Necrodeath : Draculea

Thrash Black / Italy
(2007 - Scarlet Records)
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1. V.T. 1431

Dracula-fiul diavolului
In 1431se nastea la Sighisoara, Vlad Tepes “Dracula”
Cel care a fost un mare voievod cu grija de neam si de tara
Dar pe care vremurile l-au manjit de sage si il amintesc
Cu groaza si spaima
...cruscut la curtea turcilor, dat ca tribut de pace
A invatat sa foloseasca teroarea si puterea...
Si ura catre turci crestea neintrerupt...
Jurand sa se razbune si sa verse taota ura pe dusmani.
Vlad Tepes Dracula – Vald Tepes Dracula
Sange – suferintia – viata
Sange – blood – rug – decapitatie


Chemical flood your joints
Adrenaline burst through your system
Pushing you
Run away
Fell the iron sharp aroma
In the forest of the impaled
Smell of blood

See the dark red-plasm
Across the enemy skin
Smell of blood

I wanna feel the taste of your fear
I wanna feel the pain of your soul

This is the way of war
This is the way of war
This is the way of war
Smell of blood
Die into battle


“Do you want to be without cares
Lacking nothing in this life?”
Vagrants and beggars responded positively
No one survived

The burning of the sick and poor
He issued an invitation to come to Tirgoviste
And after the guests ate and drank
He ordered the hall boarded up and set of dire
No one survived

The burning of the sick and poor
Welcome in my reign – no more poor in my realm
Welcome in my reign and enjoy the night
Vagrants and beggars responded positively
No one survived

He ordered the hall boarded up and set of dire
No one survived

Blood – party in Tirgoviste
Screams - party in Tirgoviste
Pain - party in Tirgoviste
Death - party in Tirgoviste


Art form of the butchers, forgotten tales of death
Flashback of dementia, fearing myself
Poetic infliction, fix your body to the core
Skinned alive, as terror grows

Smell decay of sorrow
Infinite to follow
Neurocranial terror
Celebrate my horror

Pseudoexophoria, irrational psycho reflex
Extreme desire, forgotten itself
Behind progression, breath my death through the air
Aroused by carcass, I found it there


Hollow laughter, childhood cries
And when I turn, in rhyme with silence found my crimes
Wound in a coil inborn to myself
Absurd vision-caress again

Love and life means nothing to me
Fragments of fear, of my sanity
Fragments of insanity

Far beyond
My last friend

Burst illusion, madness fry
How do I feel, in now intake a dream survive
Look to the dance of my lunacy
Matters forming on plagues all of me

My confessions of neurosis die
Psycho catharsis of my genocide
Fragments of insanity

To recipe my mind
Rise of the ovation
Feel to die


Li odnoces oilgif ennev ofamaihc alucard, ehc acifingis Oilgif led ogard
Am ni onemur al alorap card e encha ominonis id olovaid
E eliciffid erasnep euqnud emoc nu epicnurp, ehc Avenetrappa alla
EnidrO led ogarD, otareihcs idnuiq noc li apap e alla aselho

E ofangepmi allen attol ortnoc aisere'l ó ortnoc orepmi'l onamotto
Is essetop eramaihc alucarD... orevvo... oilgif led olovaid...
Ilge esiccu allen aus ativ acric alimotnec enosrep itnenetrappa
A inoigiler esrevid... ihc are euqnud dalV sepeT? Li ogard ehc
Avaiggenni li emon id oid o li oinomed??

Live to kill - kill to live
Live to kill - kill to live
Suckin' your blood
Drinkin' your blood


Welcoming the virgins fair, to live a noble life
In the castle known to all - The count's infernal wife
She invites the peasants with endless lavish foods
But, when evening spreads it wings, she rapes them of their blood

Countess Bathory - Countess Bathory

All day long the virgins sit and feast on endless meals
The countess laughs and sips her wine - Her skin doth crack and peel
But when nightime fills the air one must pay the price
The countess takes her midnight bath with blood that once gave life

Countess Bathory - Countess Bathory

Living in her self-styled Hell, the countess dressed in black
Life's so distant - Death's so near - No blood to turn time back
The castle walls are closing in, she's crippled now with age
Welcomes death with open arms - The reaper turns the page

Countess Bathory - Countess Bathory


Terror fear pain blood
Potirel lasat in centrul pieti nu a fost
Niciodata fural sau distrus in timpul deninie liu Vlad


Vlad then began his killing realm 6 years long of hate and revenge
During which he committed tortures and cruelties warfares and bloodbath
And revenge and hence established his controversed reputation hate and revenge
I'm the prince of the darkness I'm the devil Vlad Tepes

Beware insane desires his name becomes famous and infamous in the blood
Bodies impaled as an art master in the tortures
The torture must be slow and painful
He scared his enemy by the sign of 20000 impaled Turkish prisoners outside the city of Tirgoviste

This gruesome sight is remembered as "The forest of the impaled"
Maniac and psycho, ruthless and paranoid he often order people to be
Skinned-boiled-blinded strangled-handed-decapitated
Crazy and schizo, pitiless and perverted he often order people to be
Burned-roasted-hacked-nailed-stabbed-buried alive
Kaziglu bey the impaler prince he also like to cut noses ears genitals and limbs
Arms feet fingers and eyes the impaler prince
The torture must be slow and painful I want your blood I want your life
Beware-insane desires

9. V.T. 1476

Now he is without head
With no eternal rest
With no peace
Dracula, fuil Diavolului, domnitorul Tarii Romanesti
O suta de mil de oameni morti de mana lui...
Acum el zace acolo fara cap... fara odihna eterna...
Cu ochii innegurati
Sange, suferinta, viata
Sange, rut, decapitatie
Dracula fiul diavolului
Blood is the life
And it shall be mine
Dracula fiul diavolului

Lyrics geaddet von Lunuy - Bearbeite die Lyrics