Psykup : Le Temps de la Reflexion

Experimental Metal / France
(2002 - Slalom Music)
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1. TO BE (TRAY)...


2. ... OR NOT TO BE

One day he woke up in a faked democraty.
But he didn't want to believe in this.
The taste of mankind had gone with his community's death.
Who then can believe in man?
Vengeance was set on his mind to prove to himself there is a justice
In the sky above
But he broke his wings on the edge of humanity, but he never ever said a word.

So much blood that flew from you
So many sores you hide on you
So many scars we see on you
So much blood that flew from you
So many sores you hide on you

Open up your eyes and take your time to realize what says the dying voice of a cut tongue
Cause i scream, but he's screaming louder, louder, he's screaming as dead

Years aften years, what did u discover?
Man still continue to fight until it's over
Blinded by a religion, a nation, a fuckin flag.

Totalitarian ways are made to meet a libertarian philosophy growing beneath a pile of bodies dead for freedom

Cause now the fight has become evident
Something curious:
The human behaviour

Don't talk anymore as a man

Your gun is your wife
& don't even falk at all

It's another dimension
Some game of grown-ups
Where loosing is dying
But you didn't write the rules
Cause it's comfortable to criticize
To debate about the psychological meaning of war,

When you're not inside

So much blood that flew from you
So many sores you hide on you
So many scars we see on you
So much blood that flew from you
So many sores that bleed

Recall he didn't betray
Recall he didn't talk in order to save you
Recall we couldn't do the same in our small lives
Recall that we could still betray and live with the shame to be alive

On warfields
Don't talk
Take care
But don't talk
You're in jail
You can't walk
You're in hell

They pour the salt in your sores
The shut every doors
The showed you what they call war
A world not going far
Your mind is gone
Your body is stone
They destroy you,
They go on
But you won


What's inside my head ?

She burns in me
And I don't lie
The sun is high
No emphasy
I think of one
I dream of two
Of anyone
I dream of you

That is what's inside my head
I wish something instead
That is what's inside my head
That is what's inside my body

What I feel inside, what I show outside :
Brothers enemies.
There is a frontline

She burns in me
And I don't lie
The sun is high
No emphasy
I think of one
I dream of two
Of anyone
I dream of you

I dream of you

I kiss the sirens that are touching me
I throw out love, I spit on me
They play with me, can't shut my ears
I forgot to put chains on me

That is what's inside my head
I wish something instead
That is what's inside my head
That is what's inside my body

What I feel inside, what I show outside :
Brothers enemies.
There is a frontline

I can 't control the inside
My brain is not mine
I got nowhere to hide
I wish I was blind

Dreams at the start
Nightmares in the end
It's my soul's game
Am I to blame ?

This love is beauty
This love is sex
This sex is beauty
This sex is dirt
I spit on me

I'm scared of the world of night
'Cause back to reality
I'm scared of the world of light
'Cause scared of the inside of me

Make your heart vibe


One two and one two three four

Peur de cette chose en toi, qui brûle sans faire de flamme
Peur de plonger, les mots stagnent, ils restent à la surface
C'est si facile, pourquoi résister, pourquoi vouloir faire face ?

Dans cette ville grise où personne n'est jamais comme il faut
Dans cette cours d'assises où les coupables ont le regard haut et franc
Dans cet état de crise où les hommes ont perdu leur cerveau
Dans cette longue frise perpetuelle, on cherche le temps
Dans cette ville grise où personne n'a jamais le temps

Qu'est qui nous paralyse ?
Nous fait défaut ?
Nous terrorise ?

Mais qu'est-ce ?

Aucunes Excuses
Tant que le route est longue, le ciel est à nous
Aucun Pardon
Tant qu'il nous restera quelque chose à faire
Pour Exister
Tant que la guerre est loin, qu'on a sous nos pieds
Un Bout de Terre
Qui nous dit qu'on a raison de garder la FOI

Qu'est qui nous paralyse ?
Nous fait défaut ?
Nous terrorise ?

Dans cet amas de rien
Où le vide comble au mieux les trous noirs
Une absence de liens
Où le monde a perdu la mémoire
Dans cette vie de chien
Où les pendus recherchent encore l'espoir
Dans ce monde qui est tien
Où les hommes pensent qu'il est trop tard

Trop tard

Fermer les yeux quand tu meurs
Fermer tes larmes quand tu pleures
Non, c'est pas ça, la vie
Ça, c'est des conneries
Pour les plus forts, la survie
Les rasés, ils l'ont écrit
Dehors bien mûrs, dedans pourris
Toi, c'est quoi ta vie ?

