Proclamation : Nether Tombs of Abaddon

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Monolithic evil of sulphur and brimstone
Crowned with black ivory of thousand behemots
Blanketed with necrotic skin of doomed souls
Pouring the blood of the eternal martyrdome
Conceived by the architects of pain
Perpetual woe
Monument to the war with Heaven
No return
Living tomb of imprisioned archangels
Obsidian gravestone
Obelisk of the fall
Atonement Cenotaph
Stone of dismal sadness and death
Bloodstained idol of sacrificed expiation
Altar of crucifixion
Titanic shrine
Sacrilegious Mecca of the beasts of black damnation
Memorial of the bottomless defeat
Nothing can veil its terrible structure
Throne of the rotten bishop
Pillar of doom
Inside the walls of Dis
Into the Pandemonium
Atonement Cenotaph


Heavenly vomit from the throat of the pious
Crucifixes bleed
Execrated chastity
Black priests puking the world
Prayerful holy nausea
Religious harlots piss in the baptismal font
Whoredome of Christ
Swallowing the phallus of enthroned false prophets
Defecated testaments
Keepers of the forbidden fruit
Let the children come
Blessed sodomy
Molested infants taste the pontifial flesh
Clerical sperm
Canonical deviation
Rape and abuse of the innocent souls
Icons and images of the martyrs behold the obscene sacrament
Depravation manifests
Love of God
Disgorged Blood
Holy Spirit incarnates
Morbid sains
Sermons of lust
Blind Believers
Tears and semen
Faith and love
Exhumed instincts
Ancient practics
Catholic filth
Feast upon the shit vomited by four evangelists
Regurgitated Bibles


Moribund bastard excoriated with whips
Humbled white lamb covered with shit
Putrid saviour
Rank feed of rats
Hanging in the cross he bleeds out his ass
Castrated creature on the hill of skulls
Grasping for air
Mortal scum
Both broken legs
Slashed skin
Nailed in wood
Die for our sins
Holy sudarium
Jesus Christ saves
Blessed excrement in a filthy grave
The Goat of Jahveh harrows in Hell
While Barabbas now belongs to Azazel
After the descend the son resurrects
But Judas is damned world without end
Taking away the continual burnt offering
Profaning the temple with this evil mockery
Abomination of Desolation
Jesus Christ Death Ceremony
Christ Death Ceremony
Inferno is open and the lamb is claimed
Rise from the Limbo to the eternal grace
Empirian God's phallus by angels is licked
Patriarchs are drowned in jealeaus love fluids
Terrible four beasts of the Merkabah devour the carrion of the son of man
Messianic remains lie behold the Demiurge
In the name of us sinners he accepted the scourage
Abomination of Desolation
Jesus Christ Death Ceremony


Doomed is the one who walk in step with Lucifer
Hungry for knowledge
Seduced by evil
Lead to destruction
Beyond the tree of Life banished races are congregated
Condemned souls praying the psalms of mortification
Blasphemous praises to the King of this World
Expuse of Sodom
Litany of Satan
Mass of apostasy
Corruption of flesh
Chant of Lamech
Song of the Sword
Great call of war
Dark anthem of irreverence
Hymn of revenge
The cries of the damned resoound through the air as the whirlwind breathes
Screaming in torment
Excoriated throats
Abyssmal choir
Sepulchral dirige
Words full of agony
Languages diverse
Horrible dialects
Accents of anger
Babel of sorrows
Sighs and complaints
Ululations loud
Echoes of pain, hatres and torture
Doomed is the one who walk in step with Lucifer
Hungry for knowledge
Seduced by evil
Lead to destruction
Beyond the tree of Life banished races are congregated
Condemned souls praying the psalms of mortification


