Rasputina : How We Quit the Forest

Atmospheric Gothic / USA
(1998 - Columbia Records)
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What becomes a legend most?
I'll let you think about it,
Space Ghost coast-to-coast.
While I give thanks today
For all the things I stole
And all the things I gave away.
You make experiment. you try to
Teach a lesson and then take a stand.
A fake hand shake don't make no man.

I don't know, about a year ago or so
I must have made you up in my head.
What did I base you on?
Was it a Broadway show I saw?
A hot new book I read?
Half-baked you come at me
You know I told you not to call here no more.
The New Best Friend. The Olde HeadBoard.

Yo no comprendo, mi amour.
Oh no, yo no comprendo.
The New Best Friend. The Olde HeadBoard.

Where'd you get the dumb idea
For all the secretive platonic dating?
I have experience
In the love and the lives
Of Man and Machine.

Yo no comprendo, mi amour.
Oh no, yo no comprendo.
The New Best Friend. The Olde HeadBoard.

What becomes a legend most?
The love and lives of Man and Machine.
Olde HeadBoard.

The love and lives of Man and Machine.
Olde HeadBoard.


You study hard and go west
You'll go far, little girl.
Now try hard and be the best
The best in all the world.
You can create a demand
For this your special skill.
You will be healing the ill.
It's surgery, but with no knife.
She'll make a great LeechWife.

You get those suckers to suck
To suck out what is bad.
'Cause this is science not luck.
Luck is not what you've had.
But now you've brought yourself up.
Surprise your Mom and Dad
With this, your special skill.
You will be improving your life.
She'll make a great LeechWife

You don't need no Nu-Age crap.
Good sense is what it makes.
You'll learn it in no time flat.
One leech is all it takes.
It sucks the blood till it's fat.
It's found in ponds and lakes.
The dried up skin then turns black.
You can be one of the fakes
The quacks and the riff-raff.
She's honing her LeechCraft.

All healed and none killed.
Leech empty, leech filled.
She's honing her LeechCraft skills.
Just think of the folks that she will heal.
She'll make a great LeechWife.


You Don't Own Me, no.
I'm not one of your little toys.
You Don't Own Me, no.
You can't keep me from those other boys.

Don't tell me what to do and
Don't tell me what to say.
When I go out with you
Don't put me on display.

You Don't Own Me, no.
Don't try to change me in any way.
You Don't Own Me, no.
Don't tie me down 'cause I'd never stay.

I don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do.
Just let me be myself.
That's all I ask of you.

You Don't Own Me, no.
I'm not one of your little toys.
You Don't Own Me, no.
You can't keep me from those other boys.

Don't tell me what to do and
Don't tell me what to say.
When I go out with you
Don't put me on display.

I don't tell you what to say
I don't tell you what to do.
Just let me be myself.
That's all I ask of you.

I'm wrong.
I love to be free

I'm wrong. Yeah, I love to be wrong.
I'm free. Yeah, I love to be free.
Free to do whatever I want.
To live my life the way that I please.


He has agreed
To take me
To the Ice Hotel from the magazine

What we will need
Is a gleaming key
Made of ice as well
By the finest ice machine.

It's there that no one will stare
At your jaws and your long fur
The claws in your fingers.

It's in the past when the passerby laughed
At your strange way of speaking
Your batteries leaking
Oh no

Oh God no
They don't know
The New Zero

Uniforms worn
So leisurely.
The reindeer skins
The privacy

How was he born?
He's asking me
Flapping his fins
Very impressively.

It's there that no one will stare
At your jaws and your long fur
The claws in your fingers.

It's in the past when the passerby laughed
At your strange way of speaking
Your batteries leaking
Oh no

Oh God no He has agreed
They don't know To take me
The New Zero. To the Ice Hotel.

I really don't care and neither does he
If this hotel melts into the sea
Polished and so rare, this way that we see.
The coldness helps, it's our favorite remedy.

It's there that no one will stare
At your jaws and your long fur
The claws in your fingers.

It's in the past when the passerby laughed
At your strange way of speaking
Your batteries leaking. oh no!

Oh God no He has agreed
They don't know To take me
The New Zero. To the Ice Hotel.

5. ROSE K.

She doesn't know the man
Who tries to push her wheelchair in the sand.
She just looks out to the sea.
He's talking endlessly.

