Natt Sang : Fimbulwinter

Тексты песен


The tree, a mighty ash, at worlds heart, tended by the Norns
Seated at the base, lies a well from which all fate is drawn

Yggdrasil’s base, they count the days, the river flow of Time
They tend the tree, from which all comes, the seeded bough Of mankind

Ask veit ek standar,
Heitir Yggdrasill,
Hár baðmr, ausinn
Hvíta auri,
Paðan koma dǫggvar
Pær’s ĩ dala falla,
Stendr æ yfir grǿnn

No fear, no pain your time is set
Your fate is in stone, woven by Norn alone

Odin’s hand, here drew the runes, all rivers here they run
Futures carved on waters face, fate goes as 'ere she shall


Enter the sacred grove, Odin is calling
Consecrate life with death, blood of the fallen
Nine are the trees that are set on the pyre
Sing for the valkyrie, Come Odin's daughters!

Sing of the night, sing Vetrnætr's songs
Disir dance in shadow, calling all men home.

Chanting the battle song, gather the fallen
Wolf skinned my warriors, reapers of men
Rage of the berserk, feel Odin's calling
Bear bloody shields to the doors of Valhalla!

Enter the sacred grove, Odin is calling
Consecrate life with death, blood of the fallen
Nine are the trees that are set on the pyre
Sing for the valkyrie, Come Odin's daughters

Reddened with blood, altar raised to the gods
Mead for the one eyed, father of them all

Shieldmaid of Welkin, queen of the war field
Brides of the raven and bringers of doom,
Carry me home to the halls of the fallen
To feast with my fathers, einherjar all!

Enter the sacred grove, Odin is calling
Consecrate life with death, blood of the fallen
Nine are the trees that are set on the pyre
Sing for the valkyrie, Come Odin's daughters

Then light cracked the sky, the thunder of fell hooves
Carrying across the corpse strewn field, as the valkyrie descended
Mail shirts caked in blood, spear tips sharpened

Sing of the night, sing Vetrnætr's songs
Disir dance in shadow, calling all men home


Odin's fairest son, Baldur the bright, has been troubled by Dreams of death, among the gods

Dreams of a pyre, shields covered in gold
Gods mourn the fallen one, who lies unseen

The mead is brewed here for Baldur,
Beloved of Odin's sons
He is brought low by his brother,
Such are the fates of the Gods

Gods mourning Baldur, sorrow shaking the world
Foretelling of a future, a realm of gods undone

Hringhorni turned to a pyre,
His ship sails now into hell
Shed no more tears for young Baldur,
His fate must come to us all

Envious rage, Loki harbors
End of the gods, hate undying
Setting the stage, fates are woven
Death of a god, Loki's laughing
There is no joy here for Odin, foretold the death of his son
Return now god to Valhalla, seek of my words no more

Seeress of the underworld, summoned from your grave
Speak of my future, to earn your rest

Dreams of a god now lie broken, upon the most hallowed stone
Loki will begin his vengeance, a shaft for the blind god to Throw

Fire take Loki, scoured from the earth,
Slayer of Baldur, father of the wolf

Envious rage, Loki harbors
End of the gods, hate undying
Setting the stage, fates are woven
Death of a god, Loki's laughing

By your command, I have spoken, by my will, I shall go
I will rest with the fallen, counting the days of the world

Speak of the future, witch brought from the earth,
Sleep once my task is fulfilled, seer of the fates

There is no joy here for Odin, foretold the death of his son
Return now god to Valhalla, seek of my words no more

Fates are the weave of the word, bind even the gods
The call of the carrion bird, echoes in Valhall


Bound to this stone, safe from the worlds of gods and men,
My husband held, tormented evermore
Fate led you here, cruel is the weave that guides us all
To flame fairwelled, waiting the final war

Rembember Odin, at the dawn of time
Brothers, you and I
A table was set, for our cups
Our blood, intertwined

Loki sleep, I am here, at your side always
When your bonds break at last, you will be free once more

Thor, your wife whose hair I stole
While she slept by my side
A hammer I forged to repay a debt
Payment for that night

Oh gods, they have no right, you feast with them as honored Friend
With treachery, they seek your end

