Nanowar Of Steel : Into Gay Pride Ride

Тексты песен


(No lyrics available)


Who has pissed in your umbrella and stole the shoes to Cinderella ?
Who has framed Roger Rabbit, and who married Lory bobbit?
Is it Hammerfall? No! Is it Stratovarius? No?
Michail Gorbaciov? No! No no no no no!
It was Nanowar! It was Nanowar!
Nanowar did it, Nanowar did it
Taller than Mario Bros
Using the pink side of the force
Like Dork Vader on Star Wars
Nanowar did it, Nanowar did it
D-Jedis of universe
Who made Ozzy get so fat cooking his hamburger with a bat?
Who suggested Manowar the title of their album Gods Of War?
Is it Gamma Ray? No! Is it Dragonforce? No!
Is it Lunapop? No! No no no no no!
It was Nanowar! It was Nanowar!
Nanowar did it, Nanowar did it
Taller than Mario Bros
Kickin' ass to all the world!
Lickin' ass to all the whores!
Nanowar did it, Nanowar did it
We're the pimps of Universe
Who looks under a nun's skirt finding things not of this earth?
Who has told the Japanese When make photo you say cheese?
Is it Helloween? Is it Sacred Steel?
Is it Ryanair? No! No no no no no!
It was Nanowar! It was Nanowar!
Nanowar did it, Nanowar did it
Uglier than Michael J. Fox
Using the pink side of the force
Like Dork Vader on Star Wars
Nanowar did it, Nanowar did it
D-Jedis of universe


He comes with the bus, from uncle Griefus
Goes back with the bike, he stole it from Mike
A master of chess, a thunderous ass
Time has come for the Stormlord to come
Stormlord of Power! Power!
Stormlord of Power, Power, Power!
Stormlord of Power, Stormlord of Might,
Stormlord of Power, kill and fight!
Stormlord of Hegel, Stormlord of Kant,
Stormlord of Study, he's not ignorant!
When Death SS call, he scrabbles his balls
He drenches Nesquick in the milk of the dick
He comes from the park, to bring you the dark
Time has come for the Stormlord to come
Stormlord of Power! Power!
Stormlord of Power, Power, Power!
Stormlord of Power, Stormlord of Might,
Stormlord of Power, kill and fight!
Stormlord of Hegel, Stormlord of Kant,
Stormlord of Study, he's not ignorant!


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We ride the tricycles of true metal of steel
While other bands play, we eat happy meal
In the forest of minerals... The poseurs we kill!
Our metal's so strong, 'cos our dick is so long
Our dinner's so long, 'cos our ham is so strong
You think it's my chastity belt...
But they're my true metal underpants!
Our legions in Curno, Marino and Tivoli Terme
Our sisters in Pieve, Venetico and Bar Novo
Basaldella, Fiumicino, back to the glory of Busto Arsizio!
Born from the thunder, black steel wind and fire
Stormlords of power, we study Schopenhauer
For the metal we stand...
But also for Chopin!
Save the village, fight the dragon,
Ride the big Station Wagon
Mighty warrior, come with me
Sail across the red sea!!
For the Power, for the Glory,
For the movie "Toy Story"
For the "Hell On Stage Live"
And Eiffel 65!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Looca Toorilli, Odino and Valhalla,
Unite in the shower of Metal Lallalla
And join the gay dragon's party... With Lucio Dalla!
Our metal is true, and true metal wins
Leads us to fly on absorbent wings
166 tampax are drowned in the blood of the queens
Fight the tremors with the Baygon,
Like the great Kevin Bacon,
Mighty warrior, come with me
Sail across the red sea!!
For the power, for the glory,
For the movie "Toy Story"
For the "Hell On Stage Live"
And Eiffel 65!
Fight! Fight! Fight!
Fight, fight, fight! For the glory!
Fight! For the blood of the queens!


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Odino the herd, dressed in silk
Talked to the cows, drinking their milk
"Don't let the farmer know how good is,
the pear with the cheese!"
Odino the sommelier, tasting his wine
Gave these nice pearls, right to a swine
"You cannot have the bottle full,
and your wife drunk!"
How wise is Odino! Wise is Odino!
Narrow the leaf, large is the way!
Follow the Gods and do what they say
La-la-la-la-la-la! Odino!
La-la-la-la-la-la! Valhalla!
La-la-la-la-la-la! Odino!
La-la-la-la-la-la! Valhalla!
Odino & Valhalla-la-la-la!
Odino the thunder, shaking his fist
Gave his opinion to the metereologist
"Red sky in the evening,
we hope for good weather!"
Odino the pirate, who stands all alone
Said this to none, 'coz the sailors were gone!
"Who finds a friend,
finds a treasure!"
How wise is Odino! Wise is Odino!
Narrow the leaf, large is the way!
Follow the Gods and do what they say
La-la-la-la-la-la! Odino!
La-la-la-la-la-la! Valhalla!
La-la-la-la-la-la! Odino!
La-la-la-la-la-la! Valhalla!
Odino & Valhalla-la-la-la!
To other Gods, no veneration
When Odino's at the consolle
Let's shake our asses, in the danceroom
DJ Odino rules da world
DJ! Odino! Lead us to the Wall!
Everybody dancing, at the gates of Valhalla!


