Rasputina : A Radical Recital

Atmospheric Gothic / USA
(2005 - Filthy Bonnet Recording)
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In a prehistoric dried-up lake
A million years after the last earthquake
There lived a little girl who loved to bake
The only thing she made was cake

And all she used was salt
That's all she had - it's not her fault
Saline, the salt lake queen

She used a rudimental substance for
An ingredient that she could pour
Into a chalice she carved out of stone
Her only friend, it was a big black crow

That flew with love
He would fly high above
Then look back at her below

Oh Saline
Only seventeen
Swollen up with pride

Oh Saline
Under desert skies
She's a bromide
She makes green fire in a tunnel of thorns
And she's got yellow eyes

She cook alone amid a brutal ruin
It's hard to tell exactly what she's doin'
An incantation then the crow flew in


And then she took a taste
The black crow looked into her fact
Saline the salt lake queen

Oh Saline
Only seventeen
Swollen up with pride

Oh Saline
Under desert skies
She's a bromide
She makes green fire in a tunnel of thorns
And she's got yellow eyes


Very many years ago, the Bolivians were starving so,
They had rats as big as ponies there. They asked the Pope
To declare them fish.
We thank the Pope for granting us this wish.
When Friday comes, we'll all call rats fish.
We catch them with a net, kill with a gun.
We'll call it all forgotten when we're done.
THey didn't look like rats at all, but lke some horrendous horse doll.
Still, they had to eat this thing.
In gratitude, the Pope, they kissed his ring.
We'll call it all forgotten when we're done.


He want you to put this plate of crumbs into the frigerator.
When you do, he wants you to make sure to bring this plate with dessert later.
Stand to the right. Give him a bite.
Insulate the bed. Shoot him up when he's dead.

He wants you to take a box Kleenex and cut it with a knife.
Use a stack of tissues for each hand, killing germs could save his life.
Climb into he cockpit. He drops his pants to grin
Just act like it's nothing. Just nod and smile at him.

Howard Hughes pops valium blue and he reclines the naked chair and watches just one more movie.
Howard Hughes has got something on you when the fingers grow long
And the toenails they wrap around him.
Howard Hughes,
What he did
What he'd do.

He wants you to seal windows and doors of his hotel room with tape.
He will be alowed to pee on floors, cause his codeine constipates.
Listen to him moan. About a million dollar loan.
Don't answer the phone. It's been a long time since he's flown.


Do you believe in the Signs of the Zodiac?
Haven't you found that the systems for
Planning always fall?

Can you avoid what gave Daddy his heart attack?
Have you tried everything, anything
All to no avail?

I know what you need.
This will really work.
In ancient times, if you were sick
They make you bleed.
Oh, honey I know it hurts.

Look all around you and notice you're not alone.
We want to give you the courage to
Go a different way.
Think of the love and attention we all have shown.
What did we do when we heard, well, we
All came right away.

I know what you need.
This will really work.
In ancient times, if you were sick
They make you bleed.
Oh, honey I know it hurts.

Do you believe in the Signs of the Zodiac?

I know what you need.
This will really work.
In ancient times, if you were sick
They make you bleed.
Oh, honey I know it hurts.

Do you believe in the Signs of the Zodiac?


I carry a secret message
It concerns suspicious blessings,
Now, I'm sure you know what to do
But if it should be some bad news
You know you can lean on me.
It might explain Nostradamus
Or my addiction to prophecy.

I'm not at liberty to say
How a secret message came for you today...

I'm like a mirror, baby
I refract light back at you
So silent, so thin, so tricky now
We do the things that lovers do.

I'm not at liberty to say
How a secret message came for you today...
It holds the secrets of my heart and my mind...
It tells of vast expanses
Stretching backwards over time...

Two objects at eqidistance, acting as if they cared.
Does weight equal mass in this instance?
Oh, E = MC squared.

I'm not at liberty to say how a
Secret message came for you today...
It holds the secrets of my heart and my mind...
It tells of vast expanses
Stretching backwards over time...


I'm the lucky one
Always having fun.
I tie back my hair.

I sit and Watch T.V.
I see only me.
Though I look for you there.

Oh, where have you gone?
Were you canceled?
I change to channel 2.
You were the one
Who gave me all my answers.
I changed
So did you.