Where the fire never goes out
Where the souls are destroyed
Where the sons are sacrified
Within the flames of doom
To the city dolent
Into to eternal dole
Among the people lost
All hope abandon
Erected with the rubbles of Heaven
Somber dungeons swamped in misery
Fallen kingdoms and dethroned gods
Apocriphal prophets of black faith
Host of the expursed legions
Lair of the black scapegoats
Mass grave of abyssmal foulness
Nether tombs of Abaddon
Host of the expursed legions
Lair of the black scapegoats
Mass grave of abyssmal foulness
Nether tombs of Abaddon
Sulphure and brimstone
Land of ashes
Winds of mayhem blaze the flesh
Burning corpses mortified
Forsaken in darkness forever more


Rotten corpse upone the holy shrine
Ceremonial altar of Pseudochrist
Drink form the chalice of sacred rot
Communion of putresence
Obscene rites
Stripped abdomen
Blood and black excrement
Bestial mass
Raped innards
Entrails of the Nazarene
Et brachia ex eo stabunt,
et polluent sanctuarium fortitudinis,
et auferent iuge sacrificium:
et dabunt abominationem in desolationem
Pestilent offering to the god of slaves
Rancid sacrifice
Nine choirs of angels cry to the seed of Abraham
Lamb of Calvaire eaten by worms
Son of a whore
Desecrated carcass
Sodomized spawn of God


Hatred sacrament
Black conjuration
Blasphemous denial of love
Under oath written in blood
Fall froma grace
Death of the spirit
Worship the flesh and damn your soul
Hatred sacrament
Black conjuration
Glorifiacte obscenty
Close the pledge with Belphegor
The mark of Cain is upon you
Lost hiliness
Damnation's pride
Celebrate the rites of the Black Omen
Spit on the cross
Soldier of doom
Make the vows of hate communion
Walk the path of no return
Celebrate the rites of the Black Omen
Spit on the cross
Soldier of doom
Make the vows of hate communion
Walk the path of no return
Hatred sacrament
Black conjuration
Drink the blood of martyrdome
Taste the flesh of dying whores
Lick the anus of the goat
Kiss of Judas Iscariot


Horned moon on the sky
Sacred sodomy
Temple of Ishtar rises
Shame of Solomon
Virgins of Sion fornicate with Astaroth
Queen of Shaba idolatred in whoredome
Ritual drums call for the God of Sun
Infants of Abraham thrown to the flames of Moloch
Carbonized remains are wasted by the flies in Tophet
Black clouds of ashes and bugs cover the firmament
Priests of Baal invoke bestial rites
Archangels of Hell proclaming their rise
Baptised in blood of human sacrifice
The tide is hihg
Dagon awakes
Wrath of the sea
Leviathan emerges
The Ark of the Covenant smashed in pieces
Ascension of the avernal demigods
Priests of Baal invoke bestial rites
Archangels of Hell proclaming their rise
Baptised in blood of human sacrifice
The tide is high
Dagon awakes
Wrath of the sea
Leviathan emerges
The ark of the covenant smashed in pieces


Impure blessing unto the Snake and the Black Goat
Gace of the All-Seeing Eye in the mystery of His sign
Consecrate the sanctuary of the horned one
I proclaim the shells of darkness banished unto the infernal pits
Great Wild Beast
Hear my litany!
Fallen abomination of hte woods
Dark Lord of the Sabbat benedicted in the altar of the south
God of gods
Mague of magues
Hierophant of the black spheres
Bestial raptor!
Inverted son of iniquity
Listen the howling of traitors in torment in the ninth circle of Hell
I am the seed of the slayer from Hades
Typhon triumphant
One thousand and One Lies of the prophets beckon my name
Under the sempiternal abhorrence
I'm bound in frost
Chained tyrant
Three faced devourer of damned souls
Torturer of Judas IScariot
Progenitor of the Hydra and the Whore
Bibles reguritator
Renegade spirit
Cursed before being created
With the blood fo Leviathan and Behemoth
Mourning star
Rise from Hell
Black ram horns
Six wings beat
Three-faced roar
Phlegethon flows
7 trumpets sound

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