Near Death Condition : The Disembodied - in Spiritual Spheres

Death Metal / Switzerland
(2011 - Unique Leader Records)
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This world in decline has no more reason to exist
Time has come to beg for its destruction
In the name of Rudra, the destructive storm god
We initiate the ritual of the end of our world

Look at the kind of values the humans are living for
And you'll understand that mankind deserves to die
Fortunately the end of the world is near
Make place to the ineffable Universal One!

As thy instruments of death on the earth
We distill thy purifying venom through our veins
Chosen and proud to fulfill the ultimate massacre
We initiate the cosmic dance of the world's annihilation

Dancing Lord who, in a perpetual movement
Crushes with wrath the ignorance of the world
May thou make the earth quake with violence
And tear the sky up in terrifying din

Exhilarated by the divine strength bestowed on us
Rejoiced by the vision of the word in flames
Amused by the panic violently spread over mankind
We fulfill our divine task of salvation

Cleansing and purifying, the universe from the human waste
It's the triumph of the divine knowledge over the human ignorance
From the sidereal void left a new world will arise
A world where the spiritual values won't be obscured by the fleshly


Aum! From the still and silent void
Came all that is movement
By the sacred sound of creation
That contains the expansion of the universe

Three symbols divine manifestations
One for each movement of the universe
The cosmic balance of the Lord of Sleep
That transcends all that is

In a perpetual cycle of three stages
The universe is created, lasts, and collapses
Through the day and the night of the Neutral One
At the rhythm of the dance of the Lord of Sleep

Let us speak the sacred syllable
That manifests the greatness of God
One and numerous
He transcends the creation

Let us sing the sacred sound
That represents the divine trinity
The three states of the universe
In one that transcends all that is

Three is the universe
As it is manifestation, duration, and collapse
Three is the world
As it is heaven, earth, and hell
Three is the knowledge
As it is Rig, Yajus, and Saman
Three is God
As He is Creator, Preserver and Destroyer


You've created a god in your image
Pale glimmers and failing forces
Cast into this anthropomorphic conception
Of what is beyond the reason of man

Subjected to his judgment you've implored his mercy
Ensured to live eternally beyond death in his kingdom
But these were just empty promises
Made by men as pestilential as you

More and more devoid of sense and interest
This feeble god has fallen into oblivion
In favor of a cult of the self equally arrogant
Towards the truth that you've never perceived

Refusing your god, you've confused yourself with the devil
Selfish, vile, evil and petty as the one you've feared

Having no more reason to walk a brilliant path
Doomed to death that will mark the end of all

Your life to which your god gave a sense
Has been emptied of all morality and justice
Do we have to be good if not for being rewarded for?
When it's more natural to be evil and nasty

Impurity is the sign of reality
Leading a life of debauchery without future
Worse than animals in lack of food
Through sex and violence you're dominating virtue

You are disgusting me, sluts and false men
Plague and violent death is what you deserve
I hate you to the depths of your soul
As I masturbate upon your lives

The idea of being able to put an end to this ignominy
Not feeling imprisoned by this odious life
Comforts me and allows me to endure
Until my vengeance, the burden of existence


When you have crossed my way
With pride you have displayed your certitudes
Glorifying the human race
Pretending the truth was at your hands

This night your life will change
Your theories becoming your weakness
The darkest side of mankind growing in me
I will show you what we really are

After having bound you with barbed wire
I hit you to break all your bones
Have you imagined a being as cultured as you
Could suffer so much?
I can see through your eyes
As I blow up your organs without cutting your skin
Your sudden desire to die
But it would be too easy
I want to keep you alive until the last moment
Although it is involuntary
You now are my accomplice

I sprinkle you with acid and boiling water
Struggling you are skinning yourself
But you are disappointing me a little
Because you are no more telling me
What is right and what is wrong
And what I am supposed to be as a worthy human being

Cruel like Dinah and Moumine
I play the game of death with you
I cannot imagine that this vulgar pile of flesh
Once was pretending being intelligent


Life is shining with the eternity thou have bestowed upon our lives

O', Creator of all the IS of the universe
Greater than everything we can conceive
Invoked on earth thou have entered all that is living
Manifesting thy greatness through nature

May we be in the favor of the Universal One

May the mundane delusions be washed away
So that the eyes could be opened and see

May we be in thy favor

We have prepared this place for thy coming in storm
May ignorance be replaced by the knowledge of thy creation
Our love and devotion to thee have no boundaries
May thy blessing be granted to those who have awakened

Almighty principle of all that IS
God of the mineral and the organic
The matter the world is made of
As well as the force to assemble its matter

May the mundane delusions be washed away
So that the eyes could be opened and see
May we be in thy favor...


