Nodes Of Ranvier : Nodes of Ranvier


1. A Clean Head And A Clear Conscience

Pull the syringe away from my arm and watch it fall to the floor
(I have decided) My tomorrow does not need you
All your talk and all your ideals run from your mouth, rapid and dirty.
So all you scene kids,
Bow your heads to the "kings of your scene"
And abide by their punk rock laws and man made ideals.
As for me, Ill stay sober.

2. Eight Weeks Of Privilege, No Time For Regret

Remove your hand from my throat
My heart is too secure for your insecurities
Your pathetic attempt to be mine and his has failed
But only by my words was I the victor
Now I killed this desire
And it quickly became distaste
Distaste for you (or what you have composed to be you)
So please, quit wasting my time
Spend more time on you
Because it may take a while to remove your foot from your big mouth
To the eye you are sweet
But to the soul you are sour
And I am no worse without you.

3. Butcher The Baker And The Candlestick Maker

With your father's blood on your lap and your young hands at the wheel,
You drove your father to safety after he made such a messy mistake
And your mother's constant abuse must haunt you like a ghost on your back,
And delivering that blow to her face (must have been) precious and painful
I feel so privileged you share your heart with me
I know you are on a journey and search as you should
(You've been to hell and back)
I just pray you find what you are looking for,
and sweep the rock from the light
But know, I will always be here for you

4. Number Four

5. Don't Blink (Or We May Miss It)

The very idea of beauty died so long ago
But sometimes I catch a glimpse
At the call of your name or the touch of another's hand
I see this place as Adam once saw Eden
(and I see people as Adam once saw Eve)
But gone is the garden of perfection
(The dirt we've become is the dirt we came from)

6. Oh Yeah, Well My Daddy Died With A Needle In His Arm

Break out the best china
Another one passed on today and his contribution is now etched in time
But I wonder...
What were his last words to his family
"I'm sorry I'm so selfish
I'm sorry I won't be here for you
I'm sorry a small metal spike owns me"
Oh Opiate, Oh Revolver
(where would i be without the two of you)
Rest in peace, another dead rock star.

7. New York City, 1963

We could have had it all in our studio on 4th street
Every morning we rose with hope that we could change the world or at least one mind
The songs came from Harvard Square and no longer were so rare
The poets strummed their strings at the thought of changing things.
It started wtih Woodie G and came strong with Bobby D.
At night the bearded boys fled and all the lank haired girls came too
To converted sandal shops to hear the words
They came to hear the words
They longed for another cause
And when the next day came they took action
My beautiful blue collared army
With eyes buried in books
you never saw it coming
The day your cause would come crashing
Because soon it went pop
But you never asked for San Francisco
And all that came with it
God get us back to NYC, 1963

8. Kyrie

Awoke today with no new ideas
But that's nothing new
And as I grow old only one thing does not
For love you are the one I choose
So I wish you would know that you are so beautiful
Our love I will continue to be post modern
It will take more than six feet of earth to seperate this love
And so forever I am yours.

9. Faith In The Faux

You have to be kidding me
It must be buried three inches deep
and no one is here to help dig it out
And, I am not suprised because they will no doubt take your word
("Everyone loves juicy gossip")
So I guess I'll just sleep it off (On my stomach of course)
And whenI see you next Ill kill you with a smile

10. The End

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