Radigost : A Stellar Kingdom

Pagan Black / Russia
(2008 - Hadahardz Music)
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Flowing eternally, incessantly shapechanging
They run since the creation of the World
From the crystal-clear source of vitality,
Giving births, giving might.

Small brook becomes a roaring torrent
But colors are gradually fading away
It burns in the devouring fire of Phlegethon

Rivers, that are slowly passing by
Never are being the same,
But always to the same end,
The predetermined final

What expects waters falling into the storming seas?
The destination is obscure, but firm.




The first born chaos was a key to the spring of life.
The birth of a star: beginning of a new epoch.
Ever spinning wheel of a beings
Invisible, but tangible
It lives, it gives strength to the stars,
a door to the multiverse.

Billions of suns from the eternal dark,
Dancing, flying in the abyss.
Crown of heavenly fire
In the celestial icy castles.
“Emptiness” becomes inhabited,
“Emptiness” turns into Creation.

Dying, but never dead
It will remain for millenniums.
Renewing or fading away,
A Stellar Kingdom builds it's strongholds,
Steadfast through the Infinity,
The shelters of your own,
The places to fight in…
…The Order to die for in Rebirth…


Where was I when the first man appeared and the first word was said?
he fear, the thought, the sound…
Something unseen or some kind of flying serpent.
A forest beast and a nameless spirit, an uncontrollable energy.
I followed man all the path, the long road of history.
Transforming, shapechanging shadow. I was many.
The hidden, but more evident than a ray of light sometimes.
Reflection of great kings, the cradle of myths.
Nobody could tell what I was, as well as nobody knows it now.
Today I am prayed and worshiped, I am the holy great one.
The Almost United One!
But what will I be when the Human will not be?


From the bowls of battle I shall arise
From the ashes of the fallen heroes
And fire ablaze when it consumed it all
Realizing that I shant fall,
nor drown in the creeks
of blood
Shed by fiends
of the bitter moon

come whilst my courageous heart
and on towards divinity

awake that inner silence
caused by calamity

and breach through the spines of fear
slashing all whom oppose my faith

To the path of Victories
Through justice of the sword
The cleansing of dreadful souls
Shall stain no more

To the path of Heroes
A craving besieged
The clash of the titans
I heed my call.

In defiance of death I shall raise my sword
And gain my rightful place in the palace of Myths
A pledge to be made by carving on my face
Lead the way Oh Gods of old

Show me the destiny bestowed upon me
Grant me the wish I utterly desire

Follow me thou ghosts of woe
Paint thy fury in dark red

To the path of Victories
Through the halls of the elders
Amidst the corridor
Lays My statue standing tall

To the path of Myths
Everlasting memory
An immortal statue
Of which tales have been told.




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Twilight of mankind: human, leading himself to extinction,
The deadlock of evolution means degradation and regress

Dark instincts prevail, the lower ones gather in packs
To fill their own pockets full, to finish off the heroes

Greed, killing honor, industry, killing nature.
The never-ending wheel of war is running,
Swallowing last resources of the planet.
The outward imperial grandeur hides the inner poorness.

Last thoughts of dying science,
The greatest killing machine is ready
To make the end coming faster:
Civilizations are fallen!
Back to the wildness, back to the tribes
The strongest is right, there is no place for creativity,
Cause agression means life now.

The failed experiment of the “Gods” comes to its end:
Dying humanity on the exhausted mother Earth.


The constellations are in bedlam
As the universe never seems to seize expansion
To contrive a new inauguration
Bewildered thoughts for mankind to conceive
Unalterable dire beseeched
To impel the terminus of existence
And the world befallen
Malignant new reign of calamity

Eliminating all credence
And long fought for bigoted reckoning
An affinity to enthrall our dilemma innate
Of entities that man's feebleness procreated
To cajole the void that swallowed our kind alive
Pacifying, omitting and deaf
From listening to the true voice
Of the one whom lives aloof
In the cosmic abyss

Captivating all chaos to reform into order
An eternity of infinity
But now awaits slumber as he has not
Been recognized
To be reborn again,
And so it has come
Upon a Twilight Sun
An eternity of infinity
Draws mortality…

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