Odd Project : The Second Hand Stopped

Metalcore / USA
(2004 - Indianola Records)
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We lost ourselves in these bright lights and cigarettes.
We became our charade.
A classic primetime tragedy, so skin graphed, a romantically hopeless warpath.
Statistically the cameras said.
That lovers like us die, in car wrecks.
Mathematically incorrect, you fuckers ain't seen nothin yet.
And baby tonight we'll be the robots in the spotlight.
We lost ourselves in these bright lights and cigarettes.
We became our charade.
A classic primetime tragedy, so skin graphed, a romantically hopeless warpath.
Statistically the cameras set.
And lovers like us die in car wrecks.
A lack of evidence kept our names off the credits.
Panegyrized masterminds, we directed this warped pantomime.
And everything was just right, from your makup to the lights.
Park the car baby quiet on the set.
Trigger fingers entwined...I knew this was our time.
This was our time, the poison burns my insides but ask me if i mind.
And baby tonight, we'll be the robots in the spotlight and we'll break free of the programming.
And the whole world will know of our love.


I've taken all the notes you gave me
and built a paper plane to carry this broken heart and sleeping pills...
The next morning i'll be gone
as autumn sends its best wishes the search is over and im still missing.
From up here perfect seems oh so wrong.
This shattered glass lines the cracks in the floor but the bullet missed its mark.
The record skipped...and the needle cut your lips.
But i'll miss you when i'm gone.
Your ink filled eyes, they blink
and the tears stain your porcelain cheeks a cinematic smile is kind on the eyes...
we rehearse and we rehearse these heartfelt lines(lies) your lipstick still haunts me.
Its ghost on my collar.
Red and white they collide.
Bruises fade but your love stains, stains. Stains. Stains me.
Yeah baby its too bright in this ballroom tonight so turn out the lights.
I can see the silhouette of hurt in yout eyes and the knives in your back.
God knows i slipped, saying sorry with these marks on my lips.
God knows i slipped.
Saying sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
This shattered glass lines the cracks in the floor but the bullet missed its mark.
The record skipped...and the needle cut your lips.
But i'll miss you when i'm gone.


So this is what it feels like when dreams come crashing down.
And the lies you spoke no longer hover out of reach.
This is where the stones we so carefully built our future on slip into the sea.
There's the bitter taste of remorse in my mouth,
And the shadow of betrayal on my face.
The tears have been flowing for so long i forgot how to stop...
Her defense was up and the verdict was in.
"i need to see you tonight", i said.
"i'm scared", was her reply.
But i doubt she saw her life pass right before her eyes.
Oh how less painful death would be.
And what an elegant dance we could make it, make it seem.
And every happy memory of us is slowly playing in my mind.
And i'm transfixed by her smile and her laughter.
But for now i hate her eyes.
Eyes that can slow sunsets and catch shooting stars.
Eyes that stole my heart, but for now i hate her eyes.
I'll forget you ever thought of yourself without me,
And brought to my attention just how lonley this world can be.
Just take it all back.
We both know i can happily act naive.
And these blankets of hope that used to smother me are now mere threads...
Slipping through my caullused fingers.
I'm sorry you took every word i said to be a promise.


I turned my eyes away from you.
But when I looked back your smile was still there, resting on broken wings.
I'll carry you and the weight of your sins along with, the demons on my back.
Even if I stumble and fall... I'll live the lines of this book that never ends.
Pick me up with bloody hands I'd give it all for this. This wish.
That love will last forever.
You tilt your head to the starlit sky, with one word.
I cut us both. ...we bleed and bleed...
Will three words heal these wounds...
{forever and ever}...
Mascara running down your face...
I'll wipe the tears from your eyes...
{forever and ever}...
Will three words heal these wounds...
You tilt your head TO the starlit sky, with ONE word.
I cut US both.
As we write new chapters to our story.
I'll burn the pages that are your past. And as. The wind.
Stirs the ashes...
A new. Your new. Our new beginning...
I turned my eyes away from you.
But when I looked back your smile was still there, resting on broken wings.


Black lines where your eyes used to shine.
Cross our hearts, we're sippin' shots of cyanide.
Kiss my lips and taste this, this suicide.
We sleep with the enemy and kill what we love.
Cursed with the gift of beauty.
You weild it like its... A loaded gun.
So lets burn our bridges before they're built.
Never say "i love you" till blood is spilt.
Choke on my name... As you whisper.
Can you taste the blood on your lips as the syllables slit your throat.
You say that i'm everything that you want...well i'm everything that you hate,
And it goes unsaid. The way you whispered, you lied.
You always lie to me again.
With these broken windows and these tear stained lies i won't be sleeping alone tonight.
But we tried... We tried so hard...
So explain this time with the barrel of a gun down your fucking throat.
I said i loved you, but now you make me choke on my words.




Painting windows with crimson memories.
This room won't see the light of day.
It's been too long since thing have gone wrong.
Does the machine malfunction if the robots sleep?
There's no answer in the dial tone, You say you're lost.
But you feel just like home in a crime like fashion,
Just like a well-scripted masquerade.


Taken back to a day when eyes said so much more than hollow words screamed.
Sometimes these stares left scars.
And now our thoughts collide.
At 2am our lips spark fire to the horizon.
Bathe these streets in gasoline, we'll dress this city in flames.
Words are worthless when looks can betray us.
Lives are broken when romance dies...
Sleep with photographic memories, they lay deceased.
And now all i have is this gallery of faded pictures...
In the crimson daylight and the garden of grey roses is still there...
And they smell so sweet.
Words are worthless when looks can betray us.
Lives are broken when romance dies... They hide knives in their smiles.
Fake apathy to avoid a broken heart.
So i'll write this story one last time.
These pages are worn some empty inside.
But i speak my heart, i give my word, and all i ask is for nothing in return.
Just take me for what i'm worth,
Take me for what you see, cause i can't live without you.
You mean everything to me.


Oh i swear i'd sleep forever if you never left my dreams,
so while the world passes by, i'll live in the frames,
in the picture stills of her memories.


So desperate and time consuming is this filthy habit.
Wherefore every word left unsaid lies.
A thousand empty thoughts.
Racing through my head.
We are just silver screen lovers.
This isn't real.
And this is where it leads me, going down the same sad road, with the same sad end.
Where it's always 4am.
And i still can't sleep
The wolves wait for me patiently.
All my hopes and dreams, couldn't bring you back to me.
But youre not foolin' anyone when you said you've changed.
The wolves wait for me so patiently Infected and ailing.
Take these maggots from my rotting flesh and rid me of this disease.
Where all my hopes and dreams still couldn't bring you back to me.
But you're not fooling anyone when you say you changed

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