Narkvlt : Kult of the Damned

Black Metal / Hungary
(2019 - Self-Released)
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Ghost of kosmos, rise from your filthy coffin
And remind the living about what power lies within you
For mankind has reason to serve a higher creature
All the power in the universe centralize in you

Rage of the ancestors lingering
From the screaming silence
Even the greatest man bend the knee
Before her as a reprobate
As the cultists murder your soul and future
Terror and chaos shall consume this world

Gazing through the mask that made by marble
A mask that tattoed in your mind, symbol of hatred
A bloodshot restless eye that hungers for revenge

Restless, but broken at the same time
Taken forcefully, but erased by time
Since he made her bleed so violently
Release yourself, release your power

lyrics added by Antonin_Martin - Modify this lyrics