Donne-toi la chance de vivre une autre vie.
Donne-toi la chance de ne pas mourir ainsi.
Donne-toi la chance de vivre une autre vie.
Donne-toi la chance de te souvenir aussi
D'une vie sans vide.

La peur du vide te donne le rêve de te donner la chance.


From the start...

I see you breading lads as you teach at school
Giving lessons explaining rules
Don't matter if you took for fools
The fruits of your common LOVE.

Now you talk to me as you'd talk to a kid
Needing your help to be led
To your place and the job you did
But I prefer something else like...

HHUUUUUUUU le senegal
Arriii arriarribbaa AHAHAH

Ba Boo Ba Booo Bili Bili Ba Boo Ba Booo Bili Bi Ba Boo Ba Booo Bili Bili Ba Boo Ba Booh

You try to teach me what you've got to learn
Now, tell me, tell me
How do you feel ?

Now, tell me, tell me
How do you feel ?
What d'you think about and think about ?
Now, tell me, tell me
how do you feel?

Try, try to teach me nothing,
Try, try to learn from me, just try
Try to teach me nothing,TRY

Results of your system of misery
Depravation , Concentration Camps
What have you done ?
Tell me what you want from me
Right Now

You try to teach me what you've got to learn
Now, tell me, tell me
How do you feel ?

Now, tell me, tell me
How do you feel ?
What d'you think about ?
Now, tell me, tell me...

I know what U know
I know what U feel
I know what U feel

«You scream for nothing»
«Your lives are empty»
«Don't hope to succeed»
Hey hey !


Certains nous disent que la fin est proche
D'autres qu'on a même pas commencé

Certains nous disent le cap, c'est la roche
D'autres qu'on ferait bien de la percuter

Certains nous disent que les valeurs sûres
Sont celles qu'on trouve dans les drogues dures
Certains nous disent, les chemins de la foi
Sont ceux qu'on cherche mais qu'on ne trouve pas

Martin, aide-moi
Je n'ai plus la force de continuer
à jouer à l'écorce
Martin, aide-moi
Je n'ai plus l'espoir de continuer
A quoi bon le vouloir ?

Certaines voix hurlent mon avenir
D'autres me parlent mais ne me disent rien

Certaines voix résonnent au passé
D'autres sont muettes de peur des années

Certains nous disent que la fin est proche
D'autres qu'on a même pas commencé

Certains nous disent

Martin, aide-moi
Car Je me proche
Je cherche ailleurs la clé de mon destin
Martin, aide-moi
Car la fin est proche
Il me faut plus que le creux de mes mains
Comme un seul homme,désuni
Comme des millions,Démuni

Redonne, redonne...
Redonne, redonne...

Redonne la foi pendant que le monde s'en balance
Redonne la foi pendant que le monde s'en fout
Redonne la foi pendant que le monde s'en balance
Redonne la foi pendant que le monde s'en fout
Enfin libre



We shall overcome
I woke up this morning
We shall overcome
with my mind set on freedom

We've got some difficult days ahead...
Free at last, thanks xxx almighty
We'll be free at last


No flavour
My humour
In mirror
No colour
Inside me
The enemy
Over me

Words : no sense
Swords : no tense
Lords : no hate
Force has no transe
Force has no transe

Down and black and dumb and why ?
Torn and lack of light inside
Worn and blank just lump of night
Storm of pain and dumps on write

The girl :
The curl :
The swirl :
My curse :

Fear inside me
Tear Insanity
Near the ennemy
Leer over me

Words : no sense
Swords : no tense
Lords : no hate
Force has no transe
Force has no transe

Down and black and dumb and why ?
Torn and lack of light inside
Worn and blank just lump of night
Storm of pain and dumps on write

All inside my head has turned to black
and I got dumps on write
Everything I said was dumb and dark
and I got dumps on write
All inside my head has turned to black
and I got dumps on write
Everything I said was «Fuck It All»

My time has come to pay
I will recall that day
My time has come to pay
I will remember
Wake up alive

That's how we live :
Another path is there insight if you stand up and fight
Stand and fight because you'll find a way.


Ma Peur

Maintenant un peu d'etrange

Je suis seul et pourtant pas tellement.
Emotionnel, artificiel hydromel.

Mais pas de contrôle, aucune prise,
Mon avenir s'échappe et je m'enlise.
Peur de l'imprévu, envie d'inconnu.
Vaine ambivalence de l'existence.