My weapons lie at the gates of Hel
In a chest with nine strong locks,
The rising tide of death does swell,
To bring them to my hands

Loki sleep, I am here, at your side always
When your bonds, break at last, you will be free once more

The time will come, to build my pyre
Fueled by the ninefold worlds
To lay across the bodies of gods
A sacrifice to myself

Arise, freed from your bonds, your children heed the call to War
Ragnarok, the battle song

This tormenting rain, will melt my chains and set me free Once more
Bring my children to me, and by my side we shall burn the World of men
The sea will rise and the earth will freeze, a thousand Years of war
To bolster my army, against the gods, a debt paid in the end

Bound to this stone, safe from the worlds of gods and men,
My husband held, tormented evermore
Fate led you here, cruel is the weave that guides us all,
To flame fairwelled, waiting the final war


Come my child, the forest echoes with silence
Hear the cry, a warning riders are coming

A thousand hoof beats crack the sky
A host of shadows fill the night
Arise now Odin’s dogs of war
The wild hunt will cleanse this world

A flight of birds come to blot the moon
Their beating wings turning to the clash of spears
The cry of wolves, fall beneath the trees

Come now child, these omens show you the truth
Read the runes, a warning written in blood

A thousand hoof beats crack the sky
A host of shadows fill the night
Arise now Odin’s dogs of war
The wild Hunt will burn this world

A house aflame, trod beneath fell hooves
Allfather’s path, since before the time of man
Eight pounding hooves, sing across the sky
The sounds of war, rise with each unending stride

Fear not child the weave of your own destiny
Death awaits the coward equally
Fear not child the weave of your own destiny
Die with honor, let allfather see

From the barrow, bear the sword of warriors past
Hold your blade high, raise your shield arm to the sky
Call to Odin, sing the war song, bless the dead
They have journeyed, you may follow, warriors fate

Hear now the sound, coursing through your veins
The baying hounds, mixing with the screams of men
The blood like rain, running down your blade
The sound of hooves, driving you to charge again

Come now child, the battle leaves you behind
Einherjar, arise and follow your line

A thousand hoof beats crack the sky
A host of shadows fill the night
Arise now Odin’s dogs of war
The wild hunt will burn this world

The sound of hooves, and of wings arrive
A golden host, lightning chases 'cross the sky
The sound of spears, and a mourning cry
Shaking the ground upon which the fallen lie

The golden doors will be opened wide
Arise a man, as Einherjar step inside
The warrior’s hall, Odin’s host resides
Till Ragnarok, destined there again to die


We are told of a winter that will hail the end of time
Shields will be broken, under endless drifts of snow

Fimbulwinter, when the wolves have cleared the sky
Sound the Gjallarhorn, life is ending
Warriors gathering, and the Aesir march to war
Sound the Gjallarhorn, gods are dying

Silent throne of Baldur, blind god's reckoning
Brother will kill brother, over fields the ravens fly

In the east dwells the old hag,
In the Jarnved forest;
And brings forth there Fenrer’s offspring.
There comes of them all
One of the worst,
The moon’s devourer
In a troll’s disguise,
He is filled with the life blood
Of men doomed to die;
The seats of the gods
He stains with red gore.

Far to the east, Loki steers his host to war
Mountains will be shattered, no man’s life is his own

Einherjar are marching, Valkyr drenched in blood
Fires burning, to swallow all the world

Fimbulwinter, when the wolves have cleared the sky
Sound the Gjallarhorn, life is ending
Warriors gathering, and the Aesir march to war
Sound the Gjallarhorn, gods are dying


Your time has come, the heavens ring
The Gjallarhorn’s mournful cry resounds
Hel’s hordes have come, to Asgard’s doors
The Eldjotnar cry brings the walls down

Naglfar sails on frozen wind
With Jörmungandr on the rising tide
The giants march from frozen home,
And the Fenris wolf is free

Einherjar rise, you fate is here
The valkyries lead the charge to war
On Wigrid's field, no man will live
The raven's cry brings the ending of the world

Einherjar stand, here side by side
Their shields are raised against their fate
The day has come, the time is here
With sword and shield the battle song is sung

