Pallor Mortis : Pallor Mortis

Black Death / Canada
(2011 - Self-Released)
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Feast and enjoy the atrocities
Dead make Vlad at ease

In the endless forest
Of impaled corpses
Dining in the midst of howls
Amongst the blood and bowels
Savor the stench

Death consumed the air, the prince in a frenzy
His own fled the scent, he was unworthy

The mighty Prince of Wallachia
Was known to have a trifle of mercy
He so impaled his disgraceful boyar
Towering high above lamenting flesh so he would not
Savor the stench

In the endless forest
Of impaled corpses
Dining in the midst of howls
Amongst the blood and bowels
Savor the stench

The mighty Prince of Wallachia
Was known to have a trifle of mercy
He so impaled his disgraceful boyar
Towering high above lamenting flesh so he would not
Savor the stench

Squirting through the bowels, blood and puss and bits of flesh
Ruptured guts spilling excrements, now savor the stench of death


The empire’s grace shall cease, prior to the utter excision
Their numbers must decrease, by virtue of execution
It be our duty to bloodlet, the nation will be clean
Robespierre strides as a prophet, preaching with the guillotine

Chalice of the holy, garnished with apostle piss
Dismissal of all memory, obliterate saintly bliss

Through your disfavor, reduced to a traitor
For you lack the will of a warrior, succumb to the Reign of Terror
May you oppose the sovereign body, by all marked as an enemy

Pry the eyes of the indictable
Their ruin, a patriotic fable
Fear shall be flaunted as the crest of their treachery
Trembling, their necks shall bleed

His demise, the month of Thermidor
His sight locked into azure


Glory to who striketh boar, preacheth thy bewitching whore
Cunning at the art of war, of mirth the hunt could not be more
Whilst one croaketh his last moan, another striveth for his throne
Christened Aper after swine, maimeth this heart and was divine

Embers ingest with greed
All, save the den of those who plead
Vermin of faith must flee with haste
This pest must be erased

Cluster of praying, sacredly appealing for slaying
Crippled bulk weeping, salvaged for heathen offerings
Our soils’ men cheering, for every Christian bleeding
Calcifying blood galore, composing a painting of grandeur


May filth spill from thy tongue, so shall thy blood
With it leaks myths unsung, tales less of worth than crud

Pierced entrails pour, mangled to a pulpy gore
Slashed her drapes and skin, sliced the gullet of the virgin
Disrobed of flesh, torched until blessed with death
Rectal gash spewing, leaving his innards dangling

Diocletian, Dominus et Deus

Embers ingest with greed
All, save the den of those who plead
Vermin of faith must flee with haste
This pest must be erased

Defiance adored
Lust of searing skin performed
The hum of teeming croaks
Remodel chapels into smoke

Cluster of praying, sacredly appealing for slaying
Crippled bulk weeping, salvaged for heathen offerings
Our soils’ men cheering, for every Christian bleeding
Calcifying blood galore, composing a painting of grandeur

Dominus et Deus

May filth spill from thy tongue, so shall thy blood
With it leaks myths unsung, tales less of worth than crud

Pierced entrails pour, mangled to a pulpy gore
Slashed her drapes and skin, sliced the gullet of the virgin
Disrobed of flesh, torched until blessed with death
Rectal gash spewing, leaving his innards dangling


Apostolic overlord, a reeking reign of scorn
Of sins his words forbade, of these his actions praised
Procuring phallic glee
A gift of blasphemy to thee

Virgins still weep

The slaves of worship, the feces of fear
Mutants of the myth to which they rashly adhere
A sulking muck, lobotomized and shat as wrought
The pounding echoes of the nails prompted their wits to rot

A plague of fury rampant in his seed
Through incestuous pageantry,
The procreation of barbarity
He battered many to their knees

Wine as blood he offered his disciples
His semen swallowed while mumbling His gospels
To all a gift, he dispensed His meat as bread
For human flesh is best feasted upon in bed

Of wistful musing as to why the slave of god
Should wield weapons of the Serpent’s oozing prods
His neglect erected Hell’s unending dread
For eternally a pope would rape their dead

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