Try another show.
With the volume low.
I make up what they say.
Where it used to be your face
Is an empty space
Your co-stars look away.

Oh, where have you gone
And do you miss me
And what we used to do?
You were the one
Who'd talk and smile for half an hour
Always new.

I'm the lucky one.
I watch a re-run.
It looks a lot like you.

One star lost a family
One family lost a star.
That's why I wait and watch
To find out where you are.

One family lost a star.
One star, they lost their family.
That's why I sit at home alone
And Watch T.V.

I can watch forever
I can watch for hours
It just gets better
It gives me the power
I can watch for hours
I can watch forever
It gives me pleasures
It makes me better

I'm the lucky one.
Always having fun.


A romantic scene from a lullaby.
In a clearing green, where his eyes met mine.
I was frozen motion. Oh! His bow was raised.
Then the fleeting notion - that my life he'd save.

But I saw it coming, flying through the air.
Feathered backside humming. Miss me, hit me where
Where it will only hurt me, not a mortal wound.
Leave my lying dirty, someone would find me soon.

I have never been like this before.
Felt my body sinking to the grassy floor
I have never known a love like this.
Felt the flaming arrows of the Hunter's Kiss.

My life is not mine.
Like a dog or a wife.
He has taken his time.
He has taken my life.

I could see the streaming of his cloudy breath.
No, I was not dreaming. I was next to death.
As I lay there twitching, then my legs he tied.
Nothing was missing on the day I died.



Against the law to talk about the
Rocket in the park I send it
Off to be examined by a
Scientific team
On the Moon on the Moon
On the Moon on the Moon.

I organize a council where the
Prize goes unannounced until there's
In the trees a city, just some
Leaves we left it pretty
Long ago long ago
Long ago Oh so long ago.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.

My cave is lit with tiny lights
I climb the stairs and catch the sights
Of other people far below
I've heard of them, they think they know
I make no friends. I've got no spark
In my defense, I take apart
What's put together easily
This is all true
I'll make it be.

Every day like Jesus He's not
Up there He can't see us. Maybe
Eyes uplifted slowly for effect
The land below me
Far away far away
Far away Oh so far away.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.

I make no friends. I've got no spark
In my defense, I take apart
What's put together easily
This is all true
I'll make it be.

I have half-a-mind, it's cracked and breaking.
It's recommended as great for tasting
Spit in the face of a tried and true one,
These are Things That I'm Going To Do.


Every time that I hear a woman cry 'cuz her man has left her flat
I just feel like saying, "don't be such a fool, you fool."
Better dry your eyes, can't you realize
You gain nothing by that
Well, that's no way to keep his heart warm, baby,
When his love grows cool

What's the use in sighing?
What's the use in crying
If he's wandered off the track?
'Cuz if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back, no

Might as well be cheerful
There's no use being tearful
If he's given you the sack
'Cuz if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back

Now, listen
If sweet sugar kissin' isn't gonna make him come home
Tell me,how do ya hope to keep him to ya
With tears instead of song

Just be a normal fella
Come on, say "What the hell-a"
Get his clothes and help him to pack
'Cuz if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back

Love is like home cooking: good, and wholesome
But all men need some mutton on the outside now and then
If you find your boy is cheating,
Do the same, old dear
He's only giving you the chance that you've been waiting for for years
My goodness! Tears won't get you anything
Just a shiny red nose
Go on, paint up, powder up, put on your swellest clothes
Men: go and get 'em by the score
Neglected girls shouldn't worry
That's what God made sailors for!

Don't cry for him or chase him
Just go out and replace him
With some good looking Tom, Dick or Jack
'Cuz if your kisses won't hold the man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back

If your kisses won't hold
The man you love
Then your tears won't bring him back!


They saw her break through barriers 40 feet high.
It was the finest moment in a long life.
Young boys will tack her pictures over their bed.
They saw her mouth move but couldn't hear what she said.

"You're a souvenir, a darling, dear."
She used to say that kind of thing.
"You're a mantlepiece with strong beliefs."
Only her black rainbow meant something.

Don't cry for her now. Oh yeah. Don't cry for her.

