Pesticides : Emptiness EP

Death Metal / Germany
(2009 - Vomit Bucket Productions)
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I can't see any colours
Everything is black an white
Inside there is a war
Of good and evil
My heart is damaged
There was evil inside
It's my own fault
And now I only see...

Black and white!

Oh God, give me my dreams back
The things I once wished for
Oh God, I don't know what to do
No matter if it's a curse or blessing

My emptiness... my emptiness

Things becoming clearer:
Consequences of my deeds
We have just one chance
We have one life, one heart
Light can only save us
If we allow it in
I didn't respect that
And now I only see...

Black and white!

First time I see the cross
The solution to my emptiness

Black and white
In my heart!
Salvation in Christ
The cross, the sword

Christ is salvation
Salvation is light
He turns my existence
From black to white


Endless hate and ignorance
Men allow into their hearts
But something shall never get there
For it will destroy us...

Never felt frost and coldness
Overwhelms my limbs
In my nightmare on a lonesome place
An innocent is tortured

A child is kidnapped
Stabbed by knifes
All over its body
It screams... screams!

Everywhere run-off men
Can't pretend the world will be alright
Everywhere horrifying screams
And murderers butchering their prey

Everywhere this injustice
And I hear Christ crying every day

He who still believes in us
Even though we just disappoint him
Who didn't give us up
Us unworthy sinners

In mad lust the maltreater stabs
Into his victim until blood is everywhere
No begging, no crying, stops the obsessed
Who bestially murders the child

A child is kidnapped
Stabbed by knifes
All over its body
It screams... screams!

With the faith in Christ
The world can be healed
I'm sure it would better
If there was more of love
On this earth...


Take my! (2x)

Never down, never beaten
Carried by my faith
Never frightened, no illusion
I will not look back

Take my cross... fire! (2x)

No lies, no crime
No betray, that's my fight!
Only honour, only truth
Only grace, that's my war!

Take my cross...
The bullets of truth
Damaged by cross...
The bullets of honour

His reign doesn't just begin anywhere
His reign begins right here and now


Mauled... and left for dead
Amputated... life and joy

Like a fish without water
Like a bird without wings
Like a child without mother
Life became a cursed reality

Struck down, smashed on the floor
Destroyed, shattered existence
No reason to carry on
Why the hell am I still breathing?

Why should I get up in the morning?
Why should I bother to eat?
Why should I care about anything at all?
I just can't find any reason...

The knife reached deep within me
Starting its relentless massacre
Slashing my heart to pieces
And leaving a hollow cave

Oh God, please let me die!
Oh God, I don't want it anymore...
Oh God, please take me home!
Let me fall asleep and never awake again...

Mutation to a corpse
A walking dead, a lifeless shell
Absent and indifferent
Only one thing on my mind

I see her face day and night
Her pretty smile and marvelous eyes
This is driving me insane
Lord, hold me close to you!

The departure of a special one
The toughest challenge in my life
No escape, I had to face it...
And all life was squeezed out of me

Will we ever meet again?
Will I ever find peace?
Why does it have to be that hard
This beautiful thing, love...

Now I realize my mistake
Wrong priorities in my life
God is not on pole position
I've been offering to idols, worshipping false gods

Lord, forgive my unfaithfulness
Teach me how to love you more
I know you have a plan for me
Help me trust more in your word and fill the void!

My lady... my love...
My Eve... whoever you are
I'll be waiting for you
Until our time has come...


Deadlock, my life was nothing
A ticking clock, wasted time
Then I started to realize
I will die with nothing, I live for nothing

Life is just a fraud without believing
Faith is a fire without end!

Since I decided to walk in light
My crusade has begun
The peace I got the shield I hold
My crusade has begun

The crusade I go is none of weapons
It is of good deeds, it is of the heart
This is my fight, it fulfills my life
And when I die God awaits me

Life is just a fraud without believing
Faith is a fire without end!

My fire will never end

With all my heart
With all my soul
I swear
To life an honourable life

I will not think of my own
I will not fear tomorrow
I will help where I can
And serve you

I will only say the truth
Too many lies
Have come over my lips
Lying is nothing but fear

I will never betray again
Everyone shall have my respect
The way I want to be respected
Stealing is weakness for me

My fire will never end

Lyrics geaddet von Coleiosis - Bearbeite die Lyrics