My Heart To Fear : Lost Between Brilliance and Sanity

Post Hardcore / USA
(2012 - Solid State Records)



Why do we paint the walls of our churches
with the tears of the starving children?
Your genocide establishment

Day by day
You grow more complacent
Night by night
The money's wasted

Repent, Repent
Where is your heart?
Where is your heart?
Where is your heart?

Look me in the face
Tell me that you're doing
all you can to show God's grace

You are the disease
We are the vaccine

The lies hung above your head
are the millstone to break your neck
The lies hung above your head
are the millstone to break your neck

In the end all your wealth
Will only be coals
That fuel the fire
To burn down your walls
All of your wealth
Will only be coals
That fuel the fire
To burn down your walls

Where is your heart?

I disassociate all of your mistakes
From what I represent here on this stage
And when the day is done
Where are the ones you love?
All I see are dollar signs scribed on every page

You are the disease
You are the disease
Our love is the vaccine


Father where have I gone
I’ve been far away for far too long
I need You now to just show
Come and fill the void that she sewed shut
I’m sorry I replaced You
But will I ever find love

All I want is a hand to hold
Another heart to cherish
A warmth that I can recognize without even opening my eyes
I need you more than ever
I don’t wanna have to think
I need her to be satisfied

Where did you go because I know
I can’t be satisfied
I’d like to think that I’d be okay dying alone
I’d like to say I’ll find a way
But what’s the use in telling lies

Father where have I gone
One of my biggest fears is dying alone
But if that’s what it takes to follow my dreams
Then make it so
I want to fall in love before the end of the world
Will I ever fall in love
You would think this is a minimal price to pay for the cause
Of following my dreams
But oh how I long for the feeling
Oh how I long


Six years of climbing and we're not done yet
A brotherhood of memories that we'll never forget
Conquer the mountain
Walk through the sea
There is no stopping us now
There is no stopping us now

I fear no man
And when the wicked stand in arms against me
I'll know what I died for
For I know that death is just a means of transportation

We haven't gotten where we are because we waited for this to get easy
Through bloodshed, sweat, and tears we have defied the laws of success
When the chips were down and all we had was our familiy, friends, and common sense
We will never be content
We came as children and left as men
This will never happen again

This is our legacy
We're all accounted for
So let us proudly proclaim:
This is a family
We've found what truly matters
(Family, faith, pride, brotherhood!)

Bring me the darkest hour
Show me the hardest way
(No) This is
(No) My risk
Never cease to persist
Bring me the darkest hour
Show me the hardest way
(No) This is
(No) My risk
Never cease to persist

This is our world to take over
This is our world to take over

Through every thought, every cold
Every dream I'll ever hold
I'll shed my blood
I'll shed my tears
I'll fight my way through all my fears
Through every thought, every cold
Every dream I'll ever hold
I'll shed my blood
I'll shed my tears
I'll fight my way through all my fears
A brotherhood of memories that we'll never forget


Will you take my life like you said you would?
Or you prove to me that all the words you ever said
Were empty cartridges from your magnum mouth

Happy birthday
Here's your gift and I don't plan to stay
A button to reset that jaw every single time it dislocates

From the awe of what I am
And the weight of what you're not
From the awe of what I am
And the weight of what you're not
You're not!

I don't need your opinions
They're all just anchors for the weak
You're like a wave in the ocean
You sound like all the rest

All who fear your words haven't lost the battle
They just can't see it from my view
If they knew you just like I do
You never follow through

Inspire me unless all your attempts
Spent every bit of intelligence
You'll ever get
If you want to waste your own time looking for my faults
Then the only one who will ever care is you

So, go ahead!

You sound like all the rest
You have one life to live
And my deepest form of revenge
Is watching you waste it
But if you took my life like you said you would
Blowing bullet holes deeper than your magnum mouth could
I'd part your pride like the sea
I'd part your pride like the sea
You couldn't bury my dreams


We haunt these walls
Stud for stud
Every nook, every cranny
Blood for blood

The curtain opens as angel takes the floor

Steady your nerves
Your sleepless nights are about to return

Give me your eyes for just a minute
I will not let you down
We can play hide and seek
As long as you speak
Of my name on your way out


Son, son
If you don’t pray before you sleep
You will be prey yourself
The demons will taunt
Slyly they’ll play
Softly their aged voices sing
Damn you
Damn you
Damn you
You will be mine

You say it’s all in my head
Tell that to the camera
You say it’s all

No demon, no man, no power that be
Could ever have the strength
To keep you from me
To keep you from

Bringer of the morning

Subjugate the child

We watch you in your sleep

If demons exist
God does too
And don’t get me wrong
In essence it’s true but
That’s the snare that caught my feet
Because now every night they watch me sleep
They watch me sleep

We watch you sleep

;歌词由 添加 SirXVI - 修改此歌词