Oh, why won't he shut up?
I take my medicine
I crush the paper cup
Oh, maybe he's my son
And he's come to set me free.

She knows that she forgot
That there's a story and she
Can't recall the plot.
Of course her family fought
Over the furniture.

Oh, I don't know why they
Have taken all my favorite things away.
But one thing that's for sure
I don't know what they were.

They say a stone is a marker
And that it has weight.
They say it's solid
But it can deteriorate.

The air is like a hand
Reminding her of all the things she's planned.
Like air that thought is gone
Never to come again.

We came out to the beach
To find the mind I've lost and cannot reach.
I used to keep it here.
It was much cleaner then.

They say a rose is a flower
And that it is red.
It blooms, it grows, it wilts
And then it is dead.

They say a stone is a marker
And that it has weight.
They say it is solid
But it can deteriorate.

They say a rose is a flower
And that it is red.
It blooms, it grows, it wilts
And then it is dead.

Oh, Rose Kennedy.


I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The first time I met him
He said he was a DwarfStar,
Cuz he was small and
He was famous.

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The second time I met him
He said I could never be a DwarfStar
Cuz I was too tall and
I wasn't famous.

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The thir...the second I mean that I went to see him
He was not...in a very..good mood.
He said, "Stop coming around here!"

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
The last time that I went to see him
He had passed away.

I wanna te...
I wanna tell ya...
I wanna tell ya...
I wanna tell ya...

I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.
I wanna tell ya 'bout my friend the DwarfStar.

The End......


Do you believe in the Signs of the Zodiac?
Haven't you found that the systems for
Planning always fall?

Can you avoid what gave Daddy his heart attack?
Have you tried everything, anything
All to no avail?

I know what you need.
This will really work.
In ancient times, if you were sick
They make you bleed.
Oh, honey I know it hurts.

Look all around you and notice you're not alone.
We want to give you the courage to
Go a different way.
Think of the love and attention we all have shown.
What did we do when we heard, well, we
All came right away.

I know what you need.
This will really work.
In ancient times, if you were sick
They make you bleed.
Oh, honey I know it hurts.

Do you believe in the Signs of the Zodiac?

I know what you need.
This will really work.
In ancient times, if you were sick
They make you bleed.
Oh, honey I know it hurts.

Do you believe in the Signs of the Zodiac?


Yeah, he was a big landowner.
He was a bad mouthbreather.
But you can see his station wagon stand alone.
Woulda, coulda, we should have known.

He was a failed cropduster.
I am his little sister.
He was a whistleblower for the F.D.A.
Maybe was them sent him away.
He was a football player.
He didn't have a lot to say.

That guy's a lousy actor.
He was a hard-core cracker.
He wore a trenchcoat and he waved a Dixie flag.
But he's my brother, so I brag.
Don't be no dark naysayer.
So they all said he was a fag.

He had a really big TrenchMouth
When we were living way down South.
He had a really big TrenchMouth.

It's on the edge of nowhere.
No way for them to go there.
I know I'm not much help, but here is where I'll stay.
I'm hoping they'll find him some day.
I should put up some flyers.
Can you think of another way?

He had a really big TrenchMouth
When we were living way down South.
Then he up and disappeared.
He just left his car up here.

He had a really big TrenchMouth
When we were living way down South.
He had a really big TrenchMouth.

Nobody seems to know why he
Would disappear just leaving me here.
On a dirty hill for all time
Me and the pine tree that I stand behind.

He had a really big TrenchMouth
When we were living way down South.
He had a really big TrenchMouth.


Experiment victims walk by on a hill
With berries in aprons, I still see them. Still
See black empty eyes staring, no hair, yet ahead
There's no dignity there. They're not living not dead.

Swayback and Ripcord and parachute face
Were pulled from the water and put in a place
I've not been to, but what you'll find
Is the kommandant hoarding the vegetable rinds.

It's not like they mattered.
Who sucked out your spirit?
Listen how we shout at them.
They can't hear it.

It's not fair.
And it seems impossible
That it happened at all.
That there were people who saw
The Herb Girls of Birkenau.

The Herb Girls of Birkenau walk by on a hill.
With berries in aprons, I still see them still.

It's not fair.
And it seems impossible
That it happened at all
That there were people who saw the herb girls.

But what's fair?
Anything is possible.
But can you understand that there were
people who saw the herb girls?

