Nostalgie : Lost and Hopeless...

Doom Black / Canada
(2007 - Self-Released)
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My thoughts..
White as snow
I'd like to run away from them..
But I walk on them
And I'm sinking..
And the more I walk on it...
The more it becomes black...

With light unable to penetrate through it....
Without any regret....
Or Mercy....
It swallows my entire mind....
Not thinking that it would ever have a Dark side.....

I'd like to fly over them...
And never have to worry about it again...
But then im just better off just better off pulling the Trigger.......
They just grow more and more without stopping...
And it never fails.....
I'm lost into a world that seems to be getting worse and worse....
No one can help me....
This is something uncurable....
Like Cancer....
Slowly and Painfully it gets worse....
I'm forever lost.....
I'm lost..........




I feel the rain on my body...
Or is it your tears...?
Why are you crying?..
Isn't life beautiful...
Why aren't you smiling...
And wearing the mask of happyness?....
Isn't life beautiful?

Your days seem very positive.....
It's just amazing how great things are....
Isn't life beautiful?
The way how everything just goes your way?
And how everyone just accepts you?
Isn't life beautiful?

And yet...
You still see through the Mask they put upon their face.....
Filled with hatred......
This world is just nothing but lies lies and more lies....
They lie to you to cover up the truth behind the false joy that they present....
Because after all.....
It's only temporary....
A temporary euphoric state that soon......
Gets drowned by the sad and truthful side of reality....
So you tell me what is the real meaning of life.......

I feel the rain on my body....
Or is it your tears?
Why are you crying?
Isn't life beautiful?
Why aren't you smiling?
And Wearing the Mask of happiness?
Isn't life beautiful?


Day seems to be getting darker....
The light beings to get dimmer and dimmer.....
No matter what i try to do...
It won't get any brighter....
I am just better off dead....
With nothing to let go of....
The more and more i realize....
Theres no hope for me....
I am just better off dead.....
There is no Hope for me....
No Hope.....

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