Odium Totus : Nullam Congue Nihil

Black Metal / USA
(2012 - Blasphemic Hymns)
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Caecus Symbolorum
The ills of society’s past
Now the rallying cry for the weak

Our enemy’s cunning, seemingly under their whip
The sightlessness of humanity, indoctrinated once again

Proselytize unto your sheep
Forever under the weight of so-called mistakes of the past
Always, underlying is the truth
The certainty of brutal justice

With natural selection, never hindered
Balance Restored!
All weakness abolished

Forewarning of the past…
Never doomed to repeat
Destined to rise superior

Restored all former glories
Neoteric symbols of order adored
Newborn symbols of order adorned
Balance restored!


The wickedness of this indignation
Forgiving the falls and deterioration
At the very core, basking in all the pain

There is no desire to change
The willingness to care is depleted
nothing but selfish agonizing ambition
Lost in an orgy of self worship

Yet, in such gross vanity, will not dwell
Nor acknowledge the human conditions
Expectations that will never be fulfilled

Agonizing stressing pain
the honesty of a real god

Twisted searing blade of molten pain bringing change
The reasons of life are not to be felt so deeply
Or believed in too blindly

Paths of uncertainty lay behind
The willingness to live is unfathomable
Nothing left but loathing and discomfort
Never again the second chance


None are equal
Humanity’s plight is the goal of failing optimism
All ask for what they are willing to take
None of us want utopia

Blind optimism and blind faith
The hopeless are giving hope to the hopeless
All matter of reality, gone
No real or true spirit of life

The pain and stress of having to endure this wretched continuation
If the only cure was total annihilation, we’d all pray for death
Forced down our throat this bitter dose
Inoculated into inevitable discontent, the pain only strengthens, the will now made of steel

The key to being, a constant state of self overcoming
No tolerance, equality, or mercy
Useless masses of refuse
Forgotten for all eternity, may as well have never existed

All may seem lost, some can persevere
Apathy and disillusionment provides catharsis
Throughout all this turmoil some can reign
There will be a beacon of strength and intolerance that will never be outshone
None are equal or deserving of life, let the weak perish, let the strong survive!!


Victori praeda

Conquest achieved!
Never again will I be tested without strength
My reliance on the will
I have mastered this provocation

Never again will I be downcast
Their trust in my loyalty unto them was ill placed
I only have loyalty to myself

My victory against all the agony
The anxious fear and uncertainty
Will be a triumph of purity
I will have clarity of vision
I dwell in the chambers of hate, I bring all around me nothing but torment

Faint in this existence, an external presumption forcing my downfall
Parasites and sycophants, none I need, none I want

Marched and transcended this metaphorical Rubicon
Insurrection of the soul, preparing for all out war

Bled hate and fear into the world’s open wounds
Whoring and killing ideals that everyone stands upon

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