Ma Peur

Où sont mes boulons ?!

Bon je parle , je parle mais on a pas tout le temps

Trop de questions
Plus d'émotions
Ma seule option :
J'ai pété les plombs!!

GO !

La vie s'ecool et moi j'ai peur,
Oui, peur de mes moi(s),
De celui qui veut une bonne guerre,
De celui qui veut pas lâcher un bout de sa terre
À ses frères de sang froid.
Tu peux courir
Et garder ta foi,
Suivre tes lois,
Car tu n'auras
Plus rien de moi
Sans queue ni tête.

Oohh j'crois qu'c'est la teuf là-haut oh

Quoi ?
Pierre qui roule n'amasse pas mousse.
Pourquoi ?
Et un "tiens" vaut mieux que deux "tu l'auras".

Ces proverbes n'arrangeront en rien.
Toutes les tares que j'élève en mon sein.

Funky!( petite chanson connue et...)
Et sinon vous venez souvent ici?
Quoi? j'entend pas
Non euh je disais , vous venez souvent ici ?
Ah je comprend mieux là euhh j'peux pas te le dire
Ouais, Bon c'est pas tout ça mais moi,
J'ai mes cachets à prendre
C'est ca

Sex, sex, sex pornography, sex
Sex, sex, sex pornography,
Sex, sex, sex pornography,
5, 6, 7 - Tout ce vice dans ma tête

Et si le temps
Vivait pour moi
Ces pauvres gens
Qui s'agitent extasiés
Autour de moi
Ne gerberaient pas
Tous mes émois.

Mais moi n'est plus moi.
Mais qui suis-je pour dire ça ?

Je défie ma destinée quand je rêve éveillé.
Je bâtis mes vérités sur du béton armé.
Mais qui sont les juges ?
Où commence la nuit ?
Mes divagations sont-elles toutes bien fondées ?

20 ans et toutes mes dents,
Mais rien pour mordre dedans.
On vit sur des concessions,
On peut plus jouer au con.

J'ai trouvé ma vocation,
Je crois que j'ai du talent
Pour m'apitoyer sur moi-même,
La seule personne que j'aime.

Sors la tête, fais pas l'autruche.
Sors la tête, fais pas l'autruche.

Parce que les autruches,
Ça vole pas bien haut.

Mais moi, Je suis fatigué,si fatigué...
Mais qu'est-ce que j'ai bien pu faire de ma journée ?
Sex, sex, sex pornography!

Demain est un autre hier.


Try and Change !

I'm tired of giving and not receiving
Everyone seems so untrue
This way if thinkin' is so deceiving
I wish I met new people who
Involve themselves
Their time and space

But life only taught me to hope.

I'm bored of staring at the ceiling
Reading my past on the walls
I kept dreaming,
They kept cheating
My Expectations
They're all gone

Cause everything you do is just a waste of time
Twice I said I won't, third, I lost my pride
I must failed the test, flunked all the exams
How could I progress, who should I confide in ?

You think you have failed ? NO
Rise from your ashes NOW
Take a look at yourself
New love, new hope, new fate

Troubles flew away
Follow this way
Phoenix, spread your wings

You lit me the way to find the force
To go on and laugh without remorse
No pain, no gain, I just want to scream
For me, for us, for the ones who doubt

No, don't doubt!
'Cause everything you do is not a waste of time,
Come on!


New fall, new man.

When it brings me so down and dark,
I suffered from the scars,
The mark of this memory which still remains
So deep in my brain

I used to hang my life on hope
Waiting for some dreams as a dope
- Which things and what d'you think you'll do ? -
Conviction was real,
Love was wide
I felt the pain from deep inside

Stay , stay away , stay away from me

New fall, new man

I stared too close at the enemy,
Searching for something to make me be,
Looking for a door,
Looking for an issue,
Another point of view
I felt insipid like a stone
With always that chill in my bones
- Which things and what d'you think you'll do ? -
Always searching some protection
Until I find this recession

And now things just stay away,
Recession has come,
And I am born again

Stay, stay away ,stay away from me

I realised my state of mind,
Maybe, I was blind,
Maybe, I was empty
To see life like a game

Dreams are not made to come true
I should have killed me for less
For something everyone died

But life ain't kind of shit at all
Look at those who show their scars :
Struggling to survive ? "FUCK YOU!"
You're free

May blood stop flowing in my mind
May blood flow in our bodies
And I'll still keep on giving
I don't care

Away from me.

lyrics added by Erzebeth_Bathory - Modify this lyrics