Prejudice : Reality

Brutal Death / Belgium
(2001 - Painkiller Records)
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Broke down, staring through blinded eyes
Hope, long given up.
Care turned into hate.
Hate for life, hate against people,
hate everything that you know.
Screaming for saviour, the end of this hell.
Through this misery turned into a beast.
No understanding from your surroundings.
Life is worth nothing within your brain.
Pure anger lets you forget, it doesn't care
who you are or what you 've been.
Taken advantage over your mind like a hungry parasite.
There is no way out, no escape, out of this polluted world.
Don't reach for the clouds, there is no solution.
Just hold on to your faith.
The voices in your mind try to let you do the ultimate.
They say there will be no pain, a solution for your problems.
But you just leave confusion, so just try to realize, suicide
is not the ultimate.
Just change your way of thinking and there will be a solution.


Insane mankind, playing god.
My life stolen in fight.
Can't feel the pain I once felt.
I am transformed to a machine.
Crushed bones, replaced by steel.
Vital organs transplanted into a carcass not mine.
What I now see for real, is what I once saw.
What I now feel for real, is what I remember
of the pain I felt.
Designed to erase, programmed to live.
I have no choice, can't selfdestruct the body they made.
My skin is hard, brain improved.
Fearless eyes, replaced mine.
A vision without limits.
Is this the future of mankind?
Result of the wisdom we have?
My scream for help cannot be heard.
Why punished me?
Questions without answers, I carry them in silence.
Independent thoughts, hate grows,
my creators have lost me.
Repossession of my own will, I gained in this battle.
My gun rises to my head to release the final shot.
I was just reanimated to kill what I once was!


Pure hate is running through my veins as I see
the disaster, left in chaos.
Controlled moves exist out of a sickened mind.
Thoughts are low, deeds are harmfull.
Watching grey clouds floating above a sea filled
up with misery.
Just waiting for darkness to come.
Inner fear in conflict with faith.
Trust makes place for anger.
Lives, destroyed by betrayal.
Confused thoughts, broken by fear.
Always held in front of a lie that is taken down
through reality.
Don't believe no longer the words
written by your chosen ones.
Don't believe no longer the lies
spoken by pretenders.
Straight ways, once so clear, now shadowed by lies.
Overwelped with inability.
Openminded faith, touched in serpentic ways.
See no way out, beside suffocation.
Can't live like this, insanity thorns his way
to your brain.
Life seems meaningless through their eyes.
They don't care if you exist.
Fallen for greed, their eyes so closed.
They've tasted the power, feelings are gone.
So we must resist!


The act of taking theire own life is
not something done without lots of thoughts.
Can't decide, is it wrong or right, everything
is mixed up inside their mind.
Paralyzed body react only by shocks,
they see no more reasons to fight back for life.
Fear becomes them, lost their selfrespect,
only see one way out, don't accept another.
Rise, head straight up, no selfish attitude allowed.
Shadows rising above your schoulders,
it's a heavy weight to carry.
Only positive action will prevail,
instead of negative force.
Neglect the field of deathwish,
no saving angel will come!
Have to do it on your own,count the hours one by one.
The dark-angel will come,
drifting sands where you stand.
One will swallow the pride of what you once was.
Embrace what you have now,
instead to throw it all away,
into the black unknown, atmospheric dark boundaries.
When your life flashes before you,
be sure it's worth to watch!
Drowning by shattered tears,waiting to exhale.
Strenght sucking out of the body,
living your last breath.
Frozen dreams 'come un-frozen,blinded by emotions.
Watching eyes staring among us,
just feeling but no sight.
The cry so intense, sorrow so deep inside,
ripped away from the circle of life.
Trapped by death, sudden gone.
Without warning, not for a moment but eternal.
No more pain and grief for you,
the pain and sorrow for the leftbehinds.
Memories burried deep inside.
It will still remain, the hard way of living,
the price we pay in this fucked up world.
Why so many human lives, it's the toll of the
so called blessed god,
who is god,
who is human?
Who is next?


