Nightkin : Nox Æterna

Melodic Black Death / USA
(2013 - Self-Released)
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Break open the skull, tear open the flesh
Reveal the weakness that lies within
Easily lured, cries unheard
They'll beg for mercy from our kin

Life flows from this place
Herald the coming end of this waste
Born as nothing, you squander your gifts
I will forcefully widen this rift
Born as nothing, you squander

What is a man but a miserable pile of secrets?
Too few persist in the strengthening of the will
Drowned, freed, begging to be believed
Crosses turned, you are your own disease

The spell can't be broken, the seal is ancient
Though on banishing you are hellbent
I'll remain in my domain, until I am awakened
For the presence of evil cannot be broken

Try to escape the flames of hate
Torture and misery await
Do you wish to be freed of your crippling fate?
Dissolved in acid, nailed to a cross
Frozen and helpless in unending hellfrost
In mockery of the lord you have lost


Life is too short for me
To learn all I must
Knowledge and mysteries
Books gathering dust

To hone my eldritch might
More lifetimes I must live
Escape mortality
The gods will not forgive

Deep in the darkest texts
I find the rites that I need
Unbinding soul from flesh
Requires that I bleed


Open my veins
Into the golden well it drips
Inscribe forbidden words
Upon the parchment strips

Perform the ritual
Black magic will create
Precious phylactery
To keep my essence safe

From this day forward
I will never be more whole
Into this ebon box
I seal away my soul


The years wear on
The flesh has fallen off my my bones
My power grows
As I devour ancient tomes

A crown upon my skull
My eyes are empty pools
I drape my bones in silk
Replace my teeth with jewels

Enslaving mortal men
I feast upon their lives
My soul lives on
Until the end of days arrives



There is no time like the past
The place I live, I live it alone
Unburying the memories that loosely dress my wounds

Speaking is irrelevant, dreams are abstract
What little semblance of thought is fact?

Each step I take; a painful recollection
Every sound made; nostalgic infection

The fire is waning
Embers once raging
Flames, now flickers
My resolve now withers

But what of man and of war?
Machines that destroyed all I abhor
How do I accept those I've denied
When every ounce of my humanity's died

I dream of a shore washing the blood away
Carry me to my place of burial
I cannot bear it any longer

No turning point, no movement
Stagnation, my eternal bride

Trudge through a sea of dead cells
Long ago this was more


Spawn of the shifting netherworld
Ancient mass of blackened will
Incarnate of filth
It's touch; consuming

To fill the body with evil
To fill the body with cold
How I desire the touch of nothingness

To erase me from all that exists
To free me from all being
How I desire to hear the squirming of its parasites
To feel the sharpened feathers lacerating my skin

Awaken the beings that speak with the dead
It is a grand process of undivine kinship

Titans walk in the place of birth
Ancient mass of blackened will
Incarnate of filth

Praise the beast!
I'll fast for 40 nights
Spill my blood, altar prepared
A feast of carnage


For centuries my line has carried on the quest
To seek the devil and lay his wicked soul to rest
Up in his castle, with a curse upon his breath
He will die tonight, I'll celebrate his wicked death

At the entrance, a terrifying gloom
Air so foul, reeks of doom
Cloud of vermin, now gnawing at my skin

Shrouded in darkness, an abyss of sin
Holy orders bind me, shielding from those within

Disturbance inevitable, their voices in my head
Fingers claw my flesh, awaken the rotting dead

Descending into the vile crypt
Putrid abominations, limb from limb are ripped
Blood is flowing, crossing a sickening lake of slime
Covered in gore, a distant church bell chimes

The sounding of wolves beckons me toward my fate
Grandfather's map leads me to this place
Antechamber strewn with bones of heroes
Tonight I'll end this curse at last

Erupting thunder
Our battle unfolds
Holy relics shine
The final bell now tolls

Promising weatlh and power
You'll die on your knees
I'll rid the world of your disease

Shrouded in darkness
An abyss of fire
Overflowing army, a twisted mass of flesh
This place, the embodiment of unrest


Vile and loathesome, years of vice and debauchery
Limitless, sickness, rife with sodomy
Seeking and reeking, in pain you are weakening
Dying to be reborn in torture

Flesh torn and bound
Unending torment in secrets found
We have come from beyond the void
Your threshold is cruelly destroyed

Your existence is trivial
Ours is endless
We'll separate your soul
From your flesh

Dimensions where pain and pleasure meet
Open the doors to agony you seek
Explosive rush of senses employed
Awakened by that which you have toyed

Saw-mouthed beings, here to dismember
Nothing of life you will remember

Burning alive, awakened in fire
Over stimulation of your filthy desires
Made to suffer, plunged headfirst
Drained of every drop of your worth

No escape
Torn apart
Unending torment

lyrics added by Geometal - Modify this lyrics