pure


You all hate me forever
No longer loved be I
Nor ever shall I be any longer
For this thing I did was so bad
Destroyed my Aryan Klan
For all eternity
My family befallen my shame
Racial destruction
Destruction of the WASP Family
I've broken those I trust
With this cowardly move
The weight of this cross on my shoulder
Weighs me down forever
Tis better to die than to ever love a coon
For my people are known not by no other life
Does the coon love?
We shalt never know
Can the Jew reason?
It will never be so
Only true love exists among the Aryan Master Race
My marriage can never be love
The only way to win back my folk
Sand the beast home
Put the savage back in the wild
Back to Africa
Our marriage is well and truly over
An ape I shall never love this away again
Go to the court
Get our papers done
You are going back to Africa tomorrow
Goodbye ape
It's tomorrow
I wake up
Next boat to Somalia leaves today
Can't wait to be rid of the beast
Here comes the boat
Coming near the docks
It's unloading
The monkey family boards now
Friends and loved ones left behind
Wave teary goodbyes with tissues in the air
My family and my people now love me again it feels so Good
It's so good to be back where I belong
Away from the heathen savage beast
We go home now
Pretend that beastly marriage never occurred
Celebrating with the biggest party of our lives
Celebrating our rid of the beats
We are happily white again!


She may be gone
But her foul presence still haunts my dreams
I lay awake at night in fear
That the beast will exact revenge for my deported her back to her rightful home
I fear that she will destroy me
Whatever shall I do
I shall arm myself
Defending myself my kin
From the savage beast
Now the coons know not to mess with me


Stand up for your folk
Never marry an ape
To marry a coon is racial genocide

Tis better to die than to ever love a coon
For my people are known not by no other life
Does the coon love?
We shalt never know
Can the Jew reason?
It will never be so

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