Nebula Disrupt : Libations of Omnipotence

Progressive Black / South-Africa
(2017 - Self-Released)
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Every single temple shall be burned down, priests raped and prophets drowned, bones cast into the Ground.

Every single idol must be crushed.
Every single throne decimated.

I pray for genocide, armageddon, death and destruction.
I implore death and war, cataclysm, total annihilation

Genocidal prayers of extinction, holocaust visions of extermination
Death-like dreams of decimation, annihilation through war.

Every single son shall be dead born, every single daughter filled with sickness and woe

Come to me eyes open, flesh ruined, blood enlightened
Open the gateways of life

Come to me eyes open, flesh ruined, blood enlightened
Tresspassing time, death golden dawn shines

Come tread this path, let us feast on the holy grails of wrath, as libation this chalice of blood

Open the soul, lacerate all the flesh from the bone, setting free, through death maliciously


I see through the eye wreathed in flame, the ever-open lidless eye
Ive obtained the keys of fire, to unlock the gate, to transmigrate, hellfire.

I open my eyes to read the words, written in the blood of the blessed and wise

The dead stare through my eyes, leading the blind on their way home
To the dead trees of my soul, where theres no love and life cannot


The curse of salvation shall shine, in rays of revelation in the kingdom of thine
The dead of the earth shall align, their blood as libation to this mouth of mine.

I shall cast the body of flesh, through the last gate
Through the ancient kingdoms of the earth
Through the grand catacombs I traverse
Skeletal visions of a sepulchral world


I bless myself with fire, baptize in flame, anoint with venom, consecrate, ordain

Absolved through fire, extolled in flame, enshrining flesh, through gnosis arcane

Witness wandering wild darkness, monolithic haunting presence
Carcass of life, rotting through existence

Open thy maws great jaws of death, engulf all life of flesh with fire
Open thy womb, grand tomb of devoured, worlds where the witch fires burn wild

Kingdom of flesh, fortress of bone, towers of flame in a heart of stone
Whoredoms of lust for wisdom unknown, a witchdom of eyes that gaze alone

Throughout the flesh with hatred so blind, and vengeance so fierce, a monolith, a shrine
A malicious madness devouring time, a venemous snakepit so viscious and vile

Madness unleashed


I shall rip the skin from my flesh and rip the flesh from my bone
Rip the bones from limbs and rip the limbs from my soul.

I shall transmigrate the great kingdoms, lost and forlorn, whoredoms of dawn
I shall trespass the forbidden, temples of the desert in ruin adorned.
Of self-extracting exile, banished from bone to the desert's call
And self-destructive slaughter, of the flesh outlaw.

Transubstantiate my flesh into fire, hiraeth to these loathsome lands
I shall trespass the forbidden, hidden, lines obscured in the desert sands.
Paths of the first emanation, creation discarded malformed and grotesque
An eden found at last, through that flamed exhalation of death
The grand transformation of flesh

Howl through me, roar through me, vociferous entity
I scream your hymns and psalter, of hurricane winds and thunder
Black djinn of smokeless fire, holding high the burning pyre
Of dead children, treading path that lead to nowhere

lyrics added by kit36 - Modify this lyrics