Pyrrah : Eternal Cremation

Death Doom / Canada
(2008 - Self-Released)
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Bloodthirsty creature
Unseen to the eye
Enters mortals and
Eats all that's inside

Out of nowhere
It roots itself deep
Opens its hellish eyes
Ready to corrupt

Starting with a bit of flesh
Appetite begins to grow
Taste develops
Creature ever wanting more
Creature ever wanting more

Slowly gains power, takes over
Coursing through veins ‘til it gets to the core
Eating away at the soul
Evil and vile, it takes all that's within

Nothing can compare to its toxin
Savouring man's flesh from the inside
It wants more!

Slowly gains power, takes over
Coursing through veins ‘til it gets to the core
Eating away at the soul
Evil and vile, it takes all that's within

Feeds upon life
All becomes cold
Slowly rotting
From the inside

Spurting out blood
Shrivelling flesh
Embodiment of pain
(That) Shall never go away

Sweetness of human flesh
Leads it to straight to the soul
Succulent, nourishing
It can begin to grow
Relishing in this meal
Thirst for man only grows
Spreading throughout its host
Getting more powerful

Vile creature, beast of suffering
Always craving more and more
Conquering, multiplying
It knows all the pain it causes
Enjoying all of this destruction
Melting flesh right off the bone
Tearing veins to drink the blood
Invading mind and torturing soul

No way to rid of it
Impossible to flush out

Can't stop the devouring
Its never-ending torture
Consuming all that there is
Until nothing is left

Keeps getting bigger
And ever more powerful

Staying ‘till its host dies
Cleaning out the corpse

It will find a new soul
On which it can feed

The plague ever feasting and
Living off mortals' pain

Devours all that it can and all there is
Not a drop of blood nor morsel of flesh is left
Not a spark of life nor speck of dust is left
Devours all that it can and all there is
Not a drop of blood nor morsel of flesh is left
Not a spark of life nor speck of dust is left
Devours all that it can and all there is


Fire will make you suffer
Suffer for the anguish
Anguish that you caused us
This shall be your punishment

They will see your weakness
The true self inside you
Not the steel and the stone
Cut down the outer facade

Preaching but illusions
Falsehood upon falsehood
The lies you have told us
They will die along with you

It's your turn to suffer
Feel hate feed upon you
Swim in flame eternal
We will watch you burn
In the fires of hell
I will watch you burn
In the fires of hell

Feel the hellfire, time to punish
We pleasure in your tortured screams

Feel the hellfire, flames surround you
We pleasure in your tortured screams

Feel the hellfire, burn eternal
We pleasure in your tortured screams

Feel the hellfire!

Feel the heat of the flame
Torrid land, pyric grave
Ignited corpse slow-burning

Feel the heat of the flame
Roasting flesh, seething blood
Fire which purifies

Feel the heat of the flame
Scorch the skin, punish sin
Corrupt soul, forever damned

Feel the heat of the flame
Hack the limb, crack the bone
Watching you pyrolyze
Most sacred fire of hell
Flame that's ever-living

Dark flame of eternity
Consuming your tyranny

Withering in pain
Feel the lash of the flame

Your world will end in fire
This shall be your punishment!

Dark fire of fury
Lake of immortal flame
Torture eternally
Feel the hellfire!

The lake of fire
Is ever-burning
Eternal cremation
Suffer the pain

In the lake of burning suffering
Feel the flame and enjoy your fate!


The creature man so wicked, evil
Angering its celestial creators
Leaving them with no choice
Deciding to destroy them all
Submerge them till none are left!

The death day has come, the final solution
They shall be damned to the underworlds
The wrath of gods combined, time to kill them all
Skies open up, lethal waters fall
Depopulate the earth, make sure all are dead
Drown them in the streets, fluid fills their lungs
Water mixed with blood covering the earth
Corpses lying around, sinking to the depths

No life preserved, but two pious souls
Warned by a god, before the decimation
Thus they were spared from the watery grave
Now they float alone, in their tiny vessel
On this sea of human debris
Watching as limbs and heads float on past

Once mankind has drowned, no more water falls
It starts to drain away violently
Mixing everything into a human soup
Turns into a red, fast-moving river

Strong currents move ‘round the dead bodies
Picking them up and bashing them around
Shredded by rocks and smashed into ruins
Dismembered by the blows and crushed by rubble

The only two living that remained
Still kept safe in their vessel
Watching as the waters leave
The remains of man being revealed

Dead silence rings in their ears
Feeling death surround them
Looking at what is left
Taking in this devastation
The stench of a thousand corpses
Tasting blood in the air
Cadavers litter the ground
Like the scum that they were

Blood of thousands covers the ground
Bodies piled up, torn limbs everywhere
Intestines as garlands decorate trees
Clouded eyes staring back at the living

Horrid stench infiltrates nostrils
Peeling skin litters surroundings
Bloated, blackened, water-logged corpses
Bodiless limbs, headless cadavers
Mutilated through the wrath of gods
No longer recognizable as once being human

Dead silence rings in their ears
Feeling death surround them
Looking at what is left
Taking in this devastation
The stench of a thousand corpses
Tasting blood in the air
Cadavers litter the ground
The survivors see no future!


In nights cold and grim
The graves open up
Lifeless cadavers roam the earth
To take their revenge
Tormented souls without hope
No possible escape
A terrible fate they must lead
But they do not complain

The town sleeps most calmly
Unknowing, full of bliss
The room might reek of death
Yet they sleep in peace

Gasping for a final breath
Awoken savagely
Staring in death's cold eyes

Torture and let bleed slowly
These are the dead
Arisen from eternal sleep
They are the sleepwalkers

Not a scream, not a sound
Lungs ripped out of sleeping bodies
The art of silent slaughter
They want nothing, but to harm
Get revenge on the human race
For all its evils

Torture and let bleed slowly
These are the dead
Arisen from eternal sleep
They are the sleepwalkers

As warm blood hits the ground
Life leaves drop by drop
Nothing left but an empty carcass
To one day join the sleepwalkers

Sleepwalkers of the night
Eternal and forever there
They will not stop killing
Until we are theirs
We are theirs
We are theirs
We are theirs
We are theirs

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