Nordland : Nordland

Black Metal / United-Kingdom
(2012 - Glorious North Productions)
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They stood on the shore proudly calling out
The names of those before them, shield and axe lay beside The fires
Come the dawn the creaking timbers will fly over cold still Waters

The mist lizard and fire brand will make the crossing to The land of cloud and rain
Unleashing their faceless hordes upon those ripe for Tonquering
Many terrible deeds will be done that day and blood will Mix clay

Heathen gods will watch the unfolding glory with gleeful Malice
Knowing the eternal seeds are planted that will spring Forth for a thousand ages
This land will be our mother for we bring the eternal Power…in our blood

The gods in our hearts where we march they go with us
Proud are we who march in pagan lands
In a time of purity before the wretched shameful face of he
That infected the world with lies

A vile priest in the guise of a prophet whose draws unto him
The weak to suckle at his poison
And those who follow his lies become so infected with his Self importance
That they spread his cruelty in the name of a loving god

And we who stand before them shall remain true until the sun wheel darkens
For we few who are strong in conviction as mighty oaks we Stand in a storm

Unshaken by their hatred for our hatred is stronger
It thrives in the long forgotten black places of the earth
The true cult of the earth, forceful and powerful, as all Consuming as the night
A war of annihilation shall be our reward
And we are not afraid to stare into the face of oblivion

From hells heart I stab at thee


I am human a curse by a lecherous fucking god, a vomiting Vagrant in blood soaked rags
I long to belong to the great unending sky wondering if I Will reach its vast emptiness
I am drawn to no one a dead pale king forgotten by the Plague infested rotting wretched souls

My place is in twilight, grey mist forests buried by time And dust
There I wonder amongst the twisted forms in half light
Silence, stillness, a companion beside me who shall not Speak
I weave a spell unknowing of its charge repelling those who
Seek a friend

Dreaming of places far from me, so I shall remain Undercover of canopy
Invisible walls surround me always blocking my advance so I Look through glass wondering
Its become my home, a refuge, a prison

Skies above me call….the skies above
Skies above earth below….black metal war beast
I weave a spell unknowing of its charge repelling those who Seek a friend

We few are drowning a vile sea of putrid bloated dead flesh
Forced to swallow the cold bile spewing forth from Unimaginable disgusting worthless things
Things that should not speak, or be allowed to speak
They should be killed with no compassion or feeling but That will not come to pass

And the creation of all that is worth shall crumble into Nothing
And i will sit in my quiet mind behind walls of glass and Laugh
I will watch the tide rush toward me a look to the skies…
I will set aflame the living flesh of Isis
I will not walk into the abyss but instead I will create my Own kingdom

Where I will sit on a throne of granite creating a realm of Infinite beauty and eternal silence
Only those who know a certain name will be able to become One with the stars here

And I will kill everyone whom I so desire
I will look upon your flesh and you will weep the blood of A hollow man


My fingers fell the shining bite of winter's breath

Vaporous clouds leave my mouth
The great snow plains of the north stretch out before me
To cold horizons the hail gates behind me
My throne of dead white flesh awaits its pale king

The bright star has no power here

I walk alone through the silent unending landscapes
The towering dread of the mountains of Morth surround me
My breath echoes through the slabs of iron granite
My flesh in tatters torn by the rusting thorns of spite
In the choking grey mist

Dreary evening mists creep over silent peaceful landscapes
Laviathonic black storm clouds stalk the plains of heaven
The dread white moon casts its pallid shimmering hatred Upon my pale skin

My fingers feel the stinging bit of winter's breath

Carrion wings, crow skull
The damp earth beneath my feet, the dark places, the cold Places
The forgotten places of the world sullen light on ashen Clouds
I hold aloft a tattered banner its blood stand cloth flows In the cold damp air
I walk alone down autumn paths through dismal forests my Mind is still
I have a longing for something since long passed
The dark places of the earth are my fucking home
There is ash on the breeze an acrid pall on summer winds
A late foreboding brings an unseen terror
Whispers from a grim horizon
Will spark many songs of woe


There is a place in the northern lands, a place of cold Dark beauty
A place of silent half light and endless peace
Of ice and granite and ivy covered ruins
And the dread hail moons staring through thick fog

This is my land and I live here alone a king on a throne of The wind
The cold northern breeze is my companion as the wolves Circle below
My beats stalk the lonely paths hunting in hope for dead Companions
For unknown ages it has been this way in my cold heart I Cind
Solace in this empty kingdom

I do not wish familiar voices to speak my name
Only for eternal peace in this place

I am the Black Raven of the Vortex Winds
I am the Black Raven of the Vortex Winds

In this realm of chaos I bring order
In this world of order I bring destruction

I am the crowned tuner of the midnight skies
Orion's winged messenger
This eternal land is mine and I shall dwell in its peace
For all the years of the immortal suns
Ruler of the midnight skies

There is a place in the northern lands, a place of cold Dark beauty
A place of silent half light and eternal peace

I am the Black Raven of the Vortex Winds
I am the Black Messenger of the Vortex Winds


I am heathen, king of the world, the great king, the Powerful king
King of Babylon, king of Sumer and Irkalla
King of the four quarters of the sky…son of darkness

The great king, king of the city of Cymore, great son of The northern skies
The dead heart, king of the city of Morth Wyrtha
Eternal seed of royalty who rule Helvete

All worship me in whose administration thy rejoice in heart
A king of many faces

When I made my triumphal entrance into Babylon
I took up my lordly residence in the sun tower
With joy and malevolence Marduk the great lord
Moved the noble hearts of the residents of Babylon to me
While he gave daily attention to my worship
My troops marched into heaven

In all of my kingdoms I permitted no enemy to enter
The needs of Babylon and all its cruel cities I gladly Attended to
The shameful yoke was removed from the people of Morth Wyrtha
Their dwellings which had fallen I restored and cleared out Their ruins

Marduk, the great lord, rejoice in my pious deeds, and Graciously bless me Heathen…!
Marduk, the great lord, rejoice in my pious deeds, and Graciously bless me Heathen…!Marduk, the great lord, Rejoice in my pious deeds, and graciously bless me Heathen…!

The king who worships him and darkness my own son and all My troops while we before him joyously praised his exalted Godhead

Son of the northern sky, the dead heart


Alone atop the great grey mountains I stand my face turned Towards
The vast unending skies
Skies full of grimness, skies full of coldness
Arms outstretched to the hunter

In a time before time
In a time before time

My landscapes are in shadow
The monochrome mists creep across the far distant mountains
Through a crack in the clouds I see your woeful pale face
Staring with cold dark malice upon the silent lands below

The venom in my blood like the great ages o war
Open the gates…into the undying lands

A funeral wind whispers the names of a thousand weeping Children
Through the forest mists of Morth

Through a crack in the clouds I see your woeful pale face
Staring with cold dark malice upon the silent lands below

The venom in my blood like the great ages of war
Open the gates…into the undying lands

I watch for an age the storm clouds circling above
A grim primitive silence shadows me like a hunter



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