Of Roofs, Genes And Stolen Meanings : One: Life to Learn

Hardcore / Estonia
(2012 - Self-Released)
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The cloud capped towers
The gorgeous palaces
The solemn temples
The great globe itself
All which it inherits
Shall dissolve


When the last living thing has died
On account of us
How lovely would it be if Earth could say
With a voice rising
From the floor of the cold ocean
From every bay
From the Grand Canyon
Or any other way
I was a nice piece of rock
But You fucked up and now it‘s done
You did not like it here
All gravity within has died
Leave no one is tied
Be gone


I have this to say in defense of the humankind
No matter when in history
Including the paradise
Everybody just got there
And we got here to build
Nobody is here to repair
Even in the night
Only in the light of the satellite
Man still gets everywhere
The candy’s free no more
But as long as we have eachother
We can burn the dead to keep us warm
Soon to be warm forever
If we are what we eat
You‘re already me
And I’m already You
But still I hope our meat is not our soul
Beware what You wield
Our slow blade penetrates the shield
So please
A little less love
A little more decency
To the knowledge that we’ve had enough
Devote this insanity
We once gave to wealth and chasing the hole
A wealthy hole
We’re in wealthy hole
How embarrassing to be human
If we think that nature is our friend
I sure pity our enemy
If You can do no good
At least do no harm
I give You a word


A woman is a creature
Who has always been strange
Just when you're sure of one
You find she's gone she’s made a change
I’m not bad I’m just drawn that way
Round and round she goes
Where she stops no one knows
Where is the homeport of this white punt?
I’m just not ready to make a commitment
It’s time to head out it’s time to set sail
I’ve been told she‘s expecting a journey
There is not enough wind in my pockets to
Push past the heart of this cold front
I don’t want to ruin our friendship I just don’t want to
Well it was not always a pleasure
One can say it was never
A joy
Whatever made me miserable
For You it worked
You do not have to keep my luck up any more
It was a little bit dry and now I’m sore
Maybe I took our journey for real


I want either less corruption
Or more chance
To participate in it
I’m not a part of it
I won’t be a part of it


Where is her memory ? In a cave
In a tropical jungle
On a distant shore where she can play hide and seek
Or something I don’t know
I don't remember her traits anymore
This one was last in my sight
This one went lost in plain sight
It was not just one cut
It was a death by a harvest
A slice of wilderness it was the death of thousands
Consistent loss of diversity
All that’s pristine relentlessly
Bootlegged for the crowning glory of evolution
Biologists describing things that are all done
Paleontologists they have become
Declining soon gone
Status unknown
The female appears freshly painted
A black motif carved in yellow
Her underside shockingly red
She is also dead
Don't leave her to the customer just don’t
Under the spreading phylogenetic tree
Just don’t sell her
And don’t buy me
Man, how embarrassing to be human


He did a half-assed job on every day
He felt one-eyed in the kingdom of the blind
Spoke just to keep his voice in shape
In case there's ever something really great for him to say
He couldn't help that he was born
Without a heart he tried to see
What hearts of others did
He was a good man just the same
His wealth were his ideas humane
The only one with a free will
How did it make him feel ?
Insane who‘s to be the pitied ?
A beast gagged and bound
Or one in perfect freedom
Who binds itself to make no sound ?
But it made his soul grow
So did it go
It’s easier to follow world’s opinion
In solitude the world will follow one’s
But great is he who among the crowds
With perfect sweetness
Keeps the solace of seclusion
With a pen loaded with lent words
There was no place for him to stay
Was this a weapon threatening the world ?
Always tomorrow
But not today




Teachers are the leaders of my block
I do honour my tutors but I go through their heads
Like a seasoned fox
Goes through a flock
Every system that you call the best
I will put to test
Just because You can read and write
Doesn't mean can’t lose at life
How can my actions speak louder than words
When they say to me that the pen is mightier than the sword ?
My awareness is all that’s alive
And sacred in me
All else is dead machinery
I stay on the edge for the things that can't be seen from the pit
My mind would become a very poor tool for survival
My voice would turn into useless spit
My wealth are my ideas humane
With every truth I have obtained
More I gain as a victim of a series of accidents
I learn about life by the mistakes I make over and over
I repeat the past no matter what
Just like my mothers and fathers
And sisters and brothers
Again and again
I’ll spend my whole life believing
That I’m on the right track
Only to discover that I’m on the wrong train
So that's what it is to be alive
Stay out of the path of the man
Who decided to work hard to learn something
But discovered he had found nothing
His body, mind and soul, are full of resentment of those who stood ignorant
While the resentful one chose


Laughter is a physical response to fear
A joke is an art that rises
When an emotional crisis is near
The best pun is a dangerous one
'Cause in some way it's very real
So I always laugh at the wrong time
And without the light of day
My Sun is in the punchline
This is my way this is my deal
Future will see our dryness
As the lead in the water pipes
That slowly drove the romans mad
Maturity is a bitter disappointment
In which no remedy exists
But a grin
Can soothe anything
Relax smile You‘ll live longer you’ll prosper

Cuando pienso de fracaso
Humor me regala una esperanza
Y me dice que en mis pasos
Tengo que tener confianza
Es mi amigo sincero
Y mi más fiel compañero
Él que guarda mis secretos
Y me sabe comprender

You’re not being followed by sorrow
Fine fun can‘t be taken for granted
That's something You make not borrow
It’s a gift You give to yourself
With a stupid sneer face the gallows
Taunt it like You really wanted it


Once again
The most ancient divergence
Time has been water
This moment is no more important
Than any other
The drowning ocean curiosity
Has carried me
Through many dead and pointless seasons
What froze me was the fact
That there seems to be no absolute reason
To hold my ground
I am bound
In the amber of apathy
Like an insect
There is no why that’s my objection to
Life of getting by
It‘s too plain to play a horrible game
Feeling nothing
And get credit for being alive and aware
I did try for a while to be brave
To stay moral
Without any hope of rewards in the grave
Everything was fine
There was no pain
It was an easy ride
It was a glide
I see in myself the worst being
An aimless man who‘s useless for anything
Thank You for using me
Even though I didn't ask this to be


Try to beat the odds
Don’t let the odds beat You
Survive the punch in your precious two
The most deprived human being is a man without a purpose
Until You spread Your wings and try to fly
You’ll have no idea how far You can walk
How much you talk your empty talk and you’ll never know that failure might just be your style
Son I’m disappointed
In you
‘Cause I find your lack of faith
Your role maybe thankless but You’re willing to give it your all
You just might bring success to those who outlast you
give it Your all
You don’t get to be an astronaut when you grow up
Back to work
You’re not being paid to believe
In the power of Your dreams
Bite the hand when you’re not fed
Fight the world for daily bread
Only then You can be truly grateful
For every cup
And every plateful

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