(No lyrics available)


Surprise love, the first day that I found you
I knew you had something more than other girls
Surprise love, there's a hole inside of me
And you filled it up with such a special gift
Surprise love, there's a strong feeling between us
I can sense it pushing hard through my body
Surprise love, I still feel your warm embrace
If I turn around and leave you right behind me
You know that love is a big deal
And leaves inside wounds that you can't heal
Think about love, forget the rest
And nevermind those black hairs on her breast.
And never fear huge bulge emerging, right under her belt...
'Coz it's Surprise Love!
Surprise love, everyday you let me see
A side of you I've never seen before
Surprise love, everytime you come to me
You enter in my home from the backdoor
Surprise love, I'm the king and you're my queen
But the scepter's in your hand and not in mine
Surprise load, is what I found between your legs
A bald chicken, a black nest, with two big eggs...
You know that love is a big deal
And leaves inside wounds that you can't heal
Think about love, forget the rest
And nevermind those black hairs on her breast
And nevermind the chicken in his nest
And never fear huge bulge emerging, right under her belt...
'Coz it's Surprise Love!
A missile's gonna strike you
A torpedo's comin' near to sink you down
An arrow embedded in your heart
And a big flesh rod implanted in your ass....
So don't be afraid!
Surprise load, is what I found between your legs
A bald chicken, a black nest, with two big eggs...
You know a car needs gasoline
And in the same way love needs vaseline
Think about love, forget the rest
And nevermind those black hairs on her breast
And nevermind the chicken in his nest
And never fear huge bulge emerging, right under her belt...
'Coz it's Surprise Love!


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Sit down all you little children
Listen well to me
I'll tell of Blind Guardian
Dragonforce and Rhapsody

To listen to their songs
You need to know a lot of things
And read at least seventy times
The "Lord Of The Rings"
This maybe sounds too long
For you child to be done
But don't be afraid my little children
Go and take your helm
No, this won't sound too long
Pay attention now my son
'Cos Nanowar will drive you across
The whole enchanted realm
Let's talk about the elf
Where does he live? Where does he live?
He lives inside the green of
Luca Tour Hill Luca Tour Hill
He mows the enchanted lawn
Drying his hair with the phon
Singing al day long
His homosexual elvish song
"I've got it very long
I've got it very strong
I'm going to stick my dick
Between Looca Tour Illy's cheeks"
He stuck inside his bed
To do what can't be told
But we can sing togheter
The homosexual elvish call
HAIL! Elf! Elf! Elf!
And what about the Dwarf
Where does he live? Where does he live?
He dwells inside the bath of
Lou-Ka Tu-Ril, Lou-Ka Tu-Ril!
He cuts the enchanted wood
And the dick of Robin Hood
Singing very rude
In a bald and dwarvish mood
"I've got it very long
I've got it very strong
I'm going to smash my mace
Into Luka Turillee's face"
He went behind his back
And pointed at his neck
What happened you may guess
It's time to sing our song at last
HAIL! Dwarf! Dwarf! Dwarf!
It's time to call the Orc
Where does he live? Where does he live?
He lives inside the sock
Of Luca Tureell, Luca Tureell
A mage with a great spell
Tried to stop his haunting smell
No Orc, as you would tell
It's Tour-hill who's dirt like hell
"I've got it very long
I've got it very strong
I'm going to use my bats
To squash Looma Tupilli's guts"
He waited in his room
For Numa Pompili's doom
He'll wish not to be born
At the sound of Orcish Horn!!
HAIL! Orc! Orc! Orc!
Forest Of Magnaccions
Ma che ce frega
Ma che ce 'mporta
Se l'oste ar vino c'ha messo l'acqua
E noi je dimo, e noi je famo
C'hai messo l'acqua e nun te pagamo
Ma però
Noi semo quelli
Che j'arisponnemo in coro
E' mejo er vino, de li castelli
De questa zozza società
Ce piaciono li polli
L'abbacchio e le galline
Perché so senza spine e nun so come er baccalà
La società dei magnaccioni
La società della gioventù
A noi ce piace, de magnà e beve
E nun ce piace da lavorà
Portace n'artro litro
Che noi se lo bevemo
E poi j'arisponnemo
Embè? Embè? Che c'è?
E quanno er vino 'mbè
C'ariva ar gozzo 'mbè
Ar gargarozzo 'mbè
Je fa 'n ficozzo 'mè
Pe' falla corta, pe' falla breve
Mio caro oste portace da beve!

