Plastic Gods : Plastic Gods

Stoner Doom / Iceland
(2011 - Independent Music Label (IML))
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Fuck - Kick It!
Radiated baby bodies
Diseased earth, fires burning
While all the shit keeps on churning

80 pounds of shit!
Everybody gets their piece
80 pounds of shit!
Is what's eating me

Fear babysits us every night
Corruption kills, an unfair fight
Warfare spins its ugly web
Entangled we dance, oblivious... DEAD...

If you thought that there's an escape
Wake up and smell the carcass
There's no such thing as a one-way ticket to paradise
There is only 80 pounds of shit

80 pounds of shit


What the fuck?
We live in a supposed free world
Yet all is constructed to keep us down
Barriers that can't be torn force us to play along
Troubled times, but one day things will be okay
We worry now, but some day we will be alright

We bang our heads against the wall
Our "free will" never mattered nor was real
To those in charge we're just resources,
Profits, numbers; in some report
They'll never tolerate people like us, or the good in mankind

Smoke and mirrors - Our freedom is an illusion
But once we're dead - I think that all will be alright

Zero Tolerance
One day, hopefully, we will have a place
Where all are treated equally
It is just too bad that will never happen
Not until the current world is dead and gone


I created a world - A perfect place for life
Molded lands, with oceans deep
Lit a star to shine so bright
Atmosphere with air so pure
Sustaining all things alive

Enter mankind
In flesh they are my image
Aware of their existence, scattered around the world
They grow...

Mental advancement enables them
To dominate their environment
Eventually mankind goes too far
They forget me, and start playing God
Destroying all I gave them

This will not stand! I am almighty
With relentless hate and force I annihilate (everything)
Fire rains from the sky, lands quake and sickness roams
When all is dead and gone the rage subsides
Was this all a dream? Which was real, me or them?
Is it possible I'm nothing but a Plastic God?


Óumflýjanleg tilvist
I leit að hugarró
Týndur frá komu
Frjáls í hærri vitund

Á Heiðarsengi erum við öll hann
Utrás árunnar tengdi
Á Heiðarsengi erum við öll eitt.
Bráðkvaddur gaf hann sál sína
Til okkar
Fyrir okkur að muna.


Getting ready for an evening of delight
We're getting high
Getting started on a journey of surprise
We ignite
Getting there, we are now in flight
I am a kite

Just as the shit's kicking, it barges in
Fucking with our minds
The vibe is going sour
Feelings of despair grasps our souls
Going way down - to a dark place
Warm fuzzy atmosphere completely gone
What is going on? PARANOIA!
Now it's obvious that we are at the mercy of the
Bad trip generator

The lunacy passes, we come back
For a moment there we thought
That we were gonna die
Going insane!
Now we have emerged from confusion
Starting to settle down, coming to
I guess we've learned from this experience
Now we know never to be the victims
Of the Bad Trip Generator

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