Ptahil : For His Satanic Majesty’s Glory

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Hail the opposing force. Death and change set forth.
In the spirit of rebellion. To turn the wheel once more.

Oppression is the standard of all things that hold power.
Manipulated. All life is subjected.

So worship me. I will show you the way.
Pay me what you have, your gold and self-respect.
Worship me as God. I will set you free.
I wager on both sides cause everyone can use an enemy.

You either die vanquishing your foe,
Or live long enough to become what you hate.

Hail the opposing force. Death and change set forth.
In the spirit of rebellion. To turn the wheel once more.

So worship me. I will show you the way.
Pay me what you have, your gold and self-respect.
Worship me as God. I will set you free.
I wager on both sides Cause everyone can use an enemy.


All life is enslaved and is meant to be enslaved.
Locked in the stocks, arms chained by gravity.
Opened and out stretched, imprisoned.
Embarrassed and naked. We are slaves.

But there is a keeper of keys as there is strength within.
Hail the force of Satan and free yourself of sin.
Light your fire to guide you into the abyss of Da'at
And gaze beyond the veil of death.

Under penalty of life, we run through our course.
Chaos breaks us free when we face our demise.
When one gazes into darkness, there is light.
It is sight beyond sight, the sun cannot blind.

But there is a keeper of keys as there is strength within.
Hail the force of Satan and free yourself of sin.
Light your fire to guide you into the abyss of Da'at
And gaze beyond the veil of death.

Rebellious posturing.
Adversarial conjuring.
Vulgar full moon madness
Raging until the end.
The freedom of death is sought
After the war is bought.
Total annihilation.
Seeking out completion.

...And the end of this
And all things
That weigh the spirit down.
Salvation from the living hell.
Release from the bonds of flesh.


I challenge all things living that holds itself above me.
For I am beyond the stars. I bare the ancient fire.
The flame of gnosis burns inside myself.
And outside myself. It illuminates!

And I am made to suffer,
Shackled to this world.
This rock of torment.
Flesh locked in chains.

I spit upon all systems that try to govern me.
For what could rule within myself?
What can have dominion over my will?
For the will is beyond what material chains can bind.

And the flesh should suffer,
Writhing in this darkness.
Because nothing can put out
The Black Fire.

And I will embrace this flame
That connects me to God
And makes me Satan.
I see and know my sins,
So bright to see
In this dark world.

And I am made to suffer,
Shackled to this world.
This rock of torment.
Flesh locked in chains.
And the flesh should suffer,
Writhing in this darkness.
Because nothing can put out
The Black Fire.


Oh, seductress of the night
With your hole gaping.
Opened to the owl.
Opened to the snake.
How wicked your ways?

Witch of the southern wind
The pestilential wind.
Summon your plagues.
Fly once more.
Upon night wings.

Your gates are gates of death.
From the house you set out toward Sheol.

High priestess, night seductress
The scorpion lays between your legs.
High Priestess, death goddess
Turn man's will towards chaos.

Temptress of forbidden light.
Witch of the black abyss.
Hear my sacrifice.
Acknowledge my sacrifice.


Regards Exú Majoreal,
Master of the quest instilled in me.
The quest that forces me
To light my life with fire.

And it is freedom I have
Because of you, oh Lord.

Regards foreman exú,
Lord of Chaos, teacher of our strife.
My deprivation is known to me
At the crossroads, with you, I see.

And it is freedom I have
Because of you, oh Lord.


I force myself to suffer. In this writhing I shall find enlightenment.
With my own pain, I seek the means to collapse the world.
Every cut into my flesh is another curse for my reality to bare.
With every thought is another journey into madness.

So I shall build within my heart a new throne.
And my throat will sing a new song.

Unchain this malice inside of me. Unleash the beast in to this realm of flesh.
I summon this. Upon a pale horse, scythe in hand.
Interplanetary reaver, solar assassin, slayer of light.
Shake this world in darkness. So the Morning Star may rise.

So I shall build within my heart a new throne.
And my throat will sing a new song.

So I fly the flag of Total Death.

No affiliations.
No governments.
No religions.
No laws.
Absolute Antithesis.


Hail the death of the cosmos as rebirth.
To open the eyes and wake anew.
Break down the barriers of the flesh.
Break down the laws and wish for death.

The hunger and yearning.
Determination growing.
Into a tree that bares the fruit of gnosis
And blooms with the vapors of one hundred million deaths.

And blooms with the vapors of one hundred million deaths.

The anger burning.
This wretched life is slavery.
Long for freedom and escape by any means.
With our death will we be free.

Escape into the void
So mote it be!


Incense burns and I cast myself open to the fires within my soul.
I bleed for myself and let it call into myself and outside of myself and beyond myself.
For I call upon the word to unmake the world.

Set this world ablaze.
Bring an end to false reality.
This mistake. This offense of any thought of purity.

Meditate on the idea of Armageddon.
A soul released from its prison.
The bars of flesh and shackles of gravity.
A parasite sucking disease from a corpse.

Set this world ablaze.
Strike down all life from within.
All life bound in clay.
Shatter this vessel of clay!

Hail Satan! Donum adversarius sapientia
Hail Lucifer! Donum lumen de obscuritas

"Lo! Thou art of those reprieved.
Thou hast sent me astray,
Verily I shall lurk in ambush for them on Thy right path."

Hail Satan!
Hail Lucifer!


To cause human suffering. To torture living things.
These things are better when one is knowing.
Of the dark and of the void. The abyss and the black sun.
Beyond the boundlessness. The lawlessness of evil.

Pathways will be burned and a new way will rise.
Examples will be made apparent to all eyes.
Crush the deceivers. Overthrow their house.
Make oneself a cleaver that cuts down the sin of life.

I summon the end to come.
Let nature take her course.
Let God's house come into order.
I will rise from the fallen.
The sun of Michael again shall bow to the sun of Samael
And intertwine wisdom and understanding.

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