Ramming Speed : Always Disgusted, Never Surprised

Thrash Metal / USA
(2009 - Punks Before Profits)
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Were your actions justified when you manipulated lives?
What will we do if we've entrusted our saving with these swine?
For the lower class, struggling through times of prosperity, the fight goes on.
What will you do when every penny must be pinched and the economy dissolves?
Will the rich be forced to find other ways to survive?
What will you do?
When financial interest is not for the people then what do we expect.
Crooked legislation has brought us nothing but destitution.


I see no hope in the present or future.
I keep hearing that they'll change in '09.
The only change I see is in the poor man's cup asking if I can spare a dime.
Blindly following a campaign, won't step forward and make your own change.
The future must not be in one man.
That's why I see no hope.
Hailing as the new messiah - the weddings over now it's time to get fucked.


Another night for Colonel Petrov,
More concerned with getting through his shift, than atomic warfare.
It was a game of nerves, who'll bomb first,
Leaders sweating bullets as Slayer showed no mercy.
Then the screen cried "Launch! Launch!", he kept his cool, Knowing that "This must be a mistake." as he sat and watched 'the end of the world'
...Unaware of earth's downfall, we went along with life, business as usual.


I've flown through clear skies on sunny days.
From forty thousand feet, I've sent napalm spiraling toward the earth.
I've been the bomber, not the bombed.
I've set towns ablaze and destroyed the enemy below,
But from where I'm seated it's nothing but blue skies.
Now I'm on the receiving end; trembling and scared as the earth rips beneath me.
Smoke bellows from my leveled home.
Shaken, I raise my head to where the vultures feed.
The dust settled, and casualties counted.
Air raids over, lament has just begun.
The disconnect I never knew, now a bringer of grief.
Where there ever people below?
Now I am one of them.

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