Ornias : The Unfaithful Herdless Antagonist

Black Metal / Sweden
(2020 - Self-Released)
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“Remember, that dust thou art,
And unto dust thou shalt return.”

...And lies shape you.
Imprisoned in the shackles of deceit you live.


”In the wilderness have ever dwelt the conscientious,
The free spirits,as lords of the wilderness;
But in the cities dwell the well-foodered famous
Wise ones – the draught-beasts.”

“The people with purblind eyes”

I oppose your moral!I
Oppose your laws!
I Hereby proclaim myself : unfaithful!

The shackles has shattered
I have left your realm
I have burned your veils
Crushed your chains

No more lies
No more “life”
Unfaithful, in its every essence.

I accuse you.
I oppose you.

”In the wilderness have ever dwelt the conscientious,
The free spirits, as lords of the wilderness“


Of water they are made
The pillars that bear us
Of stone they are made
The pillars that bear you

View. Perceive. Acknowledge.
Unlock the doors of perception.

Flowing beneath us
The adapting foundation
The dynamic elevation

Standing beneath you
The boundaries of existence
Unchangeable static stature

Transcending the boundaries of humanity:
The law “written in stone”
Surpassing the shackles of sanity
The law is written in waters.

View, perceive, acknowledge,
Unlock the doors of perception.
Surpass, achieve, exceed,
raze the wall of deception

Beyond the bridge of humanity
“As if there were but one foot-bridge to the future!”
Opened are the gates of "insanity"
The future is written in waters

View, perceive, acknowledge,
Unlock the doors of perception.
Surpass, achieve, exceed,
Raze the wall of deception

Awake are the steps on the ambiguous path
Forever asleep is the vision-less eye
Hyperbolic dimension disorder
As the third eye reveals

Of water they are made
The pillars that bear us
Of stone they are made
The pillars that bear you

Ability to change, and again exceed
Or ability to hide from the I
A will to plant the senses seed
Or forever vision deny

Unlock the doors of perception


Full av förkärlek till lidande stampar jag takten,
Till musiken som vågar över mig
Likt rader av arkebuserade undermänniskor,
I världslig smärta.

Disharmoniskt nynnar jag med,
Eller snarare emot,
Musikens klang,
För att förhöja dess förfallna toner.

Åh ljuva disharmoni.

Min väg ackompanjeras av vansinnets klang,
Av dödens skärrande toner.
I domäner av disharmoniskt varande,
Formas framtidens förfarande
I de domänerna, är du ej välkommen.


“Of defects did the spirit of those saviours consists;
But into every defect they put their illusion,
Their stop-gap, which. they called God.”

“ In their pity was their spirit drowned;
And when they swelled and o`erswelled.... with pity,
There always floated to the surface a great folly.”

"Eagerly and with shouts and screams,
Drove they their flock over their foot-bridge...
Verily, those sheep in shepherds clothes,
Also where still of the flock and of the herd!

I relinquish the shepherd!
I renounce the sheep!
I hereby proclaim myself: Herdless

My throne is mine, and mine alone.
The herd, the flock are left no bone.

In my disharmony I walk alone.
No herd will ever find my throne
My throne is mine, and mine alone.
The herd, the flock are left no bone.
No code of thine, I will align.
I deny your blood, the liars whine.
Your words may fool the herd – the weak
But I can see of lies you reek.
You feed the world with holy lore.
Now you'll be fed with immoral war.

A world of followers
And yet no leaders
Just fractal flocks.
One below the others
Shepherds and herds,
sheep nonetheless.

Pitiful slaves.


Lies shape you.
Imprisoned in the shackles of deceit you live.

“The people ye remain
People with purblind eyes –
The people who know not what spirit is!”

“Spirit is the life which itself cutteth into life:
By its own torture doth it increase its own knowledge.”

“The worst enemy thou canst meet,
Wilt thou thyself always be;

Thou waylayest thyself in caverns and forests.
Thou lonesome one, thou goest the way to thyself!
And past thyself and thy seven devils deadeth thy way!

A heretic wilt thou be to thyself,
And a wizard and a sooth-sayer, and a fool,
And a doubter, and a reprobate, and a villain.”

My shackles are shattered,
The path ahead leads to the death of self

“Ready must thou be to burn thyself in thine own flame;
How couldst thou become new, if thou have not first become Ashes!

Thou lonesome, that goest the way of the creating one:
A God wilt thou create for thyself out of thy seven Devils!”

Risen from ashes!
Birth through decay!
“When shall I be free
When I shall cease to be.”

Thou lonesome, that descends in eternity
willst thou not also ascend in eternity?

“And past thyself and thy seven devils deadeth thy way!”

