Neuromist : Age of Human Errors

Progressive Death / Moldova
(2006 - Self-Released)
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Set out, I ran
Set to run through the graveyards of man
To raise, the war
Set to complete this endless opening door
Look, into vast
Timeless delusion of what will come last
Staying, forever
Or for as long as we hold it in
The moment absurd

Avenues, of pews
Hold the fears that we all must hide
Look, into dew
Feel the poisoneous coming tide
The rival, my arch
Denying my right for genocide
In my war, my march
You'll find escape into suicide

On the other side of the noose,
Hanging from the stellar ruin,
Where no living dead shall stay
Only I, the demi-god in might,
Have the right,
To hang there bizarre.

They gave me my cure
In numberless potions
But they did not know
Of my endless devotion
To the constantly driving insane
To the constantly scratching my brain
Mental restrain


Down, in voids of mind
Where boiling feelings come to surface of
Renewed impressions
I craft my mask of mindless inspiration.

Truth?! There is no truth!
Or have you seen a sign of its existence?,
In this sordid world
Where we can't live without decieving

Ch: Rebuilt Babylon,
The Substance of confusion.
Rebuilt Babylon!

Switch Off!
Close your eyes,
And rest in ... silence ...

The new dimensions of speech
Opening doors to perception ... at a new level
Jamming commonly-known sense into..

The rage that cannot be shown
Slowly grinding the flesh ... from the inside
Demolishing irony... of what is our pride...

Void is all I want
I dream of silence
Pure, eternal,
Real - Where sense is healed
But all I see is this rebuilt Babylon!!!

Words, theese feeble sounds
Through which we strive to shake the souls
Of others, of ourselves
And interact for bringing all together

Fools! You trust in fates,
In lines and dots, combined in millions of
Expressions, questions
We're tired to ask again in circles.

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