I saw the sailor talking with the cops.
I saw the sailor walking with the cops.
First comes the nurse, that just got back from war.
She had a feather in her cap. That's all she wore.
Then comes the mother and she's got a friend.
And they start yelling at you and that's how it all began.

It's one of those things you should not try at home.
What's meant by intentional falls can never be known.
And old actress worth her salt outta know
The higher you are you want to see what's below.

12. ROSE K.

She doesn't know the man
Who tries to push her wheelchair in the sand.
She just looks out to the sea.
He's talking endlessly.

Oh, why won't he shut up?
I take my medicine
I crush the paper cup
Oh, maybe he's my son
And he's come to set me free.

She knows that she forgot
That there's a story and she
Can't recall the plot.
Of course her family fought
Over the furniture.

Oh, I don't know why they
Have taken all my favorite things away.
But one thing that's for sure
I don't know what they were.

They say a stone is a marker
And that it has weight.
They say it's solid
But it can deteriorate.

The air is like a hand
Reminding her of all the things she's planned.
Like air that thought is gone
Never to come again.

We came out to the beach
To find the mind I've lost and cannot reach.
I used to keep it here.
It was much cleaner then.

They say a rose is a flower
And that it is red.
It blooms, it grows, it wilts
And then it is dead.

They say a stone is a marker
And that it has weight.
They say it is solid
But it can deteriorate.

They say a rose is a flower
And that it is red.
It blooms, it grows, it wilts
And then it is dead.

Oh, Rose Kennedy.


Oh, it's scrambled eggs what he says.
He accuses me of treachery.
Got the nine lies, got the wide eyes,
Got a failing grade in chemistry.
If you count back to the balcony
When all we saw was the mystery.
Of a blonde haired boy brought his mother joy,
With his pedigree and family tree.

Oh, lay it all out on a wicker couch.
That you wove in the loony bin.
Cut it out, it's a second round bout.
Not the way of a gentleman.
Give it up, get a job,
Take a pill and leave me be.
He's got a synapse lapse he don't think he has,
But it's been proven empirically.

"If they take something precious from me,
I take something precious from them."
Oh now he's losing his constituency.
We thought, "Oh, this could never happen again."
If I take something precious from him,
He try to take something from me.
There's a battle in his head that he cannot win.
There's a man he could never be.
Oh no. Way to go.
He's the Mayor.

Oh, I'm quite tired of this lunatic.
Why must we suffer cuz the mayor's sick?
He say: "All abandon from this sinking ship".
Then he's off on another trip.
He don't care about environment.
He has made this a shitty place.
My interest rate shrinks at a rapid pace
Compounded daily on my worried face.

"If they take something precious from me,
I take something precious from them."
Oh now he's losing his constituency.
We thought, "Oh, this could never happen again."
If I take something precious from him,
He try to take something from me.
There's a battle in his head that he cannot win.
There's a man he could never be.
Oh no. Way to go.
He's the Mayor.


Momma was an opium smoker
She'd light it with a red hot poker
She would never take a bath
We would ask her, she'd just laugh
Because our momma was an opium smoker

She made it with this gentleman, Lincoln
They met on a boat, it was sinking'
When she shoulda gone overboard, momma say "No way, oh my lord
Only of opium smoke am I thinkin'."

Oh, help us. lord
We can't afford
Her destructive ways
You oughta' hear what she says!

She would just sit on her fat ass
Yell at us, "fill up my wine glass!"
She would tell us, "How sad you won't never know your dad."
Oh yeah my momma was an opium smoker

Go, momma, go
Uh huh, uh huh, uh huh, uh huh

She'd hide the money and the drugs in the mattress
I wonder how long she's been at this
And I say, "Mom bang the gong, can't you see it's all wrong?"
My momma was an opium smoker


Ladies and gentlemen, this is a song about an old man.
He had a cow.
He had but one cow, and the cow died.
He loved the cow better than his own child.
When the cow died, getting grieved by the cow was going no milk and butter.
At home.
So, here come this song.