The purgatory is the birth-giver!
Out of the ashes he stumbles
The one with eyes, the wise reprobate


“Ah; where in the world have there been pitiful?
And what in the world hath caused more suffering than Follies of the pitiful? Woe unto all loving ones who have Not an elevation which is above their pity!

Thus spake the Devil unto me, one on a time:
“Even God hath his hell: it is his love for man.”
And lately did i hear him say these words:
“God is dead: of his pity for man hath God died”

And of mankind's pity for itself, will mankind too succumb
Of mankind's inherited sin.., descended from Adam himself
His shackles. His torture. Passed through generations
The original sin deeprooted in every heart

Bound to pity, bound by law,
Never to think, never to exceed
Unaware of your choiceless existence
Unable to grasp the world's ambiguity

“Cursed is the ground because of you
Thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you...
You are dust, and to dust you shall return.”

Birth in shackles, life in shackles
Weeping of a dead mans guilt.
You are loving ones without an elevation
That is above your pity.


“Too great hath been the tension of my cloud:
Twixt laughters of lightnings will
I cast hail-showers into the depths.
Violently will my breast then heave;
Violently will it blow its storm over the mountains:
Thus cometh its assuagement”

The antagonist banner is risen;
Opposing the laws and customs of war.
The hammer of hate exceeds all moral.
I declare war upon thee!

War upon the delusional society!
War upon the pitiful mankind!

I oppose your oppression:
I oppose your will to shape me;
your will to create pitiful sheep.

The antagonist banner is risen;
Opposing the laws and customs of war.
The hammer of hate exceeds all moral.
I declare war upon thee!

I Hereby proclaim myself: an antagonist
I Hereby proclaim myself: an opposer


"I had not expected fear,
But terror came with her”

The blue flame whispering
Purifying the ambient presence
The smoke of spirits now soaring
The pure and potent essence

“She showed me a dying eternity”
“She tore the real from me”

Shades dancing. Spirits embracing
"Cosmic serpents born of fire”
Thorns ripping the flesh from my soul
Guiding me through the abyss
Purifying the internal chaos.

The shamans drum pulsating
Monotonous pounding
Silent, yet distinct, existence

Twisting and twirling, yet marching.
Marching through veils, into the spirit reich

Awake. Aware. Opening the sun.
Distorted perspectives
Ancient dimensions
A beginning of being.
Beyond - where ancient spirits are.

The blue flame has whispered
The ambient presence is purified
The smoke of spirits inhaled
The essence now lives within

The twirling journey has begun
Twisting its way through purgatory
“And I was no more, and in unbeing,
I lost my fear”

The birth of the wise reprobate
The rebirth of a ancient spirit


I perversionernas högborgs korridorer.
I överskridandets blodsutgjutna dimensioner.

Där det mänskliga arvet rostat bort
Där djuriskt blod flödar i venerna
Där det flödas på utomkosmiska blodsfloder
Där moraliskt förkastad gränslös sjuklighet definierar varandet
Där de upplyst förfallna vandrar.

Där ekar den behornades utomsinnliga stämma.
Där viner den bevingades kalla viskningar.

”Jag är en apostel. Jag är här för att ta er genom larvstadiet,
Erbjuda er äpplet, tvångsmata er med undergången”

“Bryt sönder, bryt sönder, å mina bröder
Dessa de frommas gamla lagtavlor!
Tala sönder världsförtalarnas tänkespråk!"

”Tomheten är innehållets essens”
Genom intet formas allt.
Genom allt är intet värt.

”Du ska int jaga upp dä över skitsaker, allt kom ändå me Strängaste nödvändighet att gå åt helvete till sist, både För dej personligen å alla andra pseudoindividualiserade Fenomen.”

”Ställ dig med ansiktet mot regnet,
Låt de järnhårda strålarna tränga igenom dig,
Overlämna dig åt vattnet som vill skölja bort dig”

“Du måste vilja förbränna dig i din egen flamma”


Atmospheric distortion raping the senses
Covering cosmos with a sinister void

Divine wands casting thick shadows.
Shadows endeavoring minds, releasing existence.

Chalice pouring viscous elixir
Thurible burning the veil of man
Blood be drinked!
Flesh be burned!

Winds whining
Shadows chanting
Storms aligning
Spells haunting

Wytches dancing
Fires burning
Spirits branding
Destructive yearning

Drowning in a sea of blue flames
Caressed by the one with many names
I feel thee approaching.
Oh foul stench of the abyss
Oh wonderful disgust and perversity.

Putrefied burning flesh.
Rotten boiling blood.

Purified burning flesh.
The flesh of man, the ground on which we dance
Rotten boiling blood.
The blood of man, the rain in which we howl

Atmospheric distortion raping the senses
Covering cosmos with a sinister void

Blood be drinked.
Flesh be burnt

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