Priscilla Hernández : I Steal the Leaves

Atmospheric Gothic / Spain
(2002 - Self-Released)
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Down here I hardly see the world through water lilies
rounded and edged distorted silhouettes
Under the waters my graceful being suspended
by a rope of weeds bound so tightly to my waist

It's so silent down here I can only hear
the hissing murmur of the distant river
It's so freezing so cold come to me my dear, my dear...
Won't you dare to break the glassy surface
of this shady pond?
there's no reason to feel fear if your heart is wise and pure
Are you afraid it is not?

Where do you hide?
Where do you go?
Why do you run away?

It seems it was ages ago
I last saw the shining sky
how many souls I may devour
to become a dragonfly?
And fly high
Down here I hardly see the world through water lilies


Beware ...
Beware ...
go to find a safer place to rest
When you hear the willow's hiss
beware if you dare dream neath its leaves
beware, go to find a safer place

It mourns the forest that it once dwelt
It mourns the birds that had left their nests
and flew away ...

When the willow sings half alive
it releases all the pain it hides inside
if you hear its song alone
You fall sleep and your soul is gone

This willow has bitter heart
This willow has bitter soul


I steal the leaves
But I'll bring them back in spring

I bring the daylight with my spells
That light will fade where my shadow dwells
My voice arises in this song
that brings a silence deeper than a tomb

And I could grant any wish you dream
for all the promises I shall not keep
this way we're linked in each other's chains
and thus the cycle runs again

I am the chaos that brings the order back
Rush every second and then stop the time
As dead and breathless as any newborn life
Can be both shapeless or graceful like swans are

I... I... I steal the leaves
But I'll bring them back in spring

And I could grant any wish you dream
For all the promises I shall not keep
This way we're linked in each other's chains
And thus the cycle runs again

I'm the open window. I am the closed door
When I say maybe. I state not anymore I am your courage/ I am your inner doubt
When I push forward I make you step back

I... I... steal the leaves
But I'll bring them back in spring
I steal the leaves


It's so cold when north winds blow
bringing hail and pearls of frost
That's the way that you do chill me to the bone

Fear the dark when the moon hides
All its beams behind the clouds
That's the way I fear when you are not around

This could be hell , this could be heaven
It could be both it could be neither
but my heart longs to surrender
not to starve again
bitter in my chest

could it be?
Could it be that
I am burning in the flames of love ?
I am burning in the flames of love
Oh i am burning
Oh I burn
in the flame of love
But that's the way that you do chill me to the bone
But that's the way that you do chill me to the bone
Ah ah ...


En la tierra donde el aire encadena
Ahí yazco iluminada por la etérea luna llena
y su rostro fantasmal me invita a descansar
pero me advierte que no voy a despertar
pero ¿a quién le importa ya?
¿Quién ha reclamado mi alma de piedra?
Mi corazón no late y las manos se me cierran
atrapando en vano el tiempo...
Y es mi sueño el que roe mi alma
el que apaga las estrellas
Es mi sueño el que sufre y se calla
cuando se hiela en mis venas
Mi sueño muerto...
dentro de mi...
Lo oigo gritar ...
...olvidado entre tinieblas
Es mi sueño el que hiere y desgarra
y se aferra a la existencia
Lo he perdido en el abismo y no lo encuentro
Ha sucumbido en el silencio y no lo tengo
y es que sólo ha de salvarme ya
encontrar un sueño nuevo
Ah, mi lamento
ha volado lejos, se lo llevó el viento
y ahora vuelve susurrando ¡niña en pie!
aquí está tu nuevo sueño
Ahora vuelve susurrando... ¡Niña, en pie!
Aquí está tu nuevo sueño


There, if you're there
you may be out there
Oh There may be a way
Please, be back to me!
I wish, I wish I could die right now
cos I cannot feel anything at all
I wish, I wish I could die right now
lay my back and rest
now i sink so deep
and I would sell my soul
if you're back
Oh I am nothing
nothing but grief
nothing you care about
Oh there is nothing
nothing but ghosts
nothing but aching thoughts
Oh I am nothing
now that I am nothing for you
nothing you miss
nothing but silence
nothing but me
and there is nothing
nothing but void
nothing but anger
and my lost hopes
and there is nothing left
now that I am nothing for you
Oh I am nothing
Now that I am nothing for you
but you know...
moths fly to light
when they're blind in delight
But you don't know...
...I feel like nothing... nothing


You're sick of wind
You're sick of rain
You're sick of stormy days
You want to lay your back on red heat burning

Your hands are torn
Your knees are worn
your body claims for rest
There's just a single step to the outer circle
Be brave, dare break the edge of the outer circle

It's you the one I want
the one I miss and call

When there's nothing left to prove
there is nothing but the moon
let it wash your sins away
and you'll be a child again

Don't you miss your childhod?
then call on me, my child
Do you miss me?
then summon me
Do you miss your childhood?, then follow me

When there's nothing left to prove
There is nothing but the moon
Let it wash your sins away
and you'll be a child again

Do you miss your childhood?
then follow me




I wish I could find the right words
The right words...
I love you

And in the morning and dead of night
When the winds blow softly and the stars shine bright
The diamonds of heaven are for you
The majesty of your moonlit crown

I see you when you are not there
I call you from the place within
Two alien hearts can be in time
Sharing the wisdom of a flower

And when we touch
Too much is true
The joining of such delicate skin
The power of magic in your beauty
The animal passion in our blood

Sometimes desire is not enough;
I told my heart to the old trees,
I spoke my soul to ancient stones;

I feel my love's so far away
I listened to the song of birds
Before they leave for other shores.


It's so cold when north winds blow
bringing hail and pearls of frost
That's the way that you do chill me to the bone

Fear the dark when the moon hides
All its beams behind the clouds
That's the way I fear when you are not around

This could be hell , this could be heaven
It could be both it could be neither
but my heart longs to surrender
not to starve again
bitter in my chest

could it be?
Could it be that
I am burning in the flames of love ?
I am burning in the flames of love
Oh i am burning
Oh I burn
in the flame of love
But that's the way that you do chill me to the bone
But that's the way that you do chill me to the bone
Ah ah ...


We are... We are not together
My heart... My heart feels without you so better
The last days, The last days are so cruel
To end dear story is my rule

Let me free, let me be, this is only my desire
Life goes along without your love
I carry on with my search

Let me free, Let me be, This is only my desire

I hate it, I hate it! not to go my way
The space is the only solution that I ever had

I screaming, I scraming! lift the fragments of my life
This feeling, This feeling...
please dissapear forever

Let me free, Let me bee, this is only my desire
life goes along without your love
I carry on with my search

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