Ossein : Führer

Atmospheric Black / USA
(2009 - TTH Label)
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Broken I wait
Through dusts & dogs
Take the incense
I hold in my palm
Through hope I got
The angle to fly
Shut my fingers
Let me die
The sound of music
Playing tricks on my ears
I heard the ringing
And now I rise


A series of moments independently correlate
To force the habit of existence
An outgrowth of culture
In burning shrubbery

The necessity of change
In Earth we etch a symbol
Of words and letters
And a memory will never die
With pen & paper
We are example crafted

A perpetual consistency is present
We are creatures of habit
A daily routine of practice
Differ a marked canvas
To that of such articulation

We smile at the will of curiosity
And the challenge the expectation of our being
Where footprints mark other surfaces
A flower of mortality
Sleeping in ribcage diameter

Blinded by properties beyond us
Each individual in each setting
Are seeds planted to interact
And of these linear connections
A story is set, and fruits develop

Think closely about what you leave behind
When the day is done, & time is gone
Something flows in my blood
I cannot define it, but I know it to be true
And I know there is something
I must do


(Samples taken from E. Elias Merhige film "Begotten" © 1991)


I see the eagle struggle
With serpent in it's talon
It battles it's way against the bird
Slowly it takes it's fatal hold

Scales of a greater mind
Slowly they take their toll
Just once more wouldn't hurt
Nobody would have to know

I see the scorpion cry
In silent streets of steel
Looked down upon by the mechanisan
An armor his venom could not pierce

why must he carry this burden
an expired venom
Just once more wouldn't hurt
Nobody would have to know

I see the spider's girth erupt
Hundreds of young bellow forth
A wave of black consumes the steel
A wave of black obstructs the gears

I see the tower of flies
Rising from great fissures in the earth
A wave of black consumes the skies
Never again will the eagle fly


Metaphysics will never put forth it's full powers so long as
it is expected to accommodate itself to dogma.
The various religions have taken possession of the metaphysical tendency of mankind, partly by paralyzing it through imprinting their dogmas upon it in the earliest years, partly by forbidding and proscribing all free and uninhibited expression of it: so that free investigation of mans most important and interesting concern, of his existence itself has been in part subjectively impossible by the paralysis referred to; and in this way his most sublime tendency has been put in chains.

The discovery of truth is prevented most effectively, not by the false appearance things present and which mislead into error, nor directly into weakness of the reasoning powers, but by
preconceived opinion, by prejudice, which as a pseudo a priori stands in the path of truth and is then like a contrary wind driving a ship away from land, so that the sail and rubber labour in vain

What light is to the outer world intellect is to the inner world of consciousness for intellect is related to will regarded objectively, in approximately the same way as light is to a combustible
body and the oxygen in combination with which it ignites.
And as light is the purer the less it is involved with the smoked of the burning body, so also is intelligent the purer the more completely it is separated from the will which engendered it.
In a bod metaphor one could even say; life is known to be a process of combustion; intellect is the light produced by this process

Every general truth is related to specific truths
As gold is to silver, in as much as it can be converted into a considerable number of specific truths which follow from it in the same way as a gold coin can be converted into small change


Our eyes have wandered today
We're coated & wrinkled
The bird has gone away
I've wondered who you really are
Nervously peering from afar

I am you, and we are one
Accretion of an illness, through moon & sun
Absent, when my mind is lost

I am the man walking tall
Irrelevant & incompatible
I am the digit & the smear
I am the dangling ruby


The bone has finally showed
Steeped green leaf aroma
The powder has lingered
It's face will open

The Icon of depravity peers
Joy indulged in marble
Lucid, in the valley of diamonds
A subtle layer of grain
A Mask of soil discarding flesh
Which resonates, convulsing on earth

When the skin will crack
A white feather cascades
Drapery of hazel
Dissect the antonym

The cast has been shed
Bandage flaked and worn
The segment of moisture
The throat has been spun
The leader rises
And drinks of our fruit




A human upheaval correlates
With the disintegration of maps
Carried on by the immensity of the sea
And man creates a new God
Above the fossils of our reflection
The fluid of life rests within the word
Be silent, Become & Be


I am blank vastness
In the eyes of cosm
Vibration acceleration
In the ocean of matter
Above my body
Staring into infinity
A reflection veers
And unrolls it's pedals

I come to a great eye
Embraced by the subtleties
That make us beautiful
The great eye opens
We know we are before god

Enveloped in hieroglyphics
The body unfolds

Ancient patterns cascade
Million ages unfurl
My eyes focus
And the third retina opens
Amber rain fell before me
The sun burned as my god
We are laced to the conduits of infinity
And I die, And I am reborn

Concentration through divinity
In our organic bodies
We are potential
And can see beyond the physical

With these connections
We enter the palace of truth
And ponder the minds nature
And the nature of dying


With the animal, present suffering, even if repeated countless times, remains what it was the first time: it cannot sum itself up.
Hence the enviable composure and unconcern which characterizes the animal.
With man, on the other hand, there evolves out of those elements of pleasure and suffering which he has in common with the animals an intensification of his sensations of happiness with the animal an intensification of his sensations of happiness and misery which can lead to momentary transports which may sometimes even prove fatal, or to suicidal despair.
More closely considered, what happens is this: he deliberately intensifies his needs, which are originally scarcely harder to satisfy than those of the animal, so as to intensify his pleasure: hence luxury, confectionery, tobacco, opium, alcoholic drinks, finery, and all that pertains to them.
To these is then added, also as a result of reflection