If you mourn for Dickie, I'll tell you right now
He was an old man and he had but one cow
Over hedges and ditches and fields he had plowed
He ran for his life just to get to his cow

Oh, wicked Dickie done died

When the old man heard that his cow she was dead
Over hedges and ditches you see he had fled
Over hedges and ditches and fields that were mown
He ran for his life just to get to his own

Oh, wicked Dickie done died

Now I sit down and I eat my dried meal
But I have no milk what to put in my pail
I have no butter to sop with my bread
Now old wicked Dickie is dead

Oh, wicked Dickie done died


When I was a young girl, a young girl, a young girl
When I was a young girl then, oh then
When I was a young girl, a young girl, a young girl
When I was a young girl then, oh then

It was a ha ha this-a-way
Ha ha that-a-way
Ha ha this-a-way then, oh then

The boys came a-courtin', courtin', courtin'
The boys came a-courtin' then, oh then
The boys came a-courtin', courtin', courtin'
The boys came a-courtin' then, oh then

It was a primp primp this-a-way
Primp primp that-a-way
Primp primp this-a-way then, oh then

It was a ha ha this-a-way
Ha ha that-a-way
Primp primp this-a-way then, oh then

Then we married, married, married
Then we married then, oh then
Then he died, died, died
Then he died then, oh then

It was a boo-hoo this-a-way
Boo-hoo that-a-way
Boo-hoo this-a-way then, oh then

Ha ha this-a-way
Ha ha that-a-way
Ha ha this-a-way then, oh then

When I was a young girl, a young girl, a young girl
When I was a young girl then, oh then

(Boo-hoo this-a-way
Boo-hoo that-a-way
Boo-hoo this-a-way then, oh then)

When I was a young girl, a young girl, a young girl
When I was a young girl then, oh then
When I was a young girl, a young girl, a young girl
When I was a young girl then, oh then


So this ain't the end, I saw you again today
I had to turn my heart away
Smiling like the sun kisses pouring in
And Tales, that never fail.

Your lying so low in the weeds,
I bet you think your going to ambush me
You'd got me down, down, down, down on my knees
Oh child, Barracuda

Back over time we were doing fine,
I see you never fancied me
No right no wrong selling a song
A name wins the game

And if the real thing don't do the trick
You'd better make up something quick
Or your gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn into the wind
Oooh, barracuda

And if the real thing don't do the trick
You'd better make up something quick
Or your gonna burn, burn, burn, burn, burn into the wind
Oooh, barracuda


It's been a long time since I rock and rolled
It's been a long time since I did the stroll
Oh let me get it back
Let me get it back, baby, where I come from
Oh lord

It's been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely lonely, lonely time

Seems so long since we walked in the moonlight
Oh lord
Making vows that just can't work right yeah
Open your arms,
Open your arms,
Open your arms, baby, let my love come running in
It's been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely lonely, lonely time

Seems so long since we walked in the moonlight
Oh Lord
Making vows that just can't work right
Oh yeah
Open your arms,
Open your arms,
Open your arms, baby, let my love come running in
I'ts been a long time, been a long time
Been a long lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely time


I have worked out every small detail, in this plan I've made
This thing which cannot fail.
I dare myself to do this one thing,
You can have my car, go on take everything.

All thats good has gone, has gone
I have tried too long

I don't think I'll miss my mom and dad
The class I cut
All the friends I never had
These things I wont miss wont miss me,
My house my block,
The baby bird that I set free.
The dance that I was never asked to,
The teachers that thought they knew me.
They'll all remember what I did,
They'll ask whos fault was it? Oh she was just a kid.

I'll be glad to go you see,
You don't even know me.
Not at all

I'll be glad to go you see,
You don't even know me.
Not at all


I never want to be seen as cheap,
But I saw the tears in his eyes
And I thought, "That's sweet."
I tried on all of my little jokes.
I muscle in, throw it in,
Just to see if it floats.
Not many people have the balls of I.
To take the bull by the horns
And make it mine all mine

He was it, he was really hot shit.
He was tripping, he was drifting,
He was high.
He was really nice.

He smelled like propane and butterscotch.
He kept his eyes on me
Cuz he liked to watch me
Tear up bedsheets to bandage him.
He had been in a fight,
But he did not win.
I don't think we brought the money up.
It was a gas, oh we just laughed.
This boy could not shut up.

He was it. He was really hot shit.
He was tripping, he was ripped and he was
High on Life.

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