Surtr’s feet on Bifrost crash
By his flaming sword the way is closed
The baleful drums of an army of woe
Echo in the halls, of the gods

The Valkyrie prepare for war
The spears of Odin’s brides will fly
Their song of woe, all men will hear
This is the day that none will arise

The sun’s last rise on Midgard’s Plane
Dawns on an army of death
The unyielding march of dishonored dead
From hel they rise

Odin stirs from restless sleep
His son’s dreams become his own,
A fate foretold, for all of time
His ravens fly on a cold unyielding wind

Einherjar rise, you fate is here
The valkyries lead the charge to war
On Wigrid's field, no man will live
The raven's cry brings the ending of the world

Yggdrasil shakes, the world is torn, a prophesy fulfilled
A pyre burning for the gods, their fate they meet this day


The scent of flesh on carrion winds, the stretching of Flayed skin
Naglfar sails on rising tide, Muspelheim unleashed

Flames from the east, Surtr arise

Struck from the bodies of dishonored dead, their nails armor Her prow
The hair of the fallen once moored her to shore, broken by Coming of the final war
Crewed now by corpses of ten thousand men, they sail to Vigard at Surtr’s command
An army of giants, a flame from the east, doom of the gods, Naglfar the beast.

Ship of the dead, fate of all men

From the north we hear of a coming storm, from the east the Flames rise high
Forests shake and mountains crumble, death awaits with Hollow eyes

The scent of flesh on carrion winds, the stretching of Flayed skin
Naglfar sails on rising tide, Muspelheim unleashed

Ship of the dead, fate of all men

Loki stands upon the prow, Lævateinn in hand
His killing staff will strike again, to land the final blow
The gods have come to face the tide, that rises on Asgard’s Shores
Surtr’s hordes will cross the bridge, to the sounding of Fell horns

For the death of Baldur, in the end we suffer

And O what words were whispered there, and that we should Not know
For Odin knew the fates foretold, and how he loved his son


A rooster crowed in Gallow’s wood
The bright red cockerel who is called Felar
Vigrid is the field where in fight shall meet
Surtr and the gracious gods
A hundred miles each way does it measure, and so are its boundaries set

Fog on sorrows field
The graveyard of the dead
The gods in Asgard sleep

Ravens return to roost
No wolves howl battle songs
Hearth fires to ash, this night

Afterword, when the world is burned and dead are the gods of Mankind
When the fog is burned from the fields of woe and the final Tally called

All fates will be revealed
As Mímir spoke the words
The death of Odin’s son

What words were whispered there?
The pyre of the gods
Has set the world to flame, this night

Afterword, when the world is burned and dead are the gods of Mankind
When the fog is burned from the fields of woe and the final Tally called

When the world is burned
When the gods are dead
On the field of woe, the final tally called

Looms stand silent, upon the ground
In hallowed bough, the Norns await the war to come
Gathered around the well, from whence all knowledge of life Is drawn, and woven long ago

Heimdallr lifts his horn
The serpent drowns the shore
The dwarves behind stone doors

Leaves obscure the well of Norns
Yggdrasil shakes, the world is torn!

Sky is black
Mountains crack
Fire burned
Nighog returned

When the world is burned and dead are the gods of mankind
When the fog is burned from the fields of woe and the final Tally called

Light will burn in the eastern sky
The flames of Surtr’s sword
Cast the fog from Vigrid’s field
Awaken the gods of war
Heed these words the end is come
In Asgard’s halls the battle song

Fenris writhes and breaks his chains
The Jötunn now lie free
Beckon the coming of Odin’s Bane
The river Ván runs dry
Rust shatters the binding sword
The wolf returns to the world of men

On Slepnir rides Valhalla’s king
With spear and golden helm
Einherjar rise for a final day
Destined again to die
With battle song they form a line
To march against their fate

Now, all the world is ash and forgotten are the gods of Mankind
The ravens gorge on the field of gore and the rains have Washed them clean

When the children of the gods walk the earth
Amidst the oak and ash
Beside the river of The weaver’s dreams
Yggdrasil stands forever green

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