Necrotisplatter : Christmas with Necrotisplatter

Death Grind / USA
(2019 - Self-Released)
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Stored away
In the icy domain
Beneath the factories
Where toys are made
A red marker
Speaks to all the elves
They're going insane
They're killing themselves
Old Saint Nick
Must act real quick
Elves go missing
Mentally sick
The death toll rises
What's going on?
The North Pole will fall
Before long

In the places of bodies
Are trails of blood
Nobody knows what occured
Dragged away
By that unknown
Even reindeer reduced to clumps of fur

Wishing for the missing to come back
But be careful
What you wish for
Might come back
To haunt you in the end

The dead do not stay dead
At least under these conditions
The same signal that drove the elves nuts
Brings them back as grotesque dead forms

Emerging from the darkness
Former cadavers
The necromorphs march to take the pole
A craving for bodies
To further their plague
An end goal to make us all whole
Pedestrians and elves
And Santa's creatures
Reduced to rotting piles of meat
Countless heartbeats stop
As masses are killed
Murdered in the North Pole streets

Death will befall humanity
No presents under the Christmas tree


The holidays have come around
Everyone gather around
Praising the lord Jesus Christ
With gorey tunes to share his light

Greed is not the reason
For this divine season

The darkening winter plagues the mind
Pulls the grieving away from Christ
I shall praise him day and night
Carrying on the faithful fight

The holidays have come around
Everyone gather around
Praising the lord Jesus Christ
With gorey tunes to share his light

He conquered death
So we may live

The holidays have come around
Everyone gather around
Praising the lord Jesus Christ
With gorey tunes to share his light


Spitting out your teeth
Bashed across the face
Jaw split into pieces
You are a disgrace
Club swinging hard
Whacking into your skull
Bludgeoned without remorse
With blood your mouth is full

7 Iron to the face
Fracturing the bone
Bruising tissue, drawing blood
You will die alone
Drag your body off the fairway
Deep into the woods
Face bashed into a pulp
Seeping torrents of blood

Breaking a club
Across your head
Your face is a mess
You are now dead


Don't Go Home
Don't Go Home
Don't Go Home
Don't Go Home Alone

Evil is in the streets
In the people that you meet
In the night the sickened prey
Evil will kill many today
Waiting for you to separate
Single out and isolate
For when you are all alone
You face a threat you've never known

Butcher and lacerate
Abducted and raped

Too many people never know
That these things could happen to you
We live with a false sense of safety
But the sickened target you and me

Don't Go Home
Don't Go Home
Don't Go Home
Don't Go Home Alone


Necrotic avenger
Back from the grave
If you fool around in his camp
Your life he'll take

Machete in hand
Ski mask on the face
Watching through one intact eye
All of his victims die

Through pure evil and a freak accident
A murderer's back from the dead
Since the very day that they killed his mother
His black heart has been filled with dread

Golden year miscreants
Messing around in his land
As they fuck and they party and do lots of drugs
They all are disposed by his hand

lyrics added by Coleiosis - Modify this lyrics