Nunslaughter : The Devil Has His Day

Death Metal / USA
(2006 - Dreamtide Music)
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Friday night the 13th
At the ruins of a crow
Dark figures come together
For an awful vow
They have sworn to satan
To celebrate a black mass
Damned rites are prepared
Black angels they bless

Demon and devil, the preacher's parole

Snakeblood and poison
The cauldron is boiling
To condemn the holy cross
Black rites are soiling
Witches are dancing
Around the altar
Praying to their master
To celebrate the holy war

Demon and devil, the preacher's parole

Since million years religion
Keeps knowledge of the dark
The church discloses
Sacred rules to mark
They are full with ignorance
If they don't realize
There's more than they can see
Of religious seize

Demon and devil, the preacher's parole


Mother, cunt, whore
Jesus christ
Sent down from heaven to show you the way
Lamb of god
You take away the sins of the world
Holy bitch
You bore the one I hate the most

Mother, cunt, whore
Fuck the church
The temple of god has no place in me
March on rome
The vatican is cleansed in flames
Kill you god
I lash out at you you strike back at me

Sons of god have fell from grace as the righteous
Take the lead
Legions of holy spew the gospel as they condemn me
But I know the truth I have seen my death and I am an
Unholy man
When I enter hell it will be on my feet clenched in
Satan's left hand

Heaven burns
For the words that I say and things that I do
Your lord lies
No heavens gate no afterlife
Son of shit
Died on the cross stabbed with a spear


This is cerebus a fierce typhon
That guards the gates of hades
In the land of the dead a foul hellhound
A chimera of bitch and fiend

A monstrous three headed beast
He is the watchdog of hell
Hunting and trapping the souls of the damned
Un-caged is the demon below

The first head a hunter with keen eyes and ears
Can surely track you down
The second a killer a cancerous mass
Made of spite and horn
The thrid a seer a blind head with eyes
King of this barking brood

Blacked are the souls of the fool in this putrid mess
Talons of the dog dig deep in the stygian shore
Charons ship of doom overflows with the mounting dead
The cerebus stand proud as he howls at hell


A wicked terror grips you
As you slip down into hell
Fiendish thoughts race through your mind
Of this I know so well
Yes I know it well the demons are coming

Wait another minute longer you loose conscious
As you give your body to archfiend diabolous
The demon has you now pray for your fucking soul

Depraved evil immoral fiend
Masterly control profane lord

Don't try healing the possessed
Wont try healing the possessed
Don't try healing the possessed
Why try healing the possessed

Sinful acts degenerate mind
Impious soul foul beast


The thirteenht of november
Full moon lights the sky
Ghouls are gather to chant
They summon the fog
The lamb's throat is slt
Blood floods the coffin
Their spehred is here

The fog
The fog
Black, stinking fog

Now the dead will rise
Floating throught the fog
Clutch on crucifix
The gates begin to open
Finally time has come

The shepherd leads his flock
Into the valley of fog
The will wait for you

(Repeat chorus)


Into the dream world slowly I creep
Into the land that I go when I sleep
This time i'm trapped and cannot return there are
Certain things a mere mortal can learn
Wildest fantasy at first it feels good
Slowly things happen not the way they should
You can control it and your ripped wide apart enter my
Nightmare,it's only just a start
Jump out of bed and you're fully awake
Feeling a tremor as the bed shakes
You realize it now and you muffle your scream you
Awake in the hell we all know as "the dream"...


You will pray to heaven
As your body rots
Leave behind this world
With all your thoughts
Body lowered down
Soul to descend
This earthly plain
To the bitter end

Damned be the souls
That enter heaven

Leeches of stench
Create the gloom
Worms invade the corpse
In your tomb
Whisper hades words
Your spirit fell
Dwell amongst the darkness
In the pit of hell

Damned be the souls
That enter heaven


The embodiment of a quixotic being
A vortex has sent an ambitious emanation
To define noble deeds I pursue unfeigned might
Through an immeasurable space of aimless time

We will exist for all ages mankind will flee
Though mountains falter and dry are seas
The mission is never ending for our quandan entity
Manifest imperial strength until your extinction

Since the dawn of time we were magnanimous
Galaxies are born and the universe will die
Our prescence is felt throughout the cryptic aeon

Can’t refuse our benevolent existence
A force greater than hurricanes
Wicked are many whose god is in the heavens
For we will take their faith
And scatter their dogma


Let me be the one that makes you get into the tomb
Look around its closing in sealing in your doom
Evil creatures evil faces showing you the dead
Illuminating ghosts that float above your bed

Now I take you on a tour a foul unseen jaunt
I prove to you I illustrate you shriek about the haunt
A dark and dusty evil ride were going on a trip
Moldy musty battered wall deep inside a crypt

You must fear the dark and haunted places
A fantastic journey wrought with ugly faces