Man is all symmetry
Full of proportions, one limb to another,
And all to all the world besides
Each part may call the farthest, brother;
For head with foot hath private amity;

And both with moons and tides Nothing hath got so far
But man hath caught and kept it as his prey;

His eyes dismount the highest star: He is little all the sphere.
Herbs gladly cure our flesh, because that they find their acquaintance there

For us, the winds do blow, the earth doth rest
Heaven move and fountains flow. Nothing we see, but means are good

As our delight, or as our treasure;
The whole is either our cupboard of food,
Or cabinet of pleasure, The stars have us to bed

Night draws the curtain, which the sun withdraws
Music & light, attend our head

All things unto our flesh, are kind
In their descent, and being: to our mind
In their ascent and cause

More servants wait on man
Than he'll take notice of. In every path,
He treads down that which doth befriend him

When sickness makes him pale and wan...
Oh mighty love! Man is one world, and hath
Another to attend him


The formulation of a textural response
The blooming idea of production
Tapered by echos of once superiority
Slide, wooden and lock
A pedal, ripe with creativity
Walked over and rooted
The self silenced man
Pressurized, but still
Expanding, by finger tip to letter
A rippling wave of incompatibility
Struggle, struggle
Facial expressions lost in numerical void
Manufactured Independence
Anthem for a torrent world
Perseverance for the dollar
Motivates the ape
Lacerate the reason
Grand self expansion
In physical measurement
We are locked
And expired


(Samples taken from
E. Elias Merhige film
"Begotten" © 1991)


Even You

Heat, the fire
Man, great survivor
Rain, complete the void
Lion, embrace sun
Village, under the wave
Bullet, seldom age
Leader, wipe your snout
Ripple, drink now

Hey, you see me I'm in trouble
Photographed, hold the boy
Herd the source, your heart is liable
Shells and chambers, we'll shift away
Nonsense dogma, rape the books
Planes flew over, domicile

I've forgotten, eye
Nile, float up soon
We will revert


There is one rite in each man
An independent temple of mercy
Entheogens burn in the temple's fire
We are the masters of the temple's destruction
When the horrors and pains of life
Outweigh the horrors of death
Naked and screaming
We accept the corrosive of life
Like salt on a severed limb
The great tragedy is ourselves
From mechanical perspectives
Our nature is a cancerous struggle
The worm does not choose the hook
But consider your affinity to it


Still, the Sun God see's all
Halfness in mankind's duality
Ascension through required sacrifice
Mason the free of flowering secrets

Balance, before the Egotist Age
Human being, of old earth
An ancient purity lost to us
Life lingers in atmospheres beyond our density

All must ferment in this stage, to progress
Instilled in us, outer capacities
Silent in awe, in new physical planes

No destination is out, but all within us
Our muscles disjoint, bone exposing flowing ossein
Worlds outside our density


The bone has finally showed
Steeped green leaf aroma
The powder has lingered
It's face will open

The Icon of depravity peers
Joy indulged in Marble
Lucid, in the valley of diamonds
A subtle layer of grain
A Mask of soil discarding flesh
Which resonates, convulsing on earth

When the skin will crack
A white feather cascades
Drapery of hazel
Dissect the antonym

The cast has been shed
Bandage flaked and worn
The segment of moisture
The throat has been spun
The leader rises
And drinks of our fruit


Whoever considers the final cause of the world will discern a multitude of uses that enter as parts into that result.
They all admit of being thrown into one of the following classes:
Commodity, Beauty, Language, and Discipline.
Under the general name of commodity, I rank all those advantages
Which our senses own to nature.
This, of course is a benefit which is temporary and mediate, not ultimate, like it's service to the soul
Yet although low it is perfect, in it's kind; and is the only use of nature
Which all men will apprehend.
The misery of man appears like childish petulance, when we explore the steady and prodigal provision that has been made for his support and delight o this green ball which floats him through the heavens.
What angels invented these splendid ornaments


It hurts to watch my mind limber
When the hex cannot be reached
Where can I atone?
The ache leaches and grows

I look through unconscious eyes
Down from the pillar
I am God in my dreams
Beautiful in the mirror of sleep

Blocking the window of divine
Devoid of liven quality
Whose breath is artificial nature
The nest is emptied


I am the self-explorer, through fission & synthesis
A bead of purity on my tongue
An orient wisdom resonates, I hear its call

And witness its patterns, I am Man, rose ape before me
Through what secrets hold, The spontaneity of evolution
And the affection of our nature, In sweat we craft structure
A cast in linear time, the face of man before
The cycles of human behavior

To what truth is God's face in the acquisition of culture?
When men of false icons, shape the fortunes of progress

A question of divinity through regiment of internal properties
An equation of alchemy, In solace we are redeemed
The canvas of man suggests, through ageless inscriptions in rock
A human capacity, In hidden paths of mentality
On the throne of consciousness

Unborn, we sit fermenting
Veering on the 49th sun
We sit and harbor new skin
When the day is done
Through solitude we find
Temporary properties external

The sky kisses the day
Of the unaware man in marble
In uninterrupted tran


I am buried
Wired and high, laced with machinery
Relapsed, I've joined with the dead city
I malfunction in urban ruin, radio wave torture
Corrosion of cement and turbine
This wasteland is mine

lyrics added by Dominus - Modify this lyrics