Insane mankind, playing god.
My life stolen in fight.
Can't feel the pain I once felt.
I am transformed to a machine.
Crushed bones, replaced by steel.
Vital organs transplanted into a carcass not mine.
What I now see for real, is what I once saw.
What I now feel for real, is what I remember
of the pain I felt.
Designed to erase, programmed to live.
I have no choice, can't selfdestruct the body they made.
My skin is hard, brain improved.
Fearless eyes, replaced mine.
A vision without limits.
Is this the future of mankind?
Result of the wisdom we have?
My scream for help cannot be heard.
Why punished me?
Questions without answers, I carry them in silence.
Independent thoughts, hate grows,
my creators have lost me.
Repossession of my own will, I gained in this battle.
My gun rises to my head to release the final shot.
I was just reanimated to kill what I once was!


Born between the glass sided walls of the cold breeze.
Created by the push on a button.
Needles and tubes are the persistence of life.
Beside that a perfect tube cloned human person.
In-vitro, a new age, a new breed trend of bio-technologie.
In a time where perfection stands tall we all go down.
Changing the view on the screen means
changing the design of the natural way.
In their eyes burns a fire of lies, betrayal and rip offs.
Where it all ends, only those with the power will know.
Pain and suffering for those who are not real.
Staring in these unhuman eyes after completing their soul.
No past will remain.
Each day you are a vanishing person
of a federal institution.
Out of this world you are, into endless life you will be.
This is the forthcoming of the true human design.
Reflections of the past will rise above.
Staring to the future, staring into disbelief.
Observing the walls so cruel as stained blood.
A shadow of what you once was.


Through your eyes and through your ears
it has invaded your decideless mind.
You can't escape, you cannot hide, 'cause
you've let the shadow controle your life.
It's like a disease, a deadly virus.
Much stronger than life, 'cause it dwells in faith.
Fear is the power for existence on earth.
Through your belief it proceeds the way.
Mysterious fear, you can't explane.
You see a shadow, hear a whisper.
Eyes dwell in darkness, searching for evidence.
In silence you listen to your environment.
There's no sound, still you can hear.
Twisted focus, silhouette in progress.
No one is there, exept in your mind.
No one for real, someone in your head.
Within innocent eyes, future was created.
Through a decideless mind, your life was formed.
The impact of sight on the brain of a child,
learning the wrong way, living the wrong life.
Makes less contact, start to invent his friends.
Those, he can leave for the call of the screen.
No parents involved, teached by a program.
Scared to sleep, to relive the horror just seen.
Live on your own, 'cause others can hurt,
has been accepted by your shadowed thoughts.
Only accept what has been entered by programs
you've seen your entire life.
In their eyes evil equals a
lifestyle they don't know for real.


Mind broken, fear inside.
Hope shines out, as long as the mirror is held up.
Wrecked lives, destroyed humanity.
Voices screaming in nightmares.
Disciple of lies, secret face,
fear is creeping upon your back.
Try to escape, reach for clouds.
Bringing down true belief within people.
Scare away the faith that connects humanity.
Lies, take down images. Lies, wrecking dreams.
Liars, live in their own world with their own rules.
Liars, live in their own lies with their own fear.
Blinded eyes, open up, see
the betrayal of the deadly trap.
His words are pointed to your back.
Observing minds behind the friendly face.
Mysterious thoughts, floating
through darkened promises.
Eventually, a stronger faith will
break through your field of reversed truth.
No choice left than walk the path of justice,
that has destroyed your innerself.
You disciple of lies!


Progress of the fight that reduces mankind.
Pollution of the surface that we have to live on.
Wasting contacts, walk alone.
What's sense heading for?
No brightness in this reality.
Without future there's no reason for present.
This world slowly destructed 'cause of avarice.
Driven by selfish thoughts,
they've built their missiles.
Experimental explosions violating peaces of future.
Ignoring conscience, their only thoughts
are reaching for acquisitive.
One touch means one reaction.
They are save and we are death!
When they crawl out of their bunkers,
they see the destruction they've put on.
Death faces screaming eternal without a sound.
Everything burned, there's nothing left.
What have they reached then, who has won?
What's the use of destroying all,
just for anger to only one?
Why do we have to pay for their personal mistakes?



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