You must fear the dark and haunted places
A fantastic journey wrought with ugly face
Clairvoyant conjuring can put you through your paces

Spooky spectral diabolic following the light
Bellow bark yell and growl calling on the might
Pale and eerie fantasy this charismatic gleam
Occult and necromantic this telekinetic beam


You are of your father the devil and the desires of your father you do
He is a murderer can not stand in the light of truth
There is no truth in you prevaricate was your mother
It is lies you speak and deceit is your father

Omniscent and cosmourator is your destiny
An ultimate god devoid of philanthropy
For within the slumbering mass of humanity
Lies an envious, covetous, skeptical jealousy

Believe in the devil long enough and a god will be seen
Go to the highest peak look back at where you have been
A realm of irrational science and philosophy
The study of real gods the story of demonology

Omniscent and cosmourator is your destiny
An ultimate god devoid of philanthropy
For within the slumbering mass of humanity
Lies an envious, covetous, skeptical jealousy

The demiurge realize your evil objectification
To castigate the adverse pontification

Conjoined theories of spirituality
Path of unmighteousness untold maliciously
Burning brimstone hellfires spur contemplation
To theorize and speculate this miscreant conception


In the darkened corners of your mind
Lurks a black and evil haunting of your soul
Posessing your each and every thought
Until perception becomes reality

No significance
To this subconcious malefactor
Percieve a psychic power
Delinquent miscreant


No significance
To this subconcious malefactor
Percieve a psychic power
Delinquent miscreant



Jesus saw but did not say
Arcaic fear immersed inside
He asked what is your name
The name legion I replied

And so began our battle
Over this simple childs soul
An incredulous blight
I shall not let her go

Posession is demonic
The vatican and catholics mourn
A detestible nefarious relic
The ecclesiastic scum

For now I sit a scheming shrew
My fiendish claws sunk deep
I possess a chosen few
The pontiff is left to weep


(no lyrics available)



Let me be the one that makes you get into the tomb
Look around its closing in sealing in your doom
Evil creatures evil faces showing you the dead
Illuminating ghosts that float above your bed

Now I take you on a tour a foul unseen jaunt
I prove to you I illustrate you shriek about the haunt
A dark and dusty evil ride were going on a trip
Moldy musty battered wall deep inside a crypt

You must fear the dark and haunted places
A fantastic journey wrought with ugly faces

You must fear the dark and haunted places
A fantastic journey wrought with ugly face
Clairvoyant conjuring can put you through your paces

Spooky spectral diabolic following the light
Bellow bark yell and growl calling on the might
Pale and eerie fantasy this charismatic gleam
Occult and necromantic this telekinetic beam


Deep in the heart of a wasteland fen
Lies a twisted skein of urbanity
For generations these morose creatures
Impure the manners of all humanity

Marquis of this quagmire
His kin the squad
Eating human rations
Feed people of the bog

A marshland of fear
Lurking in the fog
Consuming these denizens
The people of the bog

Now their existence is know
The populace forms a thirsty mob
To exterminate the rabid cannibals
They call the people of the bog


The embodiment of a quixotic being
A vortex has sent an ambitious emanation
To define noble deeds I pursue unfeigned might
Through an immeasurable space of aimless time

We will exist for all ages mankind will flee
Though mountains falter and dry are seas
The mission is never ending for our quandan entity
Manifest imperial strength until your extinction

Since the dawn of time we were magnanimous
Galaxies are born and the universe will die
Our prescence is felt throughout the cryptic aeon

Can’t refuse our benevolent existence
A force greater than hurricanes
Wicked are many whose god is in the heavens
For we will take their faith
And scatter their dogma


We gather together with murder on our minds
Nuns are the target religion is the crime
Driven by lust and deep-seeded resent
Tonight we go and raid the convent
We have come to kill we have come to rape
No one survives no one escapes
Corralling the victims mephisto grins
This unholy night the massacre begins
Raid the convent
Avenging all the ghouls and witches
Raid the convent
Condemned by these fucking bitches
Raid the convent
The attack on catholicism
Raid the convent
Assailants propagate the schism
The stains of blood from those we brutalize
Adorn the goats and oxen that we ride
We leave the churchyard and start back to the woods
The master cackles as evil conquers good
The onslaught is over the ambush is done
The headless corpses decapitated nuns
The black white and puddles of red
This flock of cunts is now fucking dead
Raid the convent now


Judas was a liar and all he did was take
All the gods in heaven are a lie and a fake
Do yourself a favor don't believe in a lie
You are not god's children your destiny is to die

Burn burn burn
Burn the cross

The tree of knowledge bent to the ground
Poison fruit is eaten
Burn the cross

There is no future no love to be lost
Come on down to hell lets
Burn the cross

The innocent are guilty let's kill them now
Before another soul is turned
Burn the cross

Lets start a war don't know the cost
Another christian dies
Burn the cross

When the world is shit you find it easy to pray
Don't cower in the church survive another day
The strong stand tall our pride is so much
We prevail on our own without the cross as a crutch


