Obsidian Shell : Angelic Asylum

Symphonic Metal / Hungary
(2010 - Self-Released)
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From the dephts of the soil
A scary building has grown
Every step gets me closer
Like I live here all alone

As the door swings open
Hundreds of eyes stare at me
Burning with fire of evil
Is this a chance to flee?

Lightning from the sky
Explosion of a distant star
Take me, oh protect me
From what the time will give me

Every step followed by a whisper
"Why, who is she, what she does here?
What will she do, where will she be?"
Every breath gives birth to a curse

Lightning from the sky
Explosion of a distant star
Take me, oh protect me
From what the time will give me


Wasting time...
Reckless panic
Looking for the aim of my life

Endless fear
From the unknown
Please don't tell me I'll be alone

Sadness weeps
Black tears rolling
Solitude is just killing me

Come to me
I don't want more
Only to be closer to you

Oh, why am I being ignored...?
Between heaven and Earth I float...

Please give me the one I could love
Make me smile for once in my life
Show me the way to feel
Show me that it is for real

Evil thoughts came to my mind
Could I force someone to love?
Could I use something like that to succeed?
May I rip off someone's heart?


Memories fading to oblivion
Silhouettes inside my eyes
Denial hand in hand with acceptation
No measure... here is no size

Everything packed into another world
Small bundles of tearless joy
Solitude keeps being my company
Talk to him, he's by our side...

It's all my imagination
Is it the sibling of my mind?

Reason, go away
Accept my own ways!
Won't let close to me
This is only for my fantasy...


As the Sun sets for the last time
I look back to the past
Maybe you are still here
Holding my bare cold hands

Years passed away
With so much tears
But the memory keeps reminding me
All the joy you gave me

Never more, this is the end for now
I'll take my rest
Every smile and every painful thought
Now have to end

Sometimes when the Moon fades
Embraced by the dark clouds
I see you in a black shape
With all you left behind

We're cast away
Destiny's tool
But the memory of reminding you
Leaves everything destroyed


Egyetlen felhõ sincs fent a magas égen,
Könnyû virágillat száll szerte-szét a szélben.
Egy bagoly pislog fent a zöld ágakon,
Ki mint pillangó – repül könnyû szárnyakon.

Éles barna szemével az eget kémleli
De szertenéz, s mit annyira keres, nem leli.
Hófehér szárnyait kitárja – felröppen,
Csillogó csillagfény világítja útját az éjben.

Szárnyain szinte lebeg a szélnek hullámain
Csak repül-repül át a magas hegyeknek ormain.
De fény villan - egyszer csak a sötétség felragyog;
Felpillant az égre, nézve a sok hullócsillagot.

Éles barna szemével az eget kémleli
De szertenéz, s mit annyira keres, nem leli.
Hófehér szárnyait kitárja – felröppen,
Csillogó csillagfény világítja útját az éjben.

Leszáll egy magas fenyõfára,
Úgy néz fel a lehulló csodákra.
Szeme felragyog – szíve megremeg
Talán megtalálta azt, mit annyira keresett.

Szemében tükrözõdnek – tündértáncot járnak;
S tompa porfelhõben - valósággá válnak
Viharként tomboló - a sors, mit nekik szántak
S mint apró angyalok – a földre úgy szállnak.

Mert ami egyszer lehull az éjjeli égrõl,
És utoljára ad a világnak a csillogó fénybõl
Csillagporát elnyeli majd a messzeség
Miközben fent egy új csillagot szül az ég.


Silver Moonlight glitters on the field
Mourning the souls of the deceased

The wind still blows
As a girl passes by
Making the dust
And the leaves fly high

Ooh... tell me little girl
How can you make the air swirl?
Ooh... can you hear the wind weep?
One day you'll hear when I speak

Ooh... Summoner of wind
Please... put my soul to peace
Eyes... can't be forgotten
Show me what's real heaven

All those dark nights that you spent in fear
All those fearsome things you happened to hear
Now they have vanished as you found your peace
May the dead forgave our cruel, selfish sins?

Dreaming of cruel fists that says "here you stay"
Remember those who said "don't be afraid"


So cold... am I dying?
It's not heaven, but still worst than hell
Hard to breathe, gasping for air
I want to cry, I want to scream

As I'm lying here [may I die today?]
I'm crying here [no one to caress me]
How could I hide from this world, hide from the laughter
Please take me back to you...

Movement... someone's coming
Whispers... "why are you crying?"
Sturdy hands lifting me
What's happening? Who are you to me?

As I'm lying here [may I die today?]
I'm crying here [no one to caress me]
How could I hide from this world, hide from the laughter
Please take me back to you...

Who are you? Why are you holding me?
Are you my savior? Will you set me free?




The pointless agony that I've been taking
Far away from this world without meaning
You've played with me and my heart for the last time
What do yo think? It's not a victimless crime!

Nothing I did was ever fine...
Please forgive me now
Take a look at me for the last time
Time to say goodbye!

I'm between two fires in blazing madness
Escaping from you with screaming silence
Please understand what I feel inside
You were the one who killed the naive child

Nothing I did was ever right...
If I must I'll fight
Take a look at me for the last time
Time to say goodbye!


Forgotten ruins of a lifespan
(Have faith)
Life's misplaced revenge comes
The wooden anchor's floating

I can feel you're watching me
holding me,
just see my very first step
i thought i heard you calling me
"wish you well, and break a leg"

Tastes like numb useless cries
feel the nothingness
And seen the lies between the times
Everything dies in vain

I wonder what happens next
And why does it have to end?
May there be cure or treatment
for this wound to mend?

Crawling behind nightmares
Seeking new lifeforms
I am cursed to loneliness
I'm cursed yet I'm still feeling

Lives cut through by this tragedy
(Deep inside)
Fading eyes, fading legacy
(But one's missing)

Leaning towards to the sympathy of every living soul
Making everybody try to look inside my deep fervor
Stunts for surviving, idolizing matter that's unseen
Observing my heart if anything inside me is unclean

I can feel you're watching me
holding me
just see my very first step
i thought i heard you calling me
"wish you well, and break a leg"

Lives cut through by this tragedy
(Deep inside)
Fading eyes, fading legacy
(But one's missing)

Forks and knives sticking out of me
Liquifying agony like it's up to me

Forgotten bricks of the ruin
That they call life
My unseen revenge comes
The wooden anchor's burning... down...

lyrics added by Vrael - Modify this lyrics