It's not fair.
And it seems impossible
That there were people there.
There were people who saw the Herb Girls of Birkenau.


The fly - of May
It lives - one day.

When that day is done
The MayFly does not complain.
It flies into the setting sun.
It goes back to the place
From which it came

The fly - of May

Ask how - ask why
One day - MayFly.
That's all - you get.
You give - no thought to it.

Me, my life is long
With reasons few like you.
When I go and when I'm gone
I will understand these things
I never knew.

The fly - of May

One day one day one day one day
It's long enough
If you really think about it.

The fly - of May
It lives - one day.


Medieval exorcists
Used a 20 gallon brass syringe.

A 20 gallon brass syringe
Filled with holy water


A 20 gallon brass syringe
Filled with holy water
Which they pumped into..
Into the anus of the possessed....


Against the law to talk about the
Rocket in the park I send it
Off to be examined by a
Scientific team
On the Moon on the Moon
On the Moon on the Moon.

I organize a council where the
Prize goes unannounced until there's
In the trees a city, just some
Leaves we left it pretty
Long ago long ago
Long ago Oh so long ago.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.

My cave is lit with tiny lights
I climb the stairs and catch the sights
Of other people far below
I've heard of them, they think they know
I make no friends. I've got no spark
In my defense, I take apart
What's put together easily
This is all true
I'll make it be.

Every day like Jesus He's not
Up there He can't see us. Maybe
Eyes uplifted slowly for effect
The land below me
Far away far away
Far away Oh so far away.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.

I make no friends. I've got no spark
In my defense, I take apart
What's put together easily
This is all true
I'll make it be.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.


I want a diamond
I really do.
I think that you
Should give me one.

Then you can prove
Your love is true
And that the gift of giving
Has just begun.

I want that diamond.
I want that thing.
A tennis bra-
Celet or ring.

It better shine
It better cut.
I know it is expensive, but.....

What other way
Can you make 4 months
Of you measly salary
Last a lifetime?

And what other thing
Have I ever asked you for?

The ability to read my mind?
And I didn't get that either...

I want that diamond.
I want it so
All of my irritating friends will know

That I have worth
Not only that
But that you love me even though I'm fat.

I want it and I want it now.
I'll say it once I don't care how
You get it, you can rob a store
There just is nothing I want more

Than diamond jewelry for me
And I'll talk louder so you see
How very much it means to me.

Even some little stud earrings.
Give me the God damn diamond!!!!!!


The Ostrich and the Egret
Had a very fine flat to let.
Figurine hutch, no the place wasn't much, but they
Got a Peacock.

His belongings were meager but,
He was pretty, would bring good luck.
They would sing songs all around the piano and
Do the Cakewalk.

He would say what he's gonna do.
He would say what he wanted to.
Ostrich and Egret were filled with regret,
But the
Rent's well worth him.

He felt things they'd never felt.
Like the slap of a feather belt.
So still they sat by the fireplace silent.
A chill ran through them.

Ostrich and Egret and Peacock had very
Small dreams.
Picturing them just reminds me
Of calendar scenes.
Nobody's laughing when everyone's
Weeping, it seems.

So that's How We Quit the Forest.
The scene wasn't what it used to be.
The scene is never what it used to be.
So, that's How We Quit the Forest.

The scene wasn't what it used to be.
The scene is never what it used to be.
So, that's How We Quit the Forest.

15. WATCH T.V.

I'm the lucky one
Always having fun.
I tie back my hair.

I sit and Watch T.V.
I see only me.
Though I look for you there.

Oh, where have you gone?
Were you canceled?
I change to channel 2.
You were the one
Who gave me all my answers.
I changed
So did you.

Try another show.
With the volume low.
I make up what they say.
Where it used to be your face
Is an empty space
Your co-stars look away.

Oh, where have you gone
And do you miss me
And what we used to do?
You were the one
Who'd talk and smile for half an hour
Always new.

I'm the lucky one.
I watch a re-run.
It looks a lot like you.

One star lost a family
One family lost a star.
That's why I wait and watch
To find out where you are.

One family lost a star.
One star, they lost their family.
That's why I sit at home alone
And Watch T.V.

I can watch forever
I can watch for hours
It just gets better
It gives me the power
I can watch for hours
I can watch forever
It gives me pleasures
It makes me better

I'm the lucky one.
Always having fun.

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