Grant me the gift of seeing through death
O', mighty upholder of the firmament
For I can disclose with delight
The mysteries of divine condition

Bestow on those who have awakened
Symbolic death of their human waste
For the spirit can rise and open the gate
To the eternity of divine condition

With wisdom I praise the end of life
Impatiently waiting to leave my mortal shell

I'm gazing at our suffering
Contemplating our decline
I'm gazing at our misery
For clearing up the meaning of life

The void of existence I have revealed
As I've seen beyond life and death
Please give an end to my earthly mission
For I can shine in spiritual spheres

With wisdom I praise the end of life
Impatiently waiting to become divine


There's no greater freedom than the one of eliminating ourselves
It instills into us a swelled force that makes us
Dominates the burden of life
And humiliates religions that see in it the absolute disobedience
This freedom is our only gate to the real salvation

The idea of killing ourselves is one of the most comforting
Act that God himself is unable to fulfill
It makes us triumph over the cosmic carrion
That can take anything but our own death

The worthlessness of life and its infinity of vacuity
Have been revealed in the course of my existence
Through reflections, meditations, and disillusions
Having forged my black heart now painfully beating

But awakened far too late, my instincts established and guides
From the innocence of childhood to the wounds of youth
Stunned by the findings of my reflections
I have postponed the time of my own annihilation

I can't remember having loved life one day
But my hate towards the existence has grown stronger
Now that I've perceived the divine beyond death
And my self destruction has begun

As the only arbiter of my existence
I have honorably chosen the day of my demise
Like the ancient wise men I'll take my life
Rather than accepting the agony of the natural laws


Every day, every step closer to death
I strive to annihilate any trace of humanity in me
To find the end of my existence
Without the morbid delusion of a meaning in life

Trying to find a meaning in this existence
You've obscured your inner spiritual light
Devoting yourselves to the flesh worship
Refusing the finiteness and the decrepitude of the body

Just caring about what's superficial and perishable
You've moved away from the brilliant mystical path
Sinking into the depths of ephemeral pleasures
Instead of developing the absolute divine knowledge

But what will remain of this sanctuary of vice
Of this vile body on the blessed day of our death?
I can tell you. A stinking putrefying carcass
A lifeless body as insignificant as wastes

I hate this sick and suffering body that withers day after day
Creature in decline that has been disposed by God
Prison for the spirit tamed by the weakest animal impulses
Insult to the greatness and limitlessness of the Universal One

Every human's death is enjoyable
The seeing of this putrefied carrion comforts me
In the idea of the absolute nonsense of existence
And the need of releasing my spirit from this mortal shell


[The Alpha]

After centuries of a relentless divine quest
Of meditations taking me away from the remaining humans
I've reached this state of divine wisdom
Where the weak human feelings have vanished

Endlessly reincarnating to bring plague to all eras
I now rise upon your insignificance
To reach this state of grace
Where I have the right of life and death on all plains of existence

I am divine
I'm the darkness you fear
I hold the blinding light
That you dare not see

[The Omega]

My breath turns into a wrenching tempest
Destroying your houses and sweeping your possessions away
A hurricane of unprecedented intensity
Leaving from your lives just desolation and cadavers

Quake! The earth collapses under my footsteps
Releasing energy that is equaled just by my wrath
In a gaping split, the gates of hell
You fall from the height of your ignorance

I am the annihilating water, tsunami stronger than ever
I sweep everything away on my path
Inundating in a split second what you've built in so many years
Leaving just plague and putrefaction

I am the purifying fire, hellish flames
That set ablaze your impious lives
From the inside I consume your soul
Leaving from your lives just ashes and smoke

I attach no more importance to human life
I just enjoy your suffering and death
Your prayers sound like a need for suicide assistance
In wisdom I have become the Almighty God Of Negation


Entropy's tide built an empire
Carved from the very flesh of time
Whence he came, whence he crawled

He of the thousand blades
He of the machine mind
Perfection man-made god
Our Lord of the tree of thorns
He was designed to create pain
And to collide philosophy
With technology
He the machine messiah
The pain generator
Alluring empathy
Stifling sympathy

Rise in scorn in agony
Grant us our ending
To become deader than death

Almighty but insentient
Taming time but conscienceless
Surhuman or Subhuman?

Harbinger of the ultimate intelligence
From the bosom of time
Far beyond human


Surrounded by the human beings I cannot progress in my spiritual quest
Suffocating in a world where the divine values have no sense
Replaced by the ephemeral and narcissistic visions
Of the meaning of life that the gods have granted us

I long for this solitude that people usually fear
To find myself and the divine part of me
Isolated my spirit is rising to the firmament
To be one with the ineffable creator

You are afraid of linear time and death
But these are just creations of the mind
The real world in a perpetual cycle
Is created and destroyed to arise again and again
In spiritual spheres the blossoming is complete
Through meditation my heart has opened the real world
The forces of the universe are penetrating me
Allowing me to live beyond time and death

Love and hate aroused by the impure soliciting
I need to dream off these unhealthy feelings
Isolated I'm not overwhelmed by emotions I can't control
At last I can drift off to a spiritual level
In spiritual spheres love is a concept that's fading away
As bliss fills entirely my heart and my soul
Blowing out all the weak human emotions
Impurity making place to complete purity

I see death as the ultimate achievement
The withering of the body giving life to the spirit
Disembodied, free of this hurting mortal shell
I will forever shine in spiritual spheres

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