A gruesome steed is my agent
On this trek to the nether regions
To commiserate with evil letches
Known as lord satan's legions

This trip I am on makes me drink from a sinful well
Of personal anguish and misery on my descent to hell

I fooled with the arcane, hermetic and hellfire
There is no hope for me, I am marooned in mire
But I reached my foolish objective and returned to say the least
For down in hell there is only one ruler known as the beast

I speak in tongues
To the keeper of my soul
The umbra of my heart
Forever without light


Demons blood coarsing through my veins
Sadistic images infest my brain
Hatred for the pious churning
In my mind the cross is burning
The banished souls are rising in the flames
Tormented beasts scream satan's name
Skepticism and doubt reign supreme
The cross is burning in my dreams

God of man is crucified / celebrate the deicide
Burn the cross
Cleanse impurity with fire / bear witness to the crucipyre
Burn the cross
Spawn of the forever damned / born to carry out the plan
Burn the cross
Act of sheer impiety / hail satanic victory
Burn the cross

Smoldering embers and ash is what I smell
The reeking stench of death in hell
This blaze brings life to the deadened sky
Like the day he was hung up to die
Holy zealots are forced to take heed
Of this tragic and gross misdeed
The enemies of god shall never cease
Until their mission is complete


Satan's passage read it recite it
The crucifix invert it ignite it

Symbol of theology / icon of hypocrisy
Burn the cross
Intrument of crucifixion / torched beyond recognition
Burn the cross
False messiah's dying place / perverted into disgrace
Burn the cross
When the devil calls on you / it's clear that you're expect to
Burn the cross


I will command
The corpse in the earth
Break through the crust
Tombstones fall
Sinister plan
Desecrate the holy graves
Eradicate the pest
Known as the christian faith

All of the dead will be my army
The people wearing a cross shall be cut down
Razing the vatican
And dismantling the holy crown

To expunge the disease
Called the catholic church
We immolate the tabernacle
Containing the wine of the eucharist
A pantheon of deceit
To be ultimately crushed
A vigorous cleansing
Turning catholics into dust

All of the dead will be my fucking army
The fucking people wearing the cross will be cut down
Razing the fucking vatican
And dismantling, dismantling the holy fucking crown


Leave the church behind
Leave the church behind
What has the christian church ever done for you
Turning its back on the ones who need it to
Where's the fucking faith when followers kneel and pray
Turn your back on christ there is another way
You will free your mind
If you choose to­
Leave the church behind
Leave the church behind
Leave the church behind
Leave the church behind

I never met a christian that I felt we could relate
In this colony the complexity of hate
Shed this mortal coil I rot inside my grave
For it is better to perish than serve as a slave
You will free your mind
If you choose to­
Leave the church behind
Leave the church behind
Leave the church behind
Leave the church behind


Before the age of man
Gods ruled the earth
Cronus came to power
Castration of his father
This art was prophetic
Fate was written bold
A son of such might
Will topple the titans domain
Cronus was betrayed by many
But atlas had his back
After centuries of obedience
He could now lead the attack
Against the prime olympians
He faced his brethren strong
Victory was not to be
So he was vanquished to tartarus
Cronus feared his progeny
He ate his offspring
Rhea tricked this god
By letting their son live
Zeus grew
He vowed his mutiny
Together with the sons of gods
Usurped the throne


Let me be the one that makes you get into the tomb
Look around its closing in sealing in your doom
Evil creatures evil faces showing you the dead
Illuminating ghosts that float above your bed

Now I take you on a tour a foul unseen jaunt
I prove to you I illustrate you shriek about the haunt
A dark and dusty evil ride were going on a trip
Moldy musty battered wall deep inside a crypt

You must fear the dark and haunted places
A fantastic journey wrought with ugly faces

You must fear the dark and haunted places
A fantastic journey wrought with ugly face
Clairvoyant conjuring can put you through your paces

Spooky spectral diabolic following the light
Bellow bark yell and growl calling on the might
Pale and eerie fantasy this charismatic gleam
Occult and necromantic this telekinetic beam


We gather together with murder on our minds
Nuns are the target religion is the crime
Driven by lust and deep-seeded resent
Tonight we go and raid the convent
We have come to kill we have come to rape
No one survives no one escapes
Corralling the victims mephisto grins
This unholy night the massacre begins
Raid the convent
Avenging all the ghouls and witches
Raid the convent
Condemned by these fucking bitches
Raid the convent
The attack on catholicism
Raid the convent
Assailants propagate the schism
The stains of blood from those we brutalize
Adorn the goats and oxen that we ride
We leave the churchyard and start back to the woods
The master cackles as evil conquers good
The onslaught is over the ambush is done
The headless corpses decapitated nuns
The black white and puddles of red
This flock of cunts is now fucking dead
Raid the convent now

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