12. 1 VS. 100

(No lyrics available)


Langue in me, l'audace desio
Di soggiacer nelle regali stanze
Per donar, colà l'augello mio
A colei che fa vivaci danze
Le movenze sue, seppur sì caste
Svegliaron in me l'antico ardore
Che in lunghe notti pederaste
Celai dentro di me con gran dolore
Vi canto amici miei, un'epica pornografia
Dello signore mio e della sua compagnia
Non vuol piu esser pederasta, e così sia !
Giovani rampolli mai mancarono
Per estati e inverni, giorni e notti
Il talamo mio ei visitarono
Per gioir di flompini e sdrufolotti
Tal imprese oramai son di passati
E li guardo ancor con gran disdegno
Troppi in me si son avventurati
Lo retro mio è carne mica legno!
Vi canto amici miei, un'epica pornografia
Dello signore mio e della sua compagnia
Gli amanti l'han consumato, ma ha preso un'altra via
Guardo la mia amata e le sorrido
Porgendo la mia man da cavaliere
Con un gemito risponde, forse un grido
E la lecca, con sommo mio piacere
La distendo sul mio letto, l'accarezzo
Contropelo, senza fretta
Slaccio il collar suo, un gran bel pezzo
Che gioia far l'amor con la cagnetta!
Vi canto amici miei, un'epica pornografia
Dello signore mio e della sua compagnia
L'amor suo è sbocciato, si da alla zoofilia!


I crossed the valleys the dust of midlands
to search for the third key to open the gates
Now I'm near the altar the secret inside
as legend told my beloved sun light the dragon's eyes
On the way to the glory I'll honor my sword
to serve right ideals and justice for all
For the king for the land for the mountains
for the green valleys where dragons fly
for the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword
Only a warrior with a clear heart
could have the honour to be kissed by the sun
Yes I am that warrior I followed my way
Led by the force of cosmic souls I can reach the sword
In a long bloody battle that prophecies told
the light will prevail hence wisdom is gold
For the king for the land for the mountains
for the green valleys where dragons fly
for the glory the power to win the black lord
I will search for the emerald sword


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Out in the forest, on the grass I lay
Reading a volume I bought on eBay
The pages are dusty, yellow and old
Mystical secrets I'm starting to unfold
Warmth, wisdom, gaudium and bliss
A trickle of glory springs like the dog piss
Shower of gold, non sparkling beverage
The low rate of carbohydrates makes me bold...
Aaahhh Aaahhh Aaahhh
Delizia, primizia, malizia
Peperlizia, egizia, immondizia
Aaahhh Aaahhh Aaahhh
Patrizia, sevizia, letizia
Giudizia, Yakuzia, Pomezia
Page after page, line after line
Delicious taste, excrement of a swine
Darky and brown, creamy consistence
Enters my mouth, I oppose no resistance
Ooohhh Ooohhh Ooohhh
Gentile, robusto e fruttato
Prelibato e gustoso al palato
Ooohhh Ooohhh Ooohhh
Caramella, fruittella, Graziella
Mozzarella, nutella, Scaramella
Blessed be, Karkagnor, with no other term
Who forged yummy dishes, but flavoured like sperm
Blessed be, Karkagnor, the almighty cook
It makes my mouth water, the sight of his book
But now, what I see? Cholesterol, lipids in me!
Monosaccharides, polysaccharides,
I'm still longing for thee!
Proteinic support is now starting to flee. this is hell!
Thanks to your meal I've contracted hepatite C
Damned be, Karkagnor, and your poisoned food
Unhealty and toxic but nonetheless good
Damned be, Karkagnor, you unholy chef
Forbidden by both FAO and UNICEF
Damned be, Karkagnor, and your poisoned food!
Cialda croccante al sapor di pupù
Damned be, Karkagnor, you unholy Chef!
In un mondo di malinconia al caffè
And where have you been, Kai Hansel my son?
And where have you been, my Hanson young man?
I've been to Sad Donald, mother make my bed soon
'Cos I'm full in the stomach, rest all the afternoon
And what did you eat there, Kai Hansel my son?
And what did you eat there, Mike Jackson young man?
An Unhappy Meal, mother free toilet soon
'Cos my anus is whistling for a shit like the moon
And how was the food there, Kai Hansel my son?
And how was the food there, Rich' Benson young man?
Delicious but cruel, mother dig my grave soon
For I'm doomed by Karkagnor's sick plexiglass spoon

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