Perpetuum : Promo 2007

Death Black / Chile
(2007 - Self-Produced)
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Incoherence of reality
Takes me to a schizophrenic state
Where nothingness is all
There's no control
No present, no promises

Slowly I loose my identity
Slowly I loose my hopes
Denied remembrances

The cradle of perdition, madness fills my mind
My acts, reflection of insanity, impurity in heart
Which will be my destiny? Buried by ignorance

Unmerciful Despair
Remains alive inside my brain
Unmerciful Despair
This sickness respects no domain

My mind roams between vastnesses
Psychotic state takes control
Visions of horror, the beauty is removed
This sickness (is) devastating all

Incoherence of reality
Takes me to a schizophrenic state
Where nothingness is all
There's no control
No present, no promises


My heart palpitates with courage
The war drums roar in remoteness
The brightness of fire rise upon the mountain
We march to the crash of the combat

Like hungry animals we're climbing
Smelling the burnt flesh, we don't need eyes
Just our claws grasping to the granite
That separates us from victory

Finally, the battlefield appears in front of me
The old armours of the enemy
Now shine with the blood of those weak fallen ones
Like glorious archangels
Thirsty of war

I don't feel dread, a burning lava runs through my veins
Desiring to drench my sword with their slight blood

The flaming arrows stubs my head, we're running
The strokes of steel burst my ears
I'm scourging the flesh of the foe
Once and again, the sluggish body falls all around
I don't feel, I don't see, I don't hear
I just kill

I am covered in blood, I breath it
I taste it, I swallow it
Suddenly a cold sensation
Dismay me slowly

In the dark depths of my untoward nightmares
I can distinct the anguish
Behind a mantle of laments
I see the fall of my allies
With my last breath of despair
I can mutilate an enemy

Betrayal pierces my heart
The Enemy is festing their victory
Mean while my allies
Lies bleeding in the battlefield
We are all dead


A mysterious distant place, abandoned and frozen
Submerged by a sudden disgrace

Destroyed by the gradual decadence
Beyond all knowledge, beyond all logic
In the Depth of those Almighty mountains of madness
Lies the city of the Dead

There is no place the mind can conceive
Monstrous shelter of ancient secrets

Jealously kept by the inevitable time
After millions of years, it saws life
Imposing buildings rise between millenarian ices

Ashes of a lost civilization
Strange primitive existence
Biologically extraordinary
Arrived from unknown stars
Deep in the universe

Beings of the sea
Ancient onward race
They created their own servers
Protoplasmic beings

Jealously kept by the inevitable time
After millions of years, it saws life
Imposing buildings rise between millenarian ices
Jealously kept by the inevitable time
After millions of years, it saws life
Imposing buildings rise between millenarian ices

Viscous masses Shoggoths of Abdul Alhazred´s Necronomicon
Only existing in the mind of The Mad Arab
They rised against their creators, unleashed fury
“Tekeli-li, Tekeli-li” grunt the Shoggoths
“Tekeli-li, Tekeli-li” Insane word, primordial terror

“Tekeli-li, Tekeli-li..."

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