My Dying Bride : Meisterwerk II

Death Doom / United-Kingdom
(2001 - Peaceville Records / Snapper Music)
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Pour yourself into me
our time approaches so near, that I sigh
what danger in such an adorer?
we dance and the music dies
we carry them all away
as we glide through their lost eyes
you lift me above myself
with the ghostly lake on your mind
arise from your slumber in my arms
your beauty took the strength from me
in the meadows of heaven, we run through the stars
romantic in our tastes, we are without excuse
we burn in our lust, we die in our eyes
and drown in our arms


Looking across the way, she yells out loud
got no time today, I'm still stuck in this crowd
pushing them from my face, she isn't far behind
I'll win this human race if I obey the signs

Throw my hands in the air
I'm fucking mad, no one cares
I'd kill them all without a thought
take a bow when I get caught

She's closer now, just a throw away
I cannot slow, I cannot stay
she screams to me, one last chance
I stumble 'round and catch a glance


Burdens of grief that weigh against me
aid my tired eyes in their search for pitch
your kind heart now pines for whom the God's love
dies young wrapped and confounded in a thousand fears
the sadness I present, smiles with tears
where once I'd loved now lied forlorn beauty
and wars abhorred by mothers

No man lives so poor as he was born
we don't remember pure sensations
gaze peacefully into the past
I am dust, and to dust I shall return
Belial, Mephisto, both shall burn me up
devour my sad whimpering
the cutting whip is mine to feel
no symphony in mind to colour my dreams

Poena damni, sorrow everywhere
please pray for me when deep sleep falls on men
father, hold me, I am yours to bear, ad te

In the play which he has written for the world
night is the mother of sleep
old age is a malady of which one dies
augury of a better age sages as far as the beard
their wounds smelled so sweetly
temptation, the father of my lust
chalcedony shines like the new born

Stricken I'd raise my dripping limbs, splendid was the innocents' fall
laugh to scorn would our foe, amid wars laws are silent
drop by drop in sleep upon the heart
falls the laborious memory of pain
in the rich upheaval of vast choirs, death shall flee from me


A cruel sleep 'cross our land, all withered and dying
as the fall, the victims, they're dying a sad death
in our land, we lay down and suffer again

A dark girl 'cross our land is pacing, is praying
and with her, a fever, a marching black fever
no eyes see, no features, just black form, suffering

You have her sympathy, you have her tears
she tries only to take all your fears
the pain she feels when she drinks your soul
is hers to suffer, it is her toll
believe me, she's helpless when she curses our land
when she swallows light, it's not her hand

Poison awaits when you kiss her
her heart cries out for you, for me
untold misery is hers to serve out for eternity
out cold, mankind will stay forevermore
if she gets her way, she can't help it
it's her curse to sing your pain in her own verse

She is the dark, the nightmares you hide
the pain you feel, the suffering inside
though she was like you, through her dark past
but now, the conqueror, her choirs vast
oh, please forgive her as mankind dies
as angels weep and heaven cries


If my child should die before me
the sweetness of youth, a smile that sings
eyes alight insanely butchered, perverse drooling
horrific beyond restraint

Lord of the dance, lust is murder for this brave man
high, slaughtering general in a white feathered army
mort knows your name, his, before your time
I'd love to see you suffer, too much to be called a crime

The sweetness of youth, a smile that sings
eyes alight insanely butchered, perverse drooling
you cannot even pray, for you have no god


What is it you hope for, even though you are dying?
and even though life is closing your tiny eyes
why did I leave them all?
I should be with them to die in the same place
the pain I think, should go on forever, for always
but no, not mine, not now, my life now begins

Call me what you will, but I'll die for no man, at all
my limbs and the life that spreads from them
cross my path and you'll suffer like no man before, at all
what I hunger for, is the trial of God

For just two winters only did we live for
my God, what have you become? dear, dear Lord

We could have changed the world, had you been here with me
right now, held you in my arms, in my arms, my love
Jesus wept so man could live forever on earth, in peace
but my tears, they fall for you, only you


Your bloodied body is what I cling to
in powerful rain, they laid their heads to die
let your dark, thirsty eyes drink deep the sights of me
it's sad that in our blindness we gather thorns for flowers
your river holds a feast of danger
the suffering you have had to bear
I'd die for that moment one more time
the loved one falls below your ideals
pleasure too safely enjoyed lacks zest
the brave lick their sickening lips
rigid, handsome and a poet, a king in his passionate castle
where now? feed me, hold me, save me, save yourself
where now? which way? dear God, show me
take your own, struggle free, arise, you're ruined
stand down, your kin piled thick around you, save yourself


Some velvet morning when I'm straight
I'm gonna open up your gate
and maybe tell you 'bout Phaedra
and how she gave me life and how she made it end
some velvet morning when I'm straight

Some velvet morning when I'm straight
I'm gonna open up your gate
and maybe tell you 'bout Phaedra
and how she gave me life and how she made it end
some velvet morning when I'm straight

Flowers are the things we knew
secrets are the things we grew
learn from us very much
look at us, but do not touch
Phaedra is my name

Some velvet morning when I'm straight
I'm gonna open up your gate
and maybe tell you 'bout Phaedra
and how she gave me life and how she made it end
some velvet morning when I'm straight


Can't anybody see? you've got a war to fight
never found our way, regardless of what they say

How can it feel this wrong?
from this moment, how can it feel this wrong?

Storm in the morning light, I feel
no more can I say, frozen to myself
I got nobody on my side and surely that ain't right
and surely that ain't right

Can't anybody see? you've got a war to fight
never found our way, regardless of what they say

How can it feel this wrong?
from this moment, how can it feel this wrong?

Can't anybody see? you've got a war to fight
never found our way, regardless of what they say

How can it feel this wrong?
from this moment, how can it feel this wrong?

Lyrics geaddet von Morticia